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11月5日 Saturday 星期六
The Seven Mile Journey 七英里 新专辑中国巡演北京站
2016年10月,来自丹麦的The Seven Mile Journey——七英里,携最新力作《Templates for Mimesis》回归!
The Seven
Mile Journey成立于1999年,无比低调,却创造出数张如苦行僧一般摄人心魄的史诗巨制,获得超高口碑。2015年,The Seven Mile Journey首次中国巡演,九座城市几乎场场售罄,这支静默如谜的丹麦乐队给中国乐迷带来了一场场充满哲学意味的内心探索旅程!
for Mimesis》是The Seven Mile Journey第五张全长作品。新专辑中,乐队引入古老的“Mimesis”概念,即艺术创作中对现实与自然的模仿。由此,他们进一步探索了创作者内在精神世界与所模仿的现实世界的关系,不断追问主体与客体之间的微妙因果。
Seven Mile Journey常常能构建出沉思般的忧郁氛围,他们的音乐慑人心魄,营造山雨欲来风满楼的压迫感。即使是那些听似凝缓的章节,也潜伏着一种未知的不安跟躁动,预感到必有一场风暴的来临。 仿佛行走在有着巨大冰凌的斯堪的纳维亚半岛,深邃的海,呼啸的风,没有怜悯,只有悲怆。
The Seven
Mile Journey在《Templates for Mimesis》中首次加入钢琴音色,使这趟音乐旅程不再被纯粹的暗潮包裹。他们在数年的苦行沉思中似乎领悟到超越黑暗的深厚力量。明亮的琴音从克制低沉的吉他中突出重围,似迷雾中屹立的灯塔,引领乐曲在匍匐中朝着闪烁微光前行。《Templates for Mimesis》将于
来自卢森堡的四人乐队Mutiny On The Bounty (以下简称MOTB) 是近年来欧洲math rock、post hardcore中旗帜鲜明的乐队。他们的音乐中有着Battles的杂糅,And So I Watch You From Afar的能量和Foals的流行引力。加载上摇滚的撕裂能量和电气化的多变音响,MOTB从渲染暗流涌动的氛围走向制造直抵心扉的激昂能量。
成军至今,MOTB完成了超过500场欧洲演出,且与众多同风格乐队Russian Circles、Biffy Clyro、Portugal The Man、And So I Watch You From Afar同台,还登上了SXSW(美国)、Roskilde Festival(丹麦)、Primavera Sound Festival(西班牙)、Arctangent(英国)、Fusion Festival等重要音乐节。本次 The Seven
Mile Journey中国巡演,Mutiny On The Bounty将作为特别嘉宾与TSMJ 同台演出,在北京、上海 、杭州首次亮相。
New Noise
proudly presents an 8 city tour for Danish instrumentalists the Seven Mile
Journey presenting their new album “Templates for Mimesis “, it signifies the 5th release
from the Danish quartet, further exploring what is internal, external and
exists in the mimesis between the two causalities.
Through the
years The Seven Mile Journey has played numerous venues and festivals
throughout Europe and Asia including headlining the Dunk Festival and the
Danish Roskilde Festival.
Their last passage in China didn’t go unnoticed with 8 cities in
a row completely sold out. The Seven Mile Journey exude an aesthetic laden with
contemplative gloom and the intelligent sparseness of storytelling. In
successfully avoiding spectacle and excessive musical speculation, The Seven
Mile Journey have crafted a style of their own which asks questions of its
listeners, yet yields few answers.The power of Seven Mile Journey lies in
what's in the middle of songs - not in the climaxes. The band fully maintained
the excellence at drawing the listeners into their twisted world.
upcoming album will be a co-release with the Belgium label Dunk Records and the
Danish label Fonogram, distributed in Asia through New Noise.
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 120 (presale | on a