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瑞典独立流行名团MARCHING BAND中国巡演北京站

Price: ¥90

Monday, October 24, 2016 21:00 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥90

瑞典独立流行名团MARCHING BAND中国巡演北京站

Monday, October 24, 2016 21:00 to 23:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥90

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Monday, October 24, 2016 21:00 to 23:00

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10月24日 Monday 星期一

瑞典独立流行名团MARCHING BAND中国巡演北京站

Swedish Indie Pop MARCHING BAND China tour in Beijing

来自瑞典马尔默的Marching Band,虽然取名为Marching Band,但核心成员只有两位:Jacob Lind和Erik Sunbring。2007年成立至今,他们已经发表了三张专辑,并在北欧Indie Pop领域里有自己的一席之地。

2008年,Marching Band远赴美国洛杉矶,在那里与美国知名制作人Adam Lasus (Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!、Yo La Tengo等独立名团的御用制作人)一起合作,完成了他们的首张专辑《Spark Large》。《滚石》杂志(Rolling Stone)这样评论Marching Band:“瑞典双人组亲自构架了他们独特的枕边流行曲,同时也受到了一些迷幻乐队的影响”(The Swedish duo crafts their own brand of pillowy pop, brightened with bands of psychedelia.)。

2010年,Marching Band邀请了瑞典知名制作人Jari Haapalainen(Ed Harcourt、Camera Obscura、The Concretes等名团御用制作人)担任他们第二张专辑《Pop Cycle》的制作人。Pitchfork给了这张专辑8分的高分。2014年1月,Marching Band的第三张专辑《So Much Imagine》正式发表,这张历时三年多才打造出的专辑由乐队主脑Jacob和Erik亲自完成。之后乐队展开了首次日本巡演,并大获成功。

2016年10月,Marching Band将带着他们的第四张专辑《Heart Jewel》展开亚洲巡演,除了再度造访日本之外,他们还将清汤音乐邀请首次登录中国展开巡演。

此外,Marching Band的歌曲在众多影视剧中被采用,其中就包括:Zombieland (Sony Pictures)、Nick And Norah's Infinite Playlist (Sony Pictures)、How I Met Your Mother (CBS)、Scrubs (ABC)、90210 (CW)、The Ex List (CBS)、Jersey Shore (MTV) and Cougar Town (ABC)等等。

Marching Band is an indie-pop band based in Malmo, Sweden and Berlin, Germany, formed by Jacob Lind and Erik Sunbring. Their new album, So Much Imagine, is due January 21st, 2014. The songs were written and recorded during a two year period when Jacob and Erik were moving away from Link?ping, their student city and home for the last seven years. Moving closer to their respective girlfriends and further away from each other made them work even harder to perfect the ultimate follow up to their albums Spark Large and Pop Cycle.

Marching Band’s debut album Spark Large was recorded in sunny Los Angeles, CA with Adam Lasus (Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!, Yo La Tengo), and Pop Cycle was recorded during the two most miserable winter months of the year in Stockholm with legendary Swedish producer Jari Haapalainen (Ed Harcourt, Camera Obscura, The Concretes). The new recording was made over a much longer period of time. This was possible because Jacob and Erik recorded it completely on their own, working in their own studio. The ultimate result is a musically diverse record. The lyrics are more personal than ever, yet So Much Imagine still has the trademark Marching Band sound – intricate melodies and complex arrangements with an effortless, undeniable pop-feeling.

In 2008, Jacob and Erik released Spark Large, their first full-length album on U & L Records. Upon hearing it Rolling Stone’s “Hype Monitor” wrote: “The Swedish duo crafts their own brand of pillowy pop, brightened with bands of psychedelia.” They quickly gained early radio support in Los Angeles when tracks from the debut surfaced on KCRW and INDIE 103.1. In the months to follow their music found fans at NPR where they were featured on “World Café,” “Second Stage” and “Song of the Day.” Marching Band was also featured in Billboard’s Underground Column and got the attention of one of the most discerning critics – Pitchfork. Allmusic Guide wrote about the “little rhythmic and moody pop nuggets” of 2010’s Pop Cycle: “Ultimately, as with all of Pop Cycle’s material, songs like the swirling, piano-driven opening cut “Another Day” and the sparkling “Uncomfortably Numb,” while melancholy and bittersweet in tone, still grab your ear as much as they break your heart.”

In addition, Marching Band has earned the attention of music supervisors for both film and TV. As a result their songs have been featured in Zombieland (Sony Pictures), Nick And Norah’s Infinite Playlist (Sony Pictures), How I Met Your Mother (CBS), Scrubs (ABC), 90210 (CW), The Ex List (CBS), Jersey Shore (MTV) and Cougar Town (ABC).

Now Marching Band’s much-anticipated album, So Much Imagine, is set for a Jan 21, 2014 release on UNCrecords in Europe, and U & L Records in North America (it was released October 8th, 2013 in Japan by &records). The new album is a full sounding, ear tickling compilation of songs and sure to win them even more fans.

晚9点 // 120元(现场)/ 90元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 9 // Rmb 120 (door) / 90 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

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