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9月21日 Wednesday 星期三
Aesthesys来自莫斯科,是一支享誉世界的、极为难得的新古典后摇乐队。乐队在2007年刚创建的时候,是主创Nickholas Koniwzski单人的、以古典小提琴为主要古典器乐风格的个人音乐计划。随着近9年内不间断的演出经历、世界巡回演出的不断积累,以及优秀的乐队成员不断的加入,以及与世界最知名的后摇大牌们God Is An Astronaut、And So I Watch You From Afar、Ef、sleepmakeswaves等的同台演出,也使得Aesthesys如今成为了一支世界级别的新古典后摇乐队。
2008年,乐队将自己录制的首张DEMO发布到音乐分享网站TheSirensSound上,很快开始受到了世界各地乐迷的关注。 2011年受邀参加了东欧最大最知名的Astral Festival后摇音乐节,与英国后摇乐队的65daysofstatic、Maybeshewill和日本著名数学摇滚乐队TOE同台演出。2014年比利时的dunk!festival音乐节的邀请,促成了他们首次大型的整个欧洲巡演。乐队在法国、荷兰、匈牙利、比利时等国家进行了巡回演出,并与世界后摇大牌乐队God Is An Astronaut、And So IWatch You From Afar、Ef、sleepmakeswaves等同台表演,使得Aesthesysy成为了真正意义上的世界级新古典后摇乐队。
乐队中每一个人也从事着其他一些互相关联的音乐项目,比如,鼓手Nik用各种各样奇怪的绰号,在录制一些电子的小东西;键盘吉他Victor,用“Aliass”的名字做了很多不同类型的其他音乐;吉他手Eldar有一个solo音乐项目;音乐工程师Ivan跟其他好几个乐队一起做音乐。而且,Nik、Victor、Ivan又创建了一个音乐声场论坛,同时还会时不时发行一些原声的独立音乐, 其他一些跟音乐相关的工作方面,比如说混音、母带处理、声音设计等等。这些相关工作的尝试,也让他们对Aesthesys的音乐有了更加深层次的认知。
在一次采访中被问及什么样的乐队给Aesthesys最大的影响时,作为乐队创始人之一的Nik回答道个人比较喜欢比较先锋激进的东西,最喜欢的乐队叫“Kayo Dot”(来自美国的前卫碾核),乐队其他人还是都很喜欢后摇的,但他们也不是那种被称为“脑残粉”的听众。他比较期望,乐队可以成为那种容纳包容任何种音乐风格的乐队,那样他们也可以保证自己,不会一直陷入以前的思路。而是能够融入更多有趣的元素,并使在音乐方面的创造力更多样化。所以就需要发现、需要不断发展和接触新的元素和内容。它看起来好像挺简单的,就是发发专辑呀演个出,其实不是的,这些都只是工作的冰山一角,而这些工作中有太多隐藏着的东西了。
Aesthesys is an instrumental outfit based in
Moscow, Russia. Founded by Nik Koniwzski as his one-man project back in 2007,
it has eventually evolved into an ensemble performing post-rock music with
ambient and neo classical influences by becoming a quartet in the end of 2011,
with Eldar Ferzaliev, Dmitry Solopov and Arsentiy Karpov joining as guitarist,
bassist and drummer. A few months later Ivan Lubiany joined the team as band's
sound engineer, and byearly 2013 band widened once more with Victor Krabovich
joining as keyboardist.
Aesthesys performed live across many European
countries, including at the biggest post-rock festivals of Europe -
dunk!festival (Belgium) and Astral(Russia), and shared the stage with such
bands as God is an Astronaut,65daysofstatic, Maybeshewill. And So I Watch You
From Afar, Ef, sleepmakeswaves and many others.
The current lineup consists of Sasha Coudray (bass
guitar), Nikita Sarukhanov (drums), EldarFerzaliev (guitar), Victor
Krabovich (guitar, keyboards),
NikKoniwzski (violin, keyboards, guitar) and Ivan Lubiany (sound
Apart from Aesthesys we have connections with a
bunch of other projects: Nikrecords eclectic stuff under the variety of monikers,
Victor creates various music as aliass, Eldar has a solo-project 365
years in a year, while Ivan works with so many other bands that the rest of
this page would hardly be enough to list them all. Also Nik, Victor and Ivan
founded a sound workshop murmur where they also release original
music under murmur's moniker apart from other lines of work with sound (like
mixing, mastering, creating sound design, etc).
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)