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9月18日 Sunday 星期日
Stella Promotion呈现
Yuck新专辑《Stranger Things》 2016中国巡演
Yuck《Stranger Things》 2016 China Tour
集90年代indie rock精华于一身的英国乐队Yuck,组建于2009年的伦敦。乐队的前身是由主唱Daniel Blumberg和吉他手Max Bloom在学生时代组建且曾名噪一时的Cajun Dance Party。随后乐团加入了来自美国新泽西的鼓手Johnny和日本广岛贝斯Mariko。2011年乐团凭借第一张同名专辑便在欧美摇滚音乐圈占有一席之地。良好的听众口碑,多家主流媒体的高度认可,让这支年轻的实力乐团顺利的登上了世界各地的大型音乐节,比如西班牙的Primavera Sound、法国的Pitchfok、美国的SXSW音乐节等。
Yuck博取了优秀前辈乐队之所长,即便常常被打上了My Bloody Valentine、Pavement、Yo La Tengo、Dinosaur Jr、Teenage Fanclub甚至Nirvana、Oasis乃至Blur的标签,这依然无法掩盖乐队自身的优点。厚实稠密的吉他噪音墙、清爽的吉他和弦、流畅上口的旋律。急促的噪音,不安的情绪,莫名的青春活力与冲动,这是一支非常适合夏天聆听的乐团。台湾乐评人陈德政曾在2011年的西班牙春之声看过他们的现场,随即给出了如下的评价:明明是英伦队伍,曲风却如此「美式独立」,难怪Yuck刚出道时常被乐迷搞错国籍。
2013年乐队的灵魂人物Daniel Blumberg因个人音乐项目繁忙而无暇兼顾乐团,于是抱憾离团。吉他手Max Bloom接棒主唱,贝斯手Mariko担任和声。Daniel的离开,并没有停滞Yuck的前行,至目前为止乐队已发行了三张录音室全长专辑。去年4月份Stella Promotion曾邀请Yuck在京沪两地举办了两场精彩的巡演。今年2月份甫发新专辑的Yuck将于9月份举办新专辑的亚洲巡演,乐队将再一次造访中国,此行除了京沪两地之外还增加了广州站。
新专辑名为《Stranger Things》,可翻译为怪事,或是奇怪的东西。整张专辑呈现出不同以往的全新面貌,形式更加丰富,情感更加细腻,旋律相比上一张专辑更加朗朗上口。无可厚非这是一张可以让那些在唱衰乐团少了主创人物便无法继续下去的看客们大惊失色的唱片。也是一张让长期支持他们的乐迷喜出望外的唱片。至于新专辑的现场到底听起来如何,让我们9月巡演见分晓吧!
Yuck channel their college-rock jones with skill and charm, balancing in-the-red guitar fuzz with melodic sweetness.——Rolling Stone
With comparisons to Dinosaur Jr., Sonic Youth and My Bloody Valentine, Yuck shoulder an immense burden. It seems almost impossible for the London-based fuzz-pop outfit to emulate or even meet the acclaim, plaudits and success that the aforementioned shoegaze legends have wallowed in. However, Yuck are giving it a blimmin' good try.
Two of the members (Max Bloom and Daniel Blumberg – though the latter has subsequently scarpered to participate in solo project Hebronix) are Cajun Dance Party alumni, bringing their indie experience into the fold. This adds a sense of warmth and melody that shoegaze often lacks, and gives Yuck a vital edge amid the slurry of distortion permeating the airwaves these days. Together on stage they cut meandering shapes, swooning about in a delirious haze and swaying in the wind like fey sunflowers. However, when the time calls for intensity, they wear fingertips to the bone strumming, thwacking and picking with the force of 10,000 '90s rockers. They may appear chillaxed on first glance, but they can delve into utter sonic insanity on a whim, spinning off hook-laden pop tunes like “The Wall”, “Milkshake” and “Rebirth” with a maniacal pep. Their shows are mesmerising, blending the elegiac tranquillity of layered guitar rock, and the effervescent buzz of bubblegum pop.(by Larryday)
Last year,Yuck toured in China.This time Yuck will take his new album Stranger Things come to China,and will give three lives in Guangzhou,Shanghai and Beijing.If you like them,don’t miss this tour.
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)