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A$AP Ferg + Little Simz 北京联合专场

价格: ¥300

2016年9月14日 星期三 23:30 至 9月15日 星期四 02:00
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

价格: ¥300

A$AP Ferg + Little Simz 北京联合专场

2016年9月14日 星期三 23:30 至 9月15日 星期四 02:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

价格: ¥300

时间 地点

2016年9月14日 星期三 23:30 至 9月15日 星期四 02:00



主办方 联系主办方






浏览: 1,429

914 Wednesday 星期三


混凝草音乐节呈现 Concrete & Grass Presents

A$AP Ferg + Little Simz 北京联合专场 Live in Beijing

Guest : 大卫 DAWEI


美国街头霸王A$AP Ferg与英国说唱奇才Little Simz将于9月14日晚11:30为北京观众带来一场意义非凡的嘻哈深夜专场,届时北京跨界说唱人大卫也将以嘉宾的身份登台献上残酷又诗意的说唱表演。

张扬的街头帝王A$AP FERG

在纽约哈林区成长的经历,使得A$AP Ferg真实而又纯粹。作为Hip Hop的发祥地,纽约孕育了诸如Notorious B.I.G、Ol' Dirty Bastard、Jay Z这样的不胜枚举的饶舌巨星,2012年,来自哈林区的A$AP Mob团队横空出世,首先由A$AP Rocky的Mixtape引起了乐迷和乐评的注意,而在同一年里,A$AP Ferg则凭借着《Work》脱颖而出,他之后发表的正式专辑《Trap Lord》,收录了饶舌功力一绝的夜场神曲《Shabba》在内的13首发自肺腑、富有远见的嘻哈佳作,进一步把他推向了说唱界的巅峰。

而在今年的第二张专辑《Always Strive and Prosper》里,A$AP Ferg贡献出了一张堪称年度最佳专辑候选的优秀作品,一问世便荣登Billboard嘻哈榜亚军席次。Ferg在其中以真实得近乎残酷的说唱和堪称豪华的音乐制作把他的音乐事业带到了顶峰。

除在说唱界如鱼得水,出身于艺术世家的A$AP Ferg更是凭借过人的设计天赋与经营头脑的时尚界玩的风风火火,自创潮牌Trap Lord和Devoni与Bape、Adidas的联名合作也令他在潮流界名扬四海。

想象力惊人的说唱新秀LITTLE SIMZ

凭借魅力非凡又不失锋利的作品和稳健成熟的歌词,Little Simz正步步为营,日渐成名。她得到了André 3000、Snoop Dogg、Timbaland和Kendrick Lamar等大牌认可,与Dizzee Rascal共同录音,在Mixtape中还与Jay Z进行了合作——在于2015年末发布首张个人专辑前,她就获得了这些所有的成就。 

从《Complex》、《VEVO》、《i-D》,《XX》和《Variety》这些杂志到《The Independent》、《BBC》和《The Guardian》等权威音乐媒体,每一家都称赞她为说唱界的新希望。她的专辑就像艺术品,随心所欲却内容密集,一段唱词所包含的内容胜过他人的整张专辑。她的首尾韵脚精确细致,伴以缓拍节奏和爵士元素,特色鲜明而引人入胜。



地下传奇跨界说唱人物大卫,同时还有着诗人、导演、武术老师等多重身份,90后的他在高中时就开始练习说唱,穿着校服在当年的白兔Club赢得了第一场说唱Battle之后,知名度迅速在圈内扩散来开,受到崔健的喜爱。2015年末,他独立制作发行了首张专辑《情欲 伤疤 被侮辱的人》包含自导自演的MV和一本诗集,通过不同载体展现了这位年轻艺术家眼中焦灼、腐败而不乏美感的世界。


Maverick, meet genius. Two contenders to the hip-hop throne in one stellar bill.

Concrete & Grass presents a very special Beijing sideshow for our annual Shanghai music festival. A$AP Ferg, pope of the ‘hood, lord of the wordplay, and Little Simz, the UK Hip-Hop prodigy with rapid-fire delivery and astonishing imagination. A special late night mid-week gig.

First time in China for both. What an introduction it’s going to be. Wednesday, 14 September, 11:30pm onwards at Yugong Yishan. On support duty, Beijing’s own rogue historian / madcap rapper, the wushu shifu battle master Dawei 大卫.

Yep, 11:30pm. We’re calling it: it’s going to be the craziest hip-hop party to roll through Beijing this year. Ticketing info is coming soon – just follow our Wechat channel for updates!


Harlem born and raised. It doesn't get much realer than A$AP Ferg.

New York has nurtured the rise of an almost endless list of big players in the rap game (Notorious B.I.G., Ol' Dirty Bastard , Jay Z). Harlem's A$AP Mob only doubled-down on the city's dominance in 2012 when A$AP Rocky's mixtapes garnered widespread critical acclaim. Ferg's own big break came in the same year; his track 'Work' an absolute standout in the Mob's Lord$ Never Worry mixtape.

His debut solo effort Trap Lord gained universal plaudits, drawing comparisons to legends of the genre. 2016 follow up Always Strive and Prosper is already a contender for album of the year. It's brutally honest. Deep in both content and production. It's Ferg at the top of his game.

Vice asked in an interview, “Can Ferg be his generation's next great visionary?”

All things considered, we think he already is.


"I'm a King. Yeah I said it. Who can tell me different?"

At the moment, no-one can.

Charismatic, fierce and lyrically mature, Little Simz’s ascent has been nothing short of spectacular.   She’s been endorsed by André 3000, Snoop Dogg, Timbaland and Kendrick Lamar, clocked studio hours with Dizzee Rascal and had her mixtape featured by Jay-Z. All before her debut album dropped in late 2015.

She’s tipped to become rap’s next great hope by everyone from Complex, VEVO, i-D, XXL and Variety to The Independent, the BBC and The Guardian. On record, her verses are works of art – freewheeling and breathless, containing more in a verse than other rappers do in entire albums. Her signature stop-start rhymes are laser-focused, supported by jazzy, downtempo instrumentation.

On stage, she’s just as sharp, “going into songs as she might go into battle, eyes narrowed, ready to conquer.” It’s scintillating. All “Red-hot ambition and technical flair.”


Rogue historian, madcap rapper; wushu shifu, battle master. Dawei is a major paradox in a small package, a true poet provocateur. He began training himself in the art of battle rapping while still a high school freshman, inspired by online videos of MC duels. He gained instant underground credibility when he won his first ever battle at now-defunct Lucky Street club White Rabbit, destroying opponents who direly underestimated the short kid in the Beijing public school uniform. Like his most famous fan, Cui Jian, he's a staunch critic of the story being told, and one of the most respected voices spitting an alternative.

Dawei released his first major work, Lust, Scars, The Insulted Man, in early 2016. A psycho-libidinal, alt-historical parable comprising the young artist’s worldview in sound (CD), image (DVD), and word (poetry book). With his lyrically complex, often openly political songs and poems, Dawei remains a witting pariah on the outskirts of the Beijing hip hop underground, rejecting mainstream fame, wealth, and stability in an unflinching commitment to truth and purity in his art. Self-deprecating while self-aggrandizing, he’s the epitome of and antithesis to any MC stereotype.

晚11:30 // 300元(现场)

Pm 11:30 // Rmb 300 (door)




