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2016东兽祭 重型音乐创刊十六周年庆典之一

价格: ¥100

2016年9月1日 星期四 20:00 至 23:30
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

价格: ¥100

2016东兽祭 重型音乐创刊十六周年庆典之一

2016年9月1日 星期四 20:00 至 23:30 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

价格: ¥100

时间 地点

2016年9月1日 星期四 20:00 至 23:30



主办方 联系主办方






浏览: 1,451

91 Thursday 星期四

2016东兽祭 重型音乐创刊十六周年庆典之一


Beast Reign The East - Oriental Metal Festival Painkiller Magazine 16th Anniversary


晚8点 // 150元(现场)/ 100元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 8 // Rmb 150 (door) / 100 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

当整整一代中国摇滚乐迷在 [梦回唐朝]中第一次知道了“重金属”这三个字 , 伴随着强力失真而来占据我们脑中的联想并不是核战,脸谱化的魔王与撒旦,对天启的臆想,帕萨迪纳大街上的性感姑娘。而是个人英雄主义与古代侠客的灵魂附体,披肩的长发,思古念近的歌词,满是五声调式的韵律,重金属乐手近乎等同于当代的剑侠,只不过那冰冷的利剑幻化做了能奏出凌厉音符的电吉他;无独有偶,在海峡对岸,当[刺客乐队]在台北也以金属之名发轫之时,即使他们有比对岸同胞发达的多的资讯与物质基础,他们的音乐也与洛杉矶的同行们相去甚远,倒是与[唐朝][超载]有着异曲同工之妙。可以说,在整个华人文化圈,原创金属乐一开始就呈现了极强的“本土化,东方化”倾向。

随着时间的推移与资讯的快速扩散与交流,中国乐迷和乐手们惊喜的发现,在世界各个地方独立发展起来的金属音乐潮流,相当部分都融合了本地的传统文化与音乐元素。而最为人熟知的几乎都集中在了欧洲大陆,比如斯堪的纳维亚半岛的黑暗金属 Black Metal 运动,种种融合了北欧神话与维京史诗的Folk Metal 民谣金属 ,Pagan Metal 异教金属,融入欧洲古典音乐的交响金属等等大放异彩,也诞生了一批如 Nightwish , Amon Amarth 这样如今具有全球影响力的伟大乐队。也许是古老民族内心那种天生的自豪与趋近的审美趣味,这些音乐也迅速被中国乐迷所接受与喜爱。而始创于2000年的[重型音乐]杂志很大程度上是这些音乐潮流传播的推手与见证者,当这些见多识广的乐迷们操练起了乐器,一股不容小视的金属浪潮开始在东方酝酿。

无论是如今居于美国,融合蒙藏音乐与视觉元素的超重型团体-零壹 ,还是有国风金属开创者之称,业已解散的春秋,以及虽有争议,但确从宝岛起步,如今蜚声国际,堪称全球最著名华人金属乐队的闪灵;根植于港岛的南国极端金属重军招魂,纯粹汉风做派的梦灵等等,他们无论是音乐风格还是精神内核,都带有极强的东方色彩。虽然在以欧美为主导的金属乐团,来自亚洲的声音长久以来并未获得足够的重视,但在今天,我们有理由相信,经过10余年的努力,今天我们终将并肩站立在一起,让来自东方的异兽之吼,响彻金属王国。

九月一日,肃杀之秋的前夜。北京,愚公移山,六只来自不同城市,风格各异的乐队将聚集在这里,第一次驾驭东之异兽。这场演出同时也是[重型音乐]创立16周年庆典,这也是近十年来我们首度的纯粹华语乐队阵容庆典。我们将尽努力与能力,将这个夜晚无论从舞美,灯光,音效,设备,流程等各个方面与国际水准接轨,真正做到“ 本土音乐,国际水准 ”,请你务必来与我们共同完成这一份即将交付国际金属乐坛的“少数派报告”。

虚极 Bliss Illusion



楚歌 Song of Chu



梦灵 Dreamspirit



暴君 Bloody Tyrant



九宝 Nine Treasures 

对蒙古传统音乐与金属的完美结合,初生牛犊不怕虎的勇气使得他们在2013年的德国WOA Metal Battle 金属战火决赛中一战成名,被收录进Wacken 3D 纪录片。回国后人气暴涨,如今已经成为最知名的新一代中国金属乐队。迄今已经进行了两轮大获成功的欧洲巡演。

看点:欧巡归来 京城首演

施教日 Ritual Day


看点:全新舞美 特邀神秘嘉宾合作

A whole generation of Chinese rock fans were inspired by the ultimate master piece “Dreaming back to Tang Dynasty” where they encountered the term heavy metal for the first time. The picturesque heroism of Chinese ancient classics associated with warriors and swordsmen, long hair, martial power and imaginations of a long gone world of tales and sagas, put in frames perfectly by the heavy yet melodic guitar work of the mighty rock band Tang Dynasty. Maybe a coincidence, maybe a collective reversion in the spirit of time, also Taiwan’s front riders in metal Assassin featured elements of similar nature on their equally influential debut album “Your Home is a Zoo”. Also the first Chinese thrashers Overload and other bands featured traditional Chinese cultural elements in their early outputs. So since the dawn of Chinese metal the cultural heritage of ancient China has been deeply embedded within.

With the flow of time, development of metal music world wide has spread into all thinkable facets and directions, it seems a reversion to ethnical folklore culture and historical inheritance everywhere has always been in place in a global fashion. Starting from black metal originated from Scandinavia moving on to Viking metal and pagan metal to later what’s generally being called as folk metal. As metal music slowly becoming a global youth culture, metal from more and more parts of the world where people enjoy a long history of their own cultural identity are coming forth with stronger focus on the folk aspect both in music and lyrical expressions.

In midst of this progress, Painkiller Magazine was formed in the year 2000, as propagator of metal music and culture but also as its witness. Since the past 16 years, Painkiller Magazine has been reporting and watching international and domestic development of metal music closely, and to some extend even started being in action to be part of the progress to help present metal in more vivid ways of which was to actively support bands and promote live shows. The earliest Chinese pioneers of pagan metal Voodoo Kungfu, Chinese folk cult band Spring And Autumn or the first Chinese black metal band Ritual Day with their well-known features of oriental melodics, bands like these not only helped to shape and being an inspiration of today’s Chinese metal, they also has been long year companions along the path of Painkiller Magazine.

Even though Painkiller promotes more international acts on live shows these days, the Chinese metal propagators has always been seeking on new ways to support domestic units, especially to support and promote them aboard and internationally. Hongkong’s witchcraft black metal Evocation, north Chinese folklore metal format Dream Spirit, Inner Mongolian gallop metallers Nine Treasures, they all gained global recognition and reputation through Painkiller’s activities on international terrain in past few years.

If you follow recent movements of Chinese metal you will find an array of like-minded bands searching and exploring for a cultural identity of their own, emphasizing the cultural origins of the Chinese greatly. To emphasis and encourage such a quest of the new Chinese own metal it’s about time to put together carefully hand-picked pearls of this new wave to be presented and celebrated on a production never been seen before on Chinese ground.

Painkiller Magazine to its 16th anniversary will call out for such a great gathering on September 1st to celebrate the cultural craft of the east, revisited in form of sonic metal. This will be a momentum for an ancient eastern beast to rise again and to be crowned for a reign in full might. On this feast of Chinese own metal, a special collocation of lighting, sound, decoration and run down will be in place to provide this production with a quality of international standard. This will be an event to be remembered, make sure to be part of it to witness the rise of eastern metal!

Participating bands:

Bliss Illusion (虚极)

A rather young formation from Beijing delivering a fusion metal and folk elements in a postrock like incremental intensity in its almost ritualesque performance and emotional burst of musical extremes.

Song of Chu (楚歌)

Formed in 10 years ago hailing from Tianjin, descending from ancient warriors dominating the stage with classical Chinese tunes supported heavy grooves, the strength of 7-string metal guitars and a mighty voice that’s unique in the scene.

Dream Spirit (梦灵)

Originated from the Shandong’s Taishan Mountain, in the footsteps of Tang Dynasty and Spring And Autumn, they keep on the unfinished quest to revive the glory of Han and Tang in form of traditional melodic heavy metal.

Bloody Tyrant (暴君)

The black metal poets from Taiwan, harsh yet well played black metal in resonance with traditional Chinese sounds of Pipa and flutes, a both bizarre and picturesque imagery in black and white.

Nine Treasures (九宝)

Mongol gallop style metal riders on the path of their ancestors to take both the east and the west by storm. They just came back from their 3rd far west conquest and are on their way to become the new deities on Chinese metal pantheon.

Ritual Day (施教日)

Arch vampire of Chinese black metal, known throughout the worlds of underground for their oriental tunes and melodic guitar work. Now they are back in new arms and sophisticated sonic war tactics to take the world in reign.




