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Carsick Cars成立十周年纪念专场

Price: ¥80

Friday, August 19, 2016 21:30 to 23:30
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥80

Carsick Cars成立十周年纪念专场

Friday, August 19, 2016 21:30 to 23:30 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥80

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Friday, August 19, 2016 21:30 to 23:30

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Carsick Cars成立十周年纪念专场

Carsick Cars 10th Anniversary

嘉宾Guests:海朋森 HIPERSON / 仲佐与乐队 ZHONG ZUO AND BAND

晚9:30 // 100元(现场)/ 80元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 9:30 // Rmb 100 (door) / 80 (persale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

在不到十年的时间内,北京从一个在世界音乐场景中默默无闻的城市变成了全球范围内地下实验新音乐的领军城市之一。8月19日,见证并代表了这一转变的乐队——Carsick Cars,将在愚公移山带来他们本年度的首演。

Carsick Cars成立于2005年的3月,那时候国内开始兴起的地下实验音乐风潮迅速引起了国内外的关注,而乐队就诞生于这股风潮的浪尖上。虽然在那个时候,Carsick Cars只是因为不愿步所谓的中国音乐的后尘,便经常被人诟病为过于西化,但还是有一些年轻人开始意识到大家所谓的中国代表音乐只是停留在传统曲风或乐器上的老套音乐。由身处新浪潮中的北京乐队们所创造出的新音乐,才能够反映日新月异的现代中国。这样的音乐,正是对经济文化高速发展的中国的体现,一个由20年前贫穷落后的国家到现在这样一个多项科技世界领先的国家。

在成立至今的十年多时间,Carsick Cars巡演的足迹遍及中国,他们的乐迷数量也不断增长,主要是那些生活在北上广、注重生活品质的年轻人们。2010年左右,Carsick Cars及同一期间成立的这批乐队们已经将自己的影响力扩大到更广阔的地域,在许多北上广之外的城市,受到启发的年轻人们尝试创作自己的音乐,新的声音不断涌现。即使在香港和台北这样音乐场景与大陆截然不同的地方,年轻的乐手们也开始关注以北京为中心的新音乐场景。在这样的背景下,Carsick Cars开始成为许多音乐人的榜样。

这批音乐人的影响力并不仅限于国内。2006年,当时只有21岁的乐队主唱张守望受美国作曲家Glenn Branca之邀,参加了在纽约举行的《Symphony No. 13》演奏会。第二年,纽约传奇乐队Sonic Youth对外称Carsick Cars为他们最喜爱的年轻乐队,并且带他们一起进行了欧洲巡演。从纽约到柏林,再到世界其他许多国家,Carsick Cars在海外巡演中收获了众多海外乐迷,美国及欧洲的乐手们也对这支来自北京的乐队称赞有佳。

Carsick Cars 可能是最早得到世界范围内地下实验音乐人认可的第一批音乐人之一,不过对于即将在8月19日挤爆愚公移山的近千名年轻人来说,这跟他们并没有什么关系。他们想要的是去到这个真正属于他们自己的音乐现场,一个跟世界其他一流音乐现场无差的地方,并且他们以此为傲。观众们将会在愚公移山听到早已了然于心的歌,感受由极具创新力的吉他手张守望、技术精湛的鼓手王旭和来自美国的“北京人”Alex带来的噪音音浪、旋回反送和跳跃节拍。 

Carsick Cars已经发行的三张专辑几乎被囊落在每个必听中国唱片榜上。由于张守望上半年忙于参加《我们十五个》实景真人节目的录制,Carsick Cars没有进行任何演出。在这次盛大的十周年纪念演出之后,乐队将于九月至十月进行日本及美国巡演,谁都说不好这会不会是他们今年唯一一场在北京的专场演出,所以最好不要错过。

By now nearly everyone knows about Beijing’s sudden transformation in less than a decade from a musically unimportant city into one of the most exciting places in the world for new, experimental and underground music. On August 19, Carsick Cars, the band that symbolizes this transformation, will perform at Yugong Yishan for its first performance of 2016.

Founded in March 2005, Carsick Cars was at the center of a brilliant wave of Chinese underground and experimental music that very quickly attracted attention both in China and abroad. Although it was often criticized as being too Western because it refused to follow Chinese musical stereotypes, a small group of young people understood that these stereotypes were confused and culturally backward. The new music being created by this wave of Beijing bands is as modern as urban China, and just as obsessed with speed and technology. It is an expression of a new urban culture developing in China after the huge social transformations of the past 20 years, which turned a poor, mostly rural country into an urban society with cities whose residents are sometimes among the most technologically advanced in the world.

Over the past ten years, Carsick Cars has toured China relentlessly, building a growing audience of sophisticated young people in every major city in the country. By 2010, the music they and their peers in Beijing developed had inspired thousands of young Chinese in dozens of cities across China, who were soon adding their own voices to a musical explosion that took place across China. Even in Hong Kong and Taipei, where artists had always taken a different path, young musicians fell in love with the Beijing bands, and Carsick Cars became musical heroes that would inspire a Chinese underground music scene.

It was not just in China that these musicians made an impact. In 2006, at the age of 21, Shouwang, the leader of Carsick Cars, was invited by American composer Glenn Branca to join the New York performance of his famous Symphony No. 13.  The next year, New York’s legendary Sonic Youth announced that Carsick Cars was their favorite young band, and took them on tour in Europe, for the first of more than a dozen major tours through Europe and America. First in New York and later in Berlin, Shouwang and Carsick Cars built their largest followings outside China, and as they toured the world, a growing number of young American and European musicians began to appreciate the energy coming from Beijing.  

Carsick Cars and its members may be among the first Chinese musicians to be admired by experimental and underground musicians around the world, but for the nearly 1,000 young people who will crowd excitedly into Yugong Yishan on August 19, none of this will matter. They have come to see the band that has helped create music that belongs to them, and because it is some of the best music being created anywhere in the world, they are proud to share it. They will come to Yugong Yishan to hear songs that they know by heart, to experience the onslaught of noise, feedback and throbbing rhythms emanating from Shouwang, one of the most creative guitarists in China, supplemented by drummer Wang Xu, Beijing’s best percussionist, and American bassist and long-time Beijing resident, Alex Turner.

Carsick Cars has released three albums that have been included in nearly every listing of China’s most important recordings. Because Shouwang has spent the first half of 2016 away from Beijing working on a television program, Carsick Cars has not performed all year. This performance will be followed by a Japanese tour in September and the band’s sixth major tour of the US, beginning in October, and so it may be one of their only 2016 performances in their hometown. Few will want to miss it.

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