浏览: 2,795
8月13日 Saturday 星期六
晚9点 //200元(现场)/ 150元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 200 (door) / 150 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
Guitar Wolf 是日本老牌的Punk / Jet Rock 乐队。乐队的成员像 Ramones 一样团结,他们齐齐用 Wolf 来当自己的名字:三位现成员分别叫做 Guitar Wolf(Seiji)、Bass Wolf(U.G.)、Drum Wolf(Toru)。一日 Punk 好做,几十年如一日地把皮夹克墨镜当做自己的象征符号,又有几个人能做到呢?Guitar Wolf 的狂躁音乐能让你感受到UFO 式的浪漫,将带你走进激情喷射的时代。也许,他们今生只在中国演出这么一次,如果你错过了,那只能透过电影《Wild Zero》后悔——这是乐队专属的一部 B 级片,影片中的外星人和暴走丧尸多少能让你感受到狼群的野性。
90年代横空出世的《狼惑星》、《Jet Generation》,让我们在世纪末抓住了最后一代机车浪子的倜傥。在将近30年的朋克生涯中,Guitar Wolf 从在自家地下室灌录黑胶起步,一步步发展到在纽约一间唱片店演出时被传奇厂牌 Matador Records 相中,发行了厂牌所说的“史上最闹的专辑”。他们还拥有自己的服装线,从机车夹克到皮带应有尽有。如果你被他们武装到精神的朋克气质所感染,那么8月12、13日,VICE 中国的音乐频道 NOISEY 音乐将在上海浅水湾文化艺术中心和北京愚公移山为你带来 Guitar Wolf 的现场。
Guitar Wolf consists of a bunch of punk veterans from Japan. Founded in 1987, the trio is known for songs with piercing vocals and an extremely loud style of noise-influenced punk which emphasizes heavy distortion and feedback. They call themselves “jet rock’n’roll” as their very own style presenting energetic and powerful garage rock. In 1994 their debut LP, Wolf Rock!, was recorded in the guitarist’s basement and released in America. The following tour overseas gained much attention internationally. After an in-store performance at a New York City record store, they signed with Matador Records, under which they made 3 important albums over the 90s.
In 2005, the former bassist passed away from a heart attack at the age of 38. Current members are Guitar Wolf (Seiji), Bass Wolf (U.G.) and Drum Wolf (Toru). The band also have their own line of Jet clothing, including jackets, pants, T-shirts and belts as complements of Guitar Wolf’s iconic identity.
VICE China’s music arm NOISEY proudly presents Guitar Wolf’s China tour on 8/12(QSW Culture Center, Shanghai) and 8/13(Yugongyishan, Beijing). See you there!