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5月13日 Friday 星期五
NOISEY 呈现 presents
嘉宾 Guests: 工工工 / 耳蜗 EARSNAIL
原名为Cherry的纽约双人乐队Ratatat,以摇滚基调+轻快电子乐的形式俘获听众的耳朵。Evan Mast 这位器乐多面手负责编曲,Mike Stroud 则玩转吉他。Mast 同时也是 E*vax 的幕后主脑,他和他的兄弟 E*Rock 还运营着独立电子厂牌 Audio Dregs,正职是一名平面设计师;Mike Stroud 则经常作为支援乐手参与其他音乐人的巡演和录音,与 Ben Kweller 和曾演唱《蜘蛛侠2》主题曲“Vindicated”的 Dashboard Confessional 等都有过合作。
关于两人的制作流程,一般是 Mast 在自家卧室里做出一些 beats 或是写下构思,让 Stroud 在巡演路上的空当之中发展成一首首成品。虽然两人在2001年就开始合作,但直到2003年5月,他们才以 Cherry 的名号办了首场现场演出,四个月后,便更名为现在为大家所知的 Ratatat。同年11月,他们通过自己的厂牌 Audio Dregs 发行了首张限量1100份的单曲。
在与曾获水星奖的苏格兰独立摇滚乐队 Franz Ferdinand、美国后朋克舵手 Interpol 以及去年年底二度来到中国演出的数学摇滚先驱 Battles 等知名音乐人一同巡演后,Ratatat 得到了关注,被贝阁旗下的 XL Recordings 厂牌相中。2004年春季,Ratatat 的同名处女作终于问世,此后他们与舞曲朋克!!!(chk chk chk)、独立实验女子组 Electrelane、后摇传奇 Tortoise 等乐队共同巡演。2006年,在纯电子乐中穿插马铃、提琴和吉他滑音的专辑《Classics》出版,天马行空的狂想也获得了听者的喜爱。在经过短暂的录制,第三张全长专辑《LP3》面世,其中,他们改变了惯常元素,增强了现场打击乐和键盘部分的音色,削弱了标志性的吉他与其他节奏的结合。2010年发行的《LP4》则更富实验色彩。
五年过去,Ratatat 在去年7月经由 XL Recordings 发行了乐队的第五张全长专辑《Magnifique》。在乐队沉寂下来的五年之中,他们在前两张作品当中引人入胜的实验风格上作取舍,回归到早期以吉他音色为主导的特点。Mast 认为:“这是乐队有史以来最好的一张作品。制作《Magnifique》的过程一点也不拖泥带水,我们去了几个地方,搭起录音室就开始埋头苦干。”他们录音的行踪,从牙买加的安东尼奥港一直延伸到纽约的上州、长岛和布鲁克林。那些在卧室里做出的 beats,与粗砺原始的吉他 riff 相遇,再经历了实验音乐的磨练,Mast 和 Stroud 二人炮制出的这张《Magnifique》无疑已让 Ratatat 进入了新境界。七年前,他们曾经在上海芷江梦工场的舞台上,带来过让观众几乎掀翻房顶火热演出,也在去年的香港 Clockenflap 音乐节上惊艳四座。这个五月,VICE 中国将会把这支的电子舞曲乐队带到六座城市,你也肯定会再次跟着他们说不出为何令人着迷的电气音色起舞。
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 120元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Formerly known as Cherry, New York's rock-meets-electronica duo Ratatat feature multi-instrumentalist/programmer Evan Mast and guitarist Mike Stroud. Mast was also the brains behind the pretty laptop pop of E*vax, and with his brother E*Rock he ran the indie electronic label Audio Dregs. Stroud also played, in the studio and on tour, with artists including Ben Kweller and Dashboard Confessional. Between these duties (and Mast's job as a graphic designer), the duo found time to work on their collaboration. In his bedroom studio, Mast worked on beats and song ideas that he gave to Stroud to develop while the guitarist was on the road. Though Mast and Stroud began working together in 2001, things really began to come together for the pair in 2003: in May, while they were still called Cherry, they played their first gig; by September they changed their name to Ratatat; and that November they issued their first single, which had a limited run of 1,100 copies, on Audio Dregs. Dates with Franz Ferdinand, Interpol, and Battles followed, and Ratatat signed to XL Records. The duo's self-titled debut album arrived in spring 2004, coinciding with another round of dates with bands including !!!, Electrelane, and Tortoise. Classics appeared in 2006, followed by a self-released remix album. Ratatat then took a different approach to their third full-length effort, emphasizing live percussion and keyboards while toning down their familiar mix of programmed beats and guitars. Recorded in several short weeks, LP3 was released in July 2008, followed by the more experimental LP4, released just shy of two years later in 2010.
Released its fifth full-length album, Magnifique, on XL Recordings in July 2015 - a solid five years after Mike Stroud and Evan Mast’s last release, LP4 from 2010. Following up on the experimental sounds of LP3 and LP4, Ratatat return to their core guitar-driven sound on Magnifique. “I feel like it’s our strongest record,” Evan says. “We did it in spurts. We made a few trips to different locations where we’d set up a studio and work.” Mike and Evan spent time in Port Antonio, Jamaica, upstate New York (at the same studio whereLP3 and LP4 were recorded), Long Island, New York and at their own studio in Brooklyn. Combining the bedrock beats and primordial riffs from their first two albums with the sonic experimentation and production prowess of LP3 and LP4, Mike and Evan arrived at a new plateau with Magnifique.
This May, Ratatat will hit 6 towns throughout China with their highly identifiable tunes, VICE China will bring you wonderful nights here. Join the dancing crowds and go on a binge.
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 120 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)