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Price: ¥180

Friday, March 11, 2016 20:00 to 23:00
愚公移山 Yugong Yishan
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥180


Friday, March 11, 2016 20:00 to 23:00 愚公移山 Yugong Yishan

Price: ¥180

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Friday, March 11, 2016 20:00 to 23:00

愚公移山 Yugong Yishan 愚公移山 Yugong Yishan
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311 Friday 星期五




KALMAH乐队的前身是1991年在芬兰组建的ANCESTOR乐队,最早由主唱兼吉他手Pekka Kokko和鼓手Petri Sankala创建。在发行了2张demo之后,Antti Kokko也加入乐队,担任主音吉他。1998年,在接连尝试录制了5张不同风格的demo并更换了几名乐手之后,乐队决心洗心革面,展开全新的创作, 而新队名“KALMAH-沼泽之王”也从此开始使用。

KALMAH乐队以完整的阵容全面投入到正式专辑的创作中,于2000年在芬兰著名厂牌Spinefarm Records旗下发行了首张正式专辑《Swamplord》沼泽之王,由此乐队也自封为“Swamp Metal”沼泽金属。首专大受好评后,于2002年乘胜推出了第二张专辑《They Will Return》后,声名鹊起的KALMAH登上了全球最大金属音乐节-德国Wacken Open Air音乐节的舞台。

在又经历了几次人员变动的同时,乐队不间断的分别于2003年、2006年和2008年发行了《Swampsong》、《The Black Waltz》和《For the Revolution》三张专辑,成功的将沼泽金属这一概念贯彻创作始终,并在北美进行巡演。

2010年的《12 Gauge》是KALMAH的第六张专辑,堪称历史性的同时在欧洲,日本和北美上市。9首新歌的全球范围推广使KALMAH“沼泽金属之王”的名号被再一次强化,并且首次得以接连登上Metalcamp和Summerbreeze两大夏季金属音乐节。《12 Gauge》专辑的成功是乐队历史上一次巨大飞跃。

2013年在经历了频繁排练、重新规划思考、以及丰富更多新鲜元素之后,KALMAH第七张全新专辑《Seventh Swamphony》诞生,重装上阵的沼泽之王正咆哮着攻入你的耳膜,让我们期待他们在2016年的华夏大地与他们共同奏响第七沼泽交响曲!

晚8点 // 260元(现场)/ 180元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)



The story of Kalmah begun in 1991 when Pekka Kokko (v, g) and Petri Sankala founded Ancestor. After 2 demos Antti Kokko joined the band to handle the po- sition of lead guitarist. In 1998 after all in all 5 melodic thrash/speed/death metal demos and 5 different bass players it was time to clear the table. Ancenstor was bur- ied and refounded as Kalmah. The line- up was completed by keyboard player Pasi Hiltula.

Kalmah began to write songs for a pro- motional CD entitled Svieri Obraza. With this demo, they acquired a recording con- tract with Spinefarm Records and headed to Tico-Tico Studios to record their debut album, Swamplord.

By November 2001, they returned to Tico-Tico Studios to record their sec- ond studio album, They Will Return. By

this time, Veteläinen and Sankala were replaced by Timo Lehtinen on bass and Janne Kusmin on drums, respectively. In 2002, Kalmah played shows in Finland and at Wacken Open Air. In February 2003, they recorded their third studio al- bum, Swampsong.

In 2004, keyboardist Pasi Hiltula left and was replaced by Marco Sneck. The band released The Black Waltz in 2006 and For the Revolution in 2008.

Kalmah toured in Canada and Finland to promote the latter album. Kalmah's sixth studio album, 12 Gauge was released in Japan, Europe and North America, 2010.

Year 2012 was time for changes. Marco step aside and Veli-Matti Kananen stepped in. The band released seventh studio al- bum, Seventh Swamphony 2013.

Pm 8 // Rmb 260 (door) / 180 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

Tel.: 010-62159844

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