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1月19日 Tuesday 星期二
在地球上疆域最为辽阔的国度—俄罗斯。有着这样的民族金属之声,来自莫斯科的女声民谣/异教金属乐团-ARKONA,他们的队名取自1168年被红衣主教阿布萨隆和丹麦大帝瓦尔德马率十字军摧毁的最后一座斯拉夫异教城堡。女主唱Maria无论在演出现场还是宣传照中,都身披狼皮,手持利刃,一副古代斯拉夫女战士的扮相。虽说是女主唱,但你千万不要以为这和NIGHTWISH、EPICA有什么相同之处,全俄文的歌词与粗鲁的唱腔,即使是比起大敌的Angela Gossow来也毫不逊色,他们的音乐注重宏大氛围的渲染,除了传统重金属与极端金属元素之外,添加了许多诸如风笛,羊皮鼓之类的传统民族乐器。他们的作品数量十分惊人,迄今为止,已经发片11张之多。就在2014年,他们曾经和瑞典交响金属乐队圣兽THERION一起,分别造访北京与长江迷笛音乐节,大受好评。
梦灵,成军于中国山东,现居北京。秉承自唐朝,春秋以降的以中国传统文化为题材的金属音乐。2015年以中国区Metal Battle冠军身份前往德国参加RAGNAROCK 与 WACKEN两大金属音乐节,受到一致好评。更在不久前首次参战330金属音乐节。他们的现场通过音乐,服装,舞美等多重手段表现出华夏重乐的独特底蕴。
晚8点 // 380元(现场)/ 300(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
The most powerful pagan forces in history on attack against the winter reign
FINNTROLL + ARKONA + DREAM SPIRIT, the strongest folk metal alignment rule over the metropoli-dualism of Beijing and Shanghai
The days of this winter seem to be much colder than usual. Under such cirumstances, there is an urge to go somewhere to heat up the body and soul. Those who come from frozen lands know best what to do to fight against coldness. January 19th and 20th, three bands from the northern hemisphere will joint forces and turn the freezing winter nights into burning hellfire in Beijing and Shanghai.
Regardless how you label them, epic, folk or viking metal, it all seem to fit well. Cutting cold winds, the never melting snow, in midth of vastness of the woods, a group of men roaming ahead, they carry the name FINNTROLL on their banner, Finland's most feared figures of all metal tribes. Combining Humppa rhythmics with Nordic folklore dubbing on extreme metal has been their trade mark. Formed since 1997 with six long players out and dominance on countless festivals and live stages, they made it to be one to the front riding acts of the genre. In contradiction to most folk metal bands relying on sweetened cheesy hooklines, FINNTROLL's music genome has always been based on extreme metal with hyper fast heart beats pounding through the veins.
For the Chinese metal community, Finntroll is a big name, many still remember their great performance as headliner of Midi Festival in 2010.
Russia is one of the world biggest nations and its greatness gave birth to many great bands, one of them is the female fronted folk/pagan metal band ARKONA from Moscow. The band’s name onces stood for the last standing pagan temple fotress Cape Arkona, besieged and taken by the forces of Danish King Valdemar I and bishop Absolon in 1168 A.D. Front lady Maria always has wolfskin on with blades at hand, the perfect outfit of a medieval Slavic heroin. Likewise, her stage acting and voices won’t be the barbie likes of Nightwish, Epica, no, she crowls in rolling Russian style in such an might that only an Angela Gossow would be able to compare. Their music is like wise epical and gigantic, on the foundations of traditional and extreme metal, they also added a lot folk instruments such as bagpipe and shaman drums. ARKONA is a highly productive band, since their formation in 2002, they already have 11 releases out! Last year, they shared the stage on Midi Festival with infamous Swedish act THERION which left a deep impression on those who saw them.
Formed in Shandong Provice of China, now based in Beijing, DREAM SPIRIT following the foot steps of Tang Dynasty and Spring And Autumn on their path of Han-Chinese cultural inheritage embedded in heavy metal music. As winner of WOA Metal Battle 2015 they went to Germany to play on Wacken Open Air and also on the Ragnarock Open Air where they gained overwelming responses. Back to China, they once again convinced the crowd of their excellent Chinese styled metal on the 330 Metal Festival.
Pm 8 // Rmb 380 (door) / 300 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
Hotline: 010-62159844