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VICE 呈现 Presents: BATTLES / MOON DUO——嘉宾 Guest: 重塑雕像的权利 RE - TROS

Price: ¥150

Saturday, December 5, 2015 21:00 to 23:30
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥150

VICE 呈现 Presents: BATTLES / MOON DUO——嘉宾 Guest: 重塑雕像的权利 RE - TROS

Saturday, December 5, 2015 21:00 to 23:30 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥150

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Saturday, December 5, 2015 21:00 to 23:30

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12月5日 Saturday 星期六


嘉宾 Guest: 重塑雕像的权利 RE - TROS

美国数学摇滚先驱乐队Battles于2002年在纽约成立,初始四名成员来自不同的实验、后摇滚及重金属乐队,07年首张全长专辑《Mirrored》受到独立音乐媒体Pitchfork评出的9.1分高分肯定,此外,《时代周刊》、NME杂志以及英国《卫报》也将其誉为年度专辑之一。目前固定的三人阵容为Dave Konopka(吉他/贝斯)、John Stanier(鼓)和Ian Williams(吉他/键盘),三股截然不同的性格力量驱动着乐队的整体走向。清晰可辨的吉他击弦及对loop的灵活运用,还有数学摇滚一贯于复杂节奏中更占主导的鼓声,是Battles标志性的特色。乐队在2009年首次来华,就以精致严谨的乐曲编排、规整的结构感和狂而不乱的演奏征服了观众。今年9月,Battles发行第五张专辑《La Di Da Di》,并带来一系列激动人心且充满爆发力的全球巡回演出。

Moon Duo来自美国西岸的旧金山,由太空摇滚乐团Wooden Shjips主脑Ripley Johnson 和 Sanae Yamada组建。在汲取了Krautrock的创新性和编曲中的冰冷基调后,佐以Neo-Psychedelic音乐的迷幻模糊质感,你会在Moon Duo中寻觅到Spacemen 3、Silver Apples和Suicide所带来的影响渊源。乐队近年招募鼓手John Jeffrey入军,代替以往的鼓机音色,在透过大量合成器和粗砺的吉他音效后更显一丝人味。时隔两年,Moon Duo再次来到中国,今年的新作专辑《Shadow of the Sun》一半产自波特兰黑暗的地下室,另一半源于明媚的加州,也许这次他们会带给你不一样的现场体验。


Founded in 2002 in New York City, Battles is one of the most influential math rock bands ever, featuring unconventional composing structure and precise arrangement in various pieces. They are the Networked Band, or perhaps the-band-as-network. The band’s constant forward-momentum pushes the limits of instrumental and electronic sounds and develops a better combination. The current line-up includes guitarist/ keyboardist Ian Williams, guitarist/ bassist Dave Konopka, and drummer John Stanier. Throughout Battles’ career, the band has presented three successful studio albums: Mirrored(2007), Gloss Drop(2011), and La Di Da Di(2015). As the name might imply, the latest album La Di Da Di is a mushrooming monolith of repetition. Battles created mostly instrumental music heavy enough for metalheads, nuanced enough for jazz cats and weird enough to pull in all sorts of fans from the fringes. The New York art-rockers' surprisingly hooky, electronic-tweaked-to-sound-organic (and vice versa) creations have also soundtracked ads for Honda and the FIFA 12 video game, and shown up on the Twilight: Eclipse soundtrack. With its achievement in revolutionizing progressive and experimental rock, Battles brings about the recontextualization of the pop-rock formula. By the drum-based loops and the unique guitar sessions, Battles builds up a new concept of the indistinction between rhythm and melody, which audience can easily tell from the drum that rules. This winter, Battles will sweep the town with their newly-come works and explosive performance. The rhythmic genus of Battles is here as ever; full frontal, heightened and unforgiving – the gauntlet through which melody and harmony must pass, assailed at every turn.

Moon Duo

Formed in San Francisco in 2009 by Wooden Shijps guitarist Ripley Johnson and Sanae Yamada, Moon Duo fuses the futuristic pylon hum and transistor reverb of Suicide or Silver Apples with the heat-haze fuzz of American rock ‘n’ roll to create tracks of blistering, 12-cylinder space rock. They soak in Krautrock and Neo-Psychedelic to bring about groovy, revealing sonic textures.This year, Moon Duo released their new material, Shadow of the Sun. Working both in a dark basement in Portland, and above ground in sunny San Francisco, the band grasped the different air and internalized it into their latest album. With the drummer John Jeffrey joining the band’s live-set instead of drum machine, Moon Duo is now embracing a more humanized voice. We are flattered to be on tour with Moon Duo the second time here in China, bringing you 5 shows throughout Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Wuhan, Shanghai and Beijing, to continue the experience of a heady, ethereal musical trip.

晚9点 // 200元(现场)/ 150元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)

Pm 9 // Rmb 200 (door) / 150 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

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