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派克特2015全新专辑《IMPACT1.0 FIGHT 4X》发布暨全国巡演北京站

价格: ¥50

2015年11月28日 星期六 21:00 至 23:00
愚公移山 Yugong Yishan
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

价格: ¥50

派克特2015全新专辑《IMPACT1.0 FIGHT 4X》发布暨全国巡演北京站

2015年11月28日 星期六 21:00 至 23:00 愚公移山 Yugong Yishan

价格: ¥50

时间 地点

2015年11月28日 星期六 21:00 至 23:00

愚公移山 Yugong Yishan 愚公移山 Yugong Yishan


主办方 联系主办方






浏览: 6,190

1128 Saturday 星期六

 派克特2015全新专辑《IMPACT1.0 FIGHT 4X》发布暨全国巡演北京站

Pact's 2015 All New Album Releasing & Domestic Tour - Beijing

2005年的一个冬夜,在西安一间人头攒动的酒吧里,时年15岁的派克特,从来自美国芝加哥的MC Ambition手中接过那只麦克风的时候,大概不会想到,他的人生自此打开了新的篇章。在创建了自己的第一个说唱团队Falling Beat之后,2006年,派克特加入了“乱战门”(西安说唱团体鼻祖),并一同发行了两张Mixtape:《1506》与《六神合体》)2010年,派克特连同另外两位灵魂人物:MC鱼头(Killa4nia)及CreamD携手创办了NOUS UNDERGROUND独立说唱音乐厂牌。他的HIPHOP音乐之路,自此真正展开。在连续获得2011及2012年两届IRON MIC比赛全国总冠军之后,派克特于2012年发行了首张个人专辑《IMPACT 0.5-重塑巴别塔/Rise of Babel》。肩负着探索、创新、传承并推动西安说唱音乐发展的使命感,他的角色也从单纯的Rapper、MC,向一个真正的HIPHOP音乐制作人转变着。接下来的两年中,派克特一直没有停止巡演的脚步,并将巡演所感集结成了2014年发行的Mixtape 《W.O.T.W.T.》。 他的音乐风格从无任何拘泥,亦无固定模式,无论是90年代BOOMBAP、采样,还是New School,TRAP,雷鬼、Funk、乃至JAZZ和电子乐。派克特从中汲取众长,并逐渐建立了自己独特的音乐风格。

2015年,对于派克特来说,是收获颇丰的一年。4月,他作为特邀嘉宾在西安交通大学参加了全球闻名的“TED”大会并做20分钟演讲;5月,他率厂牌旗下一众艺人登上了西安草莓音乐节的舞台;6月,他主持了NBA传奇巨星艾佛森中国行西安站活动。8月,他连同N/U众将在VANS举办的Musicians Wanted音乐人征集赛西安站夺冠,并于9月一同奔赴北京与美国东岸大牌Hip-hop团体Mobb Deep及格莱美提名音乐人Mayer Hawthorne与Jake One组成的Tuxedo同台演出。同时,他还协助厂牌旗下艺人完成了三张专辑的音乐制作和混音等后期工作。10月31日,派克特的第三张个人专辑《IMPACT 1.0-FIGHT 4X》即将面世,这也昭示着本年度全新巡演拉开帷幕。10年从事HIPHOP音乐领域的奋斗历程,以及那个代表无限未来可能,抑或是代表着复兴文艺Xi’an的梦想-X? 所有的疑惑,好奇,与答案,11月28日晚九点,愚公移山,派克特为你现场揭晓。

Many years later, as he faced the thousands of audiences under the stage, Pact was to remember that distant winter night when he took over the mic from MC Ambition from Chicago in a crowed pub in Xi’an. At that time he was just a 15-year-old adolescent who had no idea about hip-hop music. Together with two other soul members, MC Killa4nia and CreamD, Pact founded a rap group and independent hip-hop record label-NOUS UNDERGROUND in 2010, which has become one of China’s best hip-hop group till now. After releasing his debut album in 2012, He continued to explore, engage and electrify the local Chinese hip-hop movement. And his character has transformed from a simple rapper to a real hip-hop music producer. His Mixcape released in 2014 also has gained generally positive reviews. With fundamentals rooted in 90’s Boombap, Sample, New School, Trap, Raggae, Funk Jazz and Electronic music, Pact has been pushing a hybrid sound surrounding genre.

Even though he immersed himself in music, Pact has always devoted himself into everything he does one hundred percent. It does not matter what he is working on. And right now, his crown of the year has come. On October 31st, Pact would announce the release of his third album with the title . “I have experienced depression, hate, and love through the process of producing this album.” He said, “I made it out of the hood, and now I want to go to the top.” While his whole new nation-wide concert tour stops in Beijing on Nov. 28th, Pact would sincerely invite everyone of you to be present at YUGONGYISHAN Livehouse to share with you his journey of music career, and the answer to the “X”.

晚9点 // 60元(现场)/ 50元(预售 | 截止到11月27日24点)

Pm 9 // Rmb 60 (door) / 50 (presale | stops at midnight on November 27th)




