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10月28日 Wednesday 星期三
Todor Todoroff及Laura Colmenares Guerra
与Sigrid Vandenbogaerde和Eva Giolo一起
演出曲目包括由Benoit Granier谱写的曲目,
以及“Reflets/Vitesse”——由Henry Chomette导演、Todor Todoroff谱曲的八分钟默片
Gérard de Nerval. Aurelia
eVanescens为世界各地观众带来互动声音 -影像表演。演出是穿越不同领域的旅程,在真实与梦境的边境上穿梭。大提琴手在演出时于胸前、臂膀上以及手上佩戴传感器。这些传感器控制软件,并实时合 成、重复声音和影像。这些技术手段增加了乐器的表现性,重新定义了音乐语言,并创造性地发明了新式创作技巧。在声音与其众多变形的交汇处,在与影像艺术的 对话中,eVanescens将观众带入处于不安、陌生、轻盈以及无重力之间的不确定世界。
Todor Todoroff,概念、合成、传感器和音乐的相互作用
Laura Colmenares Guerra,视频创作和相互作用
Sigrid Vandenbogaerde,大提琴创作、人声
Eva Giolo,视频表演
by Todor Todoroff and Laura Colmenares Guerra,
with Sigrid Vandenbogaerde and Eva Giolo
featuring a composition by Benoit Granier for Seangwhang and electronics
as well as « Reflets/Vitesse » , 8 minutes long silent movie from Henry Chomette with music by Todor Todoroff
“Meanwhile night was gradually falling and the sights, sounds and
sensations of the place were becoming blurred to my slumbering mind.
I thought I was sinking into an abyss, which cut through the globe."
Gérard de Nerval. Aurelia
eVanescens is an interactive audio-visual performance, a journey through various states, at the ever-shifting border between the real world and a constantly reinvented onirical universe.The cellist wears a set of inertial sensors on her chest, arms and hands. Each sensor includes 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer that allow the tracking of her movements. These sensors, associated with sound analysis techniques (extraction of the frequency, the envelope, harmonic content, ...) and gestural interfaces handled by the two other interpreters, control software that (re)synthesizes and multiplies in real time sound and image. Combined, they increase the expressive possibilities of the instruments, defining new musical gestures and offering innovative writing techniques. At the intersection of the acoustic sound and its many metamorphoses, in an intimate dialogue with the video image, eVanescens draws the viewer into an uncertain world, between disturbing strangeness, lightness and a feeling of weightlessness.
Todor Todoroff, concept, composition, sensors and musical interactions
Laura Colmenares Guerra, video creation and interactions
Sigrid Vandenbogaerde, cello creation, voice
Eva Giolo, video performance
晚9点 // 100元(现场)/ 70元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Pm 9 // Rmb 100 (door) / 70 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)