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DRAGONFORCE 2015中国巡演北京站Maximum Overload World Tour 2015 - Beijing

Price: ¥260

Friday, September 4, 2015 21:00 to 23:00
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥260

DRAGONFORCE 2015中国巡演北京站Maximum Overload World Tour 2015 - Beijing

Friday, September 4, 2015 21:00 to 23:00 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥260

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Friday, September 4, 2015 21:00 to 23:00

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9月4日 Friday 星期五

DRAGONFORCE 2015中国巡演北京站


光速风暴 席卷神州 龙锋 九月返乡 DRAGONFORCE 中国巡演

在全球金属乃至整个摇滚乐领域,出生于香港的李康敏(Herman Li)无疑是最为著名的华人音乐家之一,他一手组建和担任主创的DRAGONFORCE龙锋堪称新世纪最为成功的力量金属乐团,也是迄今为止唯一荣获格莱美奖提名的此风格乐队 DRAGONFORCE不仅以其热血无畏的极速乐曲将奇幻色调与英雄主义合而为一,同时用音符与歌词瞬间激发出听者的无尽英雄气概,其独树一帜的音乐风格在力量金属的传统基础之上开启了全新的进化之门。

组建于1999年英国的DRAGONFORCE堪称是力量金属POWER METAL的救世主,他们的音乐比起之前的欧洲同行们更快更重。天下武功,唯快难破!动辄高达每分钟230拍的速度使得许多同类乐队望尘莫及。音乐的主题也不再局限于传说与魔幻世界,打着各种电玩长大的他们,将纯粹的娱乐精神在音乐中无限扩张,肆意放大。所有乐器都以音速狂飙,一刻不停 ;因为李康敏(Herman Li)的缘故,他们的旋律中自始至终中保持着一种独特的东方韵味。1999年横空出世的他们成立之初的名字为DRAGONHEART。在自资发行了首张demo,并在网络上迅速走红之后便开始了与重金属之神Halford以及芬兰力量金属霸主STRATOVARIUS的共同巡演,出色的音乐与劲爆的现场让他们成为当时英国重型乐坛最耀眼的新星。之后签约著名厂牌Noise Records,于2003年发行了首张全长作品《Valley of the Damned》,其中主打歌曲“Black Winter Night”不仅创造了当年的单曲下载纪录,同时乐队也凭借其高速优美的旋律与充满韵律的重型节奏掀起了新世纪新派力量金属风暴。他们的足迹踏遍了全球各地,乐队成员也成为了乐器厂商座上佳宾,纷纷成为IBANEZ , MAPEX等著名品牌的一线代言人。

以《Fury of the Storm》作为第一单曲首发的第二张作品《Sonic Firestorm》正如专辑名字一样,炽热岩浆般的音速风暴席卷各地,专辑比上一张更加出色更加成功,通过与英国金属不朽传奇乐团IRON MAIDEN的联合巡演,DRAGONFORCE正式杀入主流重型乐坛。签约业内主流厂牌Roadrunner Records之后交出第三张专辑《Inhuman Rampage》,将乐队自身特色发扬到了极致,超快速的旋律化吉他solo与饱满热情的曲调造就了时代,其中诞生了《Through the Fire and Flames》这样的招牌式佳作,该曲也也被收录在著名音乐类游戏“吉他英雄”之中。2009年,乐队更是凭借单曲“Heroes of Our Time”获得了现代音乐界最高奖项之一,格莱美奖最佳重金属表演奖提名!

在发行《Ultra Beatdown》专辑之后主唱更换为年轻的实力唱将Marc Hudson,并且随后发行第五张专辑《The Power Within》,开启乐队历史的新篇章。

2014年乐队发行最新专辑《Maximum Overload》,专辑由著名制作人Jens Bogren担纲制作,一如既往的高速优美,李康敏的吉他火力全开,交织出天罗地网般的速度音墙,而来自美国新一代金属领军乐团TRIVIUM乐队的Matt Heafy更是跨刀献唱三首作品。“专辑的主题表达的是当前以网络为主体的信息泛滥,它们无处不在,我们的生活被太多无用的东西所包围。”吉他手Totman说道,乐队还在专辑中翻唱了美国乡村巨擘Johnny Cash的一曲“Ring of Fire”,别有一番韵味。


晚9点 // 320元(现场)/ 260元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)


DRAGONFORCE  Maximum Overload World Tour 2015 - Beijing

Sonic metal storm overloaded 

Horde of Dragon legion is coming to raise the flag!!

Formed in 1999 by guitarists Herman Li and Sam Totman, under the name of DragonHeart, this band is known for its long and fast guitar solos, fantasy-themed lyrics since the beginning. With ZP Theart adding his soaring voice to the music instruments and the super fast drummer Dave Mackintosh hit the clock, this group has completed their dragon legion force and are ready to go.

They shocked the world with their debut album《Valley of the Damned》which was released in 2003. The brilliant song “Valley of the Damned” which is the single of this release, wins a huge success on where it charted at No. 1 for 2 weeks as the most downloaded song. And this is just the beginning of their victory……

After the sophomore record《Sonic Firestorm》coming out just one year later, they are already on the road touring with many veterans such as W.A.S.P. and Iron Maiden. 

When the 3rd record《Inhuman Rampage》come out , they finally hit the mainstream. Not only they signed with the famous camp Roadrunner Records but also the single “Through the Fire and Flames” is featured on the video games Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock, Guitar Hero: Smash Hits and Brutal Legend. This makes the song the most famous one of this band and it reached gold status both in USA and Canada.

With the announcement of latest album《Maximum Overload》Dragonforce has opened the new chapter in their career. This time the feast is joined by Trivium's Matt Heafy which means he will make some guest appearances in some of the songs from the album. And the storm also has its ear-catching echo because there's even going to be a "DragonForce-ized" cover of the old rock and roll song, "Ring Of Fire", by the late Johnny Cash! 

Now this legion of dragon will deliver several shows in CHINA this autumn!! This tour will make them the first famous metal band that can do a real tour here in the mainland, so prepare for this historical event and see you in the show!!!

Pm 9 // Rmb 320 (door) / 260 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

Tickets online: (hotline: 010-62159844)

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