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7月27日 Monday 星期一
野马现场特别呈献 YEMA Live Presents:
FIFI RONG 2015中国巡演北京专场
Fifi Rong是一位出生于北京,旅居于英国,才华横溢的原创歌手/音乐制作人。
Fifi Rong不仅具有理想,浪漫主义式的艺术风格,她还将其巧妙的平衡了音乐制作的实际操作。Fifi Rong对音乐的直觉散发着一种蒙胧的,神秘的亲切感,可轻易将听众带入她梦幻般的感官视界,聆听她轻声淡淡地阐述人性细腻的情感与脆弱。。Fifi 对音乐超前的想像力与洞察力来自于对多种音乐流派与文化背景的吸收。她用感情丰富的声音与独特中西结合的唱腔不断尝试性的配合电子音乐,Dub Reggae,爵士,Soul, Dubstep, Trip Hop, Soundscapes和中国传统音乐等元素,进一步增强了她的音乐的独特性与创新性。
Fifi与包括Tricky, Phaeleh, Skepta和Yello在内的很多充满创造力的艺术家合作过,并且受到各大媒体的好评,其中包括The 405, Clash, Fader杂志, Hyper杂志,BBC 1, BBC 1 Extra, BBC 6等。她还被评为2014年中国最受欢迎的十佳新艺术家中的最佳电子音乐艺术家。
’近几年开始崭露头角的Fifi Rong受邀参加欧洲和英国的各大音乐节及现场进行演出,并且时常压轴出场。2014年Fifi Rogn第一次来到中国演出。今年7月份,她将第二次来到中国参加多场演出,其中包括张北草原音乐节,上海专场和北京专场。
Originating from Beijing, Fifi Rong is a unique artist/ producer living in London.
Eccentric, deep and honest, Fifi brings pure emotional intimacy into her songs with a mesmerizing voice, nuanced with flair of her Chinese heritage. Fifi incorporates a wide range of genres such as Electronica, Jazz, Dub, Hip Hop, UKG, Soundscape into her production, resulting in a singularly unexpected musical hybrid that draws its beauty from its one-of-a-kind unearthliness.
Fifi has been collaborating with many exciting artists including Tricky, Phaeleh, Skepta and Yello to name a few, and receiving vast support from a stream of blogs and radios including The 405, Clash, Fader Magazine, Hype Magazine, Pigeon and Planes, BBC 1, BBC 1 Extra, BBC6 and so on. She was nominated as the best Electronic Music Artist and publicly voted into the China’s Top10 most popular new artist of 2014.
Having headlined a variety of shows throughout the UK and Europe, Fifi embarked on her first tour of Germany and first tour of China in 2014. She is currently preparing her next EP release as well as shows/tours later in 2015. Also in 2015, Fifi will come to China again for a couple of show which included Zhangbei InMusic Festival, Shanghai show and Beijing show.
The beijing show will happen in legendary live scene Yugongyishan on 27th of July, it will be broughted to the audience by the startup company YEMA Live which is dedicated in live music live-streaming. You also can watch the show live by using the YEMA Live app on your mobile phones.
晚9点 // 150元(现场)/ 100元(预售 | 截止到7月26日24点)
Pm 9 // Rmb 150 (door) / 100 (presale | stop at midnight on July 26th)
在线购票 Tickets online:http://yugongyishantickets.taobao.com