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6月4日 Thursday 星期四
够重够动听,最后一晚 让我们引吭高歌
Post - Hardcore旋律后核天团OUR LAST NIGHT六月来华
嘉宾:猫踢狗 / 闪星
完美融合另类摇滚与后核精髓,辅以些许金属核元素与绝佳唱功,来自美国东北部新英格兰地区的OUR LAST NIGHT作为最早一批成立的后核乐队之一在十年的时间里不仅保持了自身音乐的不断进步,同时作为后核浪潮最重要的推动乐队业已获得乐迷与媒体公认的重量级地位。
早在2004年,当这几名十几岁的少年就拿起乐器组建OUR LAST NIGHT时,只是想拿着乐器拨弄出他们喜欢的声音而已,但就是这种对音乐最为纯粹的热爱使得他们直到今天依然维持着最初的友情。2007年初乐队以现有阵容以及另外一名已离队的吉他手Colin Perry与传奇厂牌Epitaph Records签约,当时主唱Trevor只有13岁。这一年乐队通过大量在当地演出现场活动而获得了足够的支持,第二年便发行了处子作《The Ghosts Among Us》,专辑取得了良好的反馈,乐队也趁热打铁进行了美国地区的巡演。随着专辑《We Will All Evolve》的面世,乐队首次横跨太平洋作为头牌艺人远赴日本进行巡演,在此期间乐队录制了一首“Across the Ocean”的不插电版本。在专辑《Age of Ignorance》于2012年8月推出之后,乐队进入了独立运作的状态,由此来保证更加自由的创作环境,乐队随后自行筹措资金录制了两张翻唱歌曲的迷你专辑,其中《Oak Island》这张专辑还在2014年乐队欧洲巡演之后推出了不插电版本。乐队对于不同风格表现形式的熟稔程度令乐迷眼界大开,在这里没有所谓的门户界限,七弦吉他失真与清嗓混搭毫无违和感,有的只是好听的旋律,动感的节奏。
乐队重视对不同音乐风格的混搭与解构,先后录制了多首风格跨度巨大的翻唱歌曲,包括美国超级偶像团体NSYNC的“Bye Bye Bye”、另类摇滚乐队Maroon 5的“Maps” 以及目前最受瞩目的流行乡村跨界才女Taylor Swift的“Blank Space”甚至是流行女歌手Katy Perry的“Dark Horse”都被OUR LAST NIGHT拿来做了一次标准后核式的编曲翻唱。尤其是翻唱电影007主题曲”Skyfall”以及当红流行团体IMAGINE DRAGON乐队的名曲“Radio Active”更是在社交网络上赢得五百万点击量。
游走于传统与潮流的领地之间,穿梭在摇滚与流行的境界边缘,OUR LAST NIGHT将在北京现场重新定义你的音乐进化论。
晚8点 // 220元(现场)/ 150元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)
Post-Hardcore rocker team OUR LAST NIGHT live in Beijing
Formed in 2004 by Trevor Wentworth (vocals), Matthew Wentworth (guitar, vocals), Alex "Woody" Woodrow (bass) and Tim Molloy (drums), OUR LAST NIGHT has become the symbol of Post-Hardcore genre throughout all these years.
After a few lineup changes, they signed with Epitaph Records and embarked their first tour, at that time Trevor was only 13-years old. Their debut album《The Ghosts Among Us》came out on March 4,2008 which peaked at No. 6 on Billboard's Top Heatseekers, and all has only began……
Two years later, the group entered the studio and came out with their sophomore effort 《We Will All Evolve》. Produced by Andrew Wade(A Day to Remember, Versa Emerge, In Fear and Faith), this record took the band to go out touring for several months.
They make their top position in the metal scene with an incredible mixture of post-hardcore and alternative rock with some elements of metalcore. The early releases featured fewer clean vocal parts while the contemporary material is more melodic with the role of unclean vocals noticeably reduced. It’s time to join in this night of evolution of modern heavy music in Beijing with OUR LAST NIGHT!!
Pm 8 // Rmb 220 (door) / 150 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)
Tickets online: www.showstart.com
Hotline: 010-62159844