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史无前例全明星阵容 欧陆极端金属双料王牌盛宴 BELPHEGOR + THE HAUNTED五月北京联袂主演

Price: ¥260

Saturday, May 9, 2015 20:00 to 23:30
Organizer: 愚公移山 More Events

Price: ¥260

史无前例全明星阵容 欧陆极端金属双料王牌盛宴 BELPHEGOR + THE HAUNTED五月北京联袂主演

Saturday, May 9, 2015 20:00 to 23:30 愚公移山 YUGONG YISHAN

Price: ¥260

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Saturday, May 9, 2015 20:00 to 23:30

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59 Saturday 星期六

史无前例全明星阵容 欧陆极端金属双料王牌盛宴 



在本刊《重型音乐》十几年来所主办的演出中,这堪称是极其特别的一场。首次由两支来自不同国家的绝对重量级国际团体在同一场演出中亮相,这是一场没有嘉宾乐队的全明星金属大会。瑞典新激流霸主THE HAUNTED与奥地利黑死君王BELPHEGOR将同台竞技,分别在愚公移山的周末舞台上以标准整场演出时长奉献真正的极端盛宴!

1991年成军于萨尔兹堡的BELPHEGOR (贝尔菲戈) 堪称奥地利的BEHEMOTH!是欧洲腹地最早的一批黑暗金属军团之一。乐队名取自圣经故事中 ,地狱的七大天使之一BELPHEGOR,带有浓郁的黑暗色彩。

虽然乐队早在成立之初便有一张Demo作品问世,但直到1995年乐队首张全长专辑《The Last Supper》的推出,这位来自地狱的天使才真正开始在全世界撒播他们那黑色的音符。1997年第二张作品《Blutsabbath》的推出之后,他们随即开始了与另外两支欧陆黑暗军团BEHEMOTH、ANCIENT的联合大规模欧洲巡演,进一步确立了乐队在欧陆极端金属圈的中坚地位。并随后签入著名厂牌Napalm Records,在这里发行的首张专辑《Lucifer Incestus》真正成为了乐队的第一张经典之作,这张专辑在对黑暗金属传统手法的尊崇与运用的同时,突破既定概念,进行了大量尝试,格里高利圣咏式的吟唱的运用呈现出一种极具张力的内在力量。这张专辑受到了全世界黑金属乐迷的广泛称颂。而两年之后发表的《Goatreich – Fleshcult》则更让人惊喜,与他们的波兰同行BEHEMOTH相仿,这张专辑里开始在黑暗金属框架下弥漫极其浓郁的死亡金属气息,通过扎实有力的中速节奏与旋律,描绘出了一种全新的金属音乐图景。这也使得这张作品在多样性与平衡度方面成为BELPHEGOR职业生涯中当之无愧的经典。

乐队在随后的时间里陆续发行了《Pestapokalypse VI》、《Bondage Goat Zombie》以及《Walpurgis Rites – Hexenwahn》等大量优秀作品,并转签至头号金属厂牌Nuclear Blast旗下。2013年最新专辑《Conjuring The Dead》出炉,专辑中久违的氛围感使得这张作品很像是乐队经典作品《Goatreich – Fleshcult》的“小版本”。还请到了DEICIDE的 Glen Benton 与MAYHEM的 Attila两位战将挥刀助阵,如果你是BELPHEGOR的老乐迷,那么这是一张可以让你觉得时光倒流的专辑,如果你只听过最近几张作品,那么这张专辑会让你对他们的音乐感到惊讶不已。这张专辑的成功再一次将乐队提升到了全新的高度,从欧洲到亚洲到处都留下了他们的黑暗足迹。2014年在日本Loud Park金属音乐节上技惊四座的精彩演出,也使他们在亚洲地区的知名度节节高升。

而另一位主角,脱胎于刚刚结束访华的哥德堡旋死鼻祖AT THE GATES,由Bjorder兄弟一手组建的瑞典新激流金属班霸THE HAUNTED,其音乐融合传统THRASH与瑞典式旋律死亡金属,融入硬核元素,充满律动与现代气息的重型音符奠定了其独树一帜的乐坛地位。

1996年AT THE GATES解散后,吉他手Patrik Jensen找来了前AT THE GATES鼓手Adrian Erlandsson、吉他手Anders Bjorler以及贝斯手Jonas Bjorler,加上MARY BEATS JANE歌手Peter Dolving加盟,组成了THE HAUNTED。1998年THE HAUNTED在耳痛EARCHE旗下灌录了第一张同名全长专辑 《The Haunted 》,当年就被全球最著名金属音乐杂志之一 Terrorizer选为年度最佳专辑。而之后在2000年发表的《Made Me Do It》更是大获成功,使得他们捧回了瑞典格莱美的奖杯。接下来的几张专辑2003年《One Kill Wonder》2004年《rEVOLVEr》2006年《The Dead Eye》2008年《Versus》2011年《Unseen》基本上延续了乐队业已成熟的音乐风格,他们先后与MASTODON、TESTAMENT、KILLSWITCH ENGAGE、DANZIG、ENTOMBED、DIMMU BORGIR、LAMB OF GOD、CANNIBAL CORPSE以及 MESHUGGAH等不同风格的重量级团体同台演出,这也使得乐队的音乐向着更具包容性的方向进化,成为现代金属乐坛不可忽视的重要力量。

    与ATG的欧陆文艺气息不同,THE HAUNTED的音乐更直接与纯粹并且更为现代。乐队的1998年首张专辑对于数年后的NWOAHM运动(美国重金属新浪潮)有着不可忽视的推动作用, 可以说整整一辈美国乐队都是从ATG、THE HAUNTED与IN FLAMES那里学到了瑞典式的riff是怎么弹的。

而2013年对于乐队来说意义非凡,不仅开始录制最新专辑《Exit Wounds》,同时乐队阵容也发生了变化,自1999-2003年曾效力乐队的公认最佳主唱Marco Aro与原始鼓手Adrian Erlandsson(ATG 、CRADLE OF FILTH、PARADISE LOST)归队,之前效力于美国死亡金属传奇SIX FEET UNDER,因在YOUTUBE上长期进行器材评测与推广,在中国有“箱头哥”美誉的瑞典当红吉他手Ola Englund 接替忙于ATG无暇脱身的元老Anders Bjorler成为主音吉他。这一阵容堪称近年来乐队的最佳阵型。果然,2014年发表的专辑《Exit Wounds》堪称为一张十分优秀的瑞典现代金属作品,清晰的旋律线,凶猛的降调吉他节奏,创新又不失金属根源的编曲,可以说是集欧式现代金属所有优秀元素大成者。


晚8点 // 320元(现场)/ 260元(预售 | 数量有限,售完即止)



Austrian Blacken Death Metal Lucifer BELPHEGOR plus Swedish Modern Heavy Machine THE HAUNTED

Emerges in 1991 as one of the most extreme line ups to ever come out of the death black metal scene,this demonic Austrian Legion has established their cult reputation with their first 3 excellent full length releases. 

BELPHEGOR's highly acclaimed 3rd release, 《Necrodaemon Terrorsathan》has proved what this band’s music stands for. This album presented a fast and brutal attack, technical prowess, and a most brutal sound, neatly packaged in blasphemous art. But their breakthrough for the international metal scene came with their 4th album 《Lucifer Infestus》in their new base camp Napalm Records.

When the 2nd release under Napalm Records《Goatreich – Fleshcult》came out this Austrian legion has managed to top all of their previous releases even 《Lucifer Infestus》as they raise the saw of Death higher than the sword of Black with more conviction. With this effort they have achieved the most blasphemous and extreme sound ever made by those deadly instruments together.

BELPHEGOR continues their demonic road with the latest chapter《Conjuring The Dead》last year. Along with the typical aggressive blasts, you can feel the spirit behind their whole career which lasts more than 2 decades. It is this non-stop passion for Blacken Death Metal that climaxes their music to an unimaginable intensity.

So, just prepare for the“Supreme Death/Black Metal Art” this May in Beijing!

Swedish Metal heavy machine THE HAUNTED have been on the forefront of the global modern extreme metal-scene since the very beginning around 1996, when core members of the seminal act At The Gates decided to turn to a more Thrash Metal oriented shape than before. 

While the rest of their stylistic peers were either dormant or at a qualitative low, THE HAUNTED’s self-titled debut record shocked the scene in 1998 and brought back faith and attention to a sub-genre of Metal that has grown back to become fervently appreciated by both old and new metal fans. Viewed from nowadays, THE HAUNTED has truly played an important part in the wave that Thrash has been vigorously re-interpreted by countless new artists. But the most important point is that THE HAUNTED never really understood themselves as a role-model in terms of being the “typical” Thrash act but instead often opted to take risks and challenges by expanding their sound’s magnitude and brutally honest approach.

2004’s acclaimed 《rEVOLVEr》 album opened a new, hungrier and more daring chapter of THE HAUNTED’s unlimited journey through the landscapes of extreme Metal: Their impeccable way of combining their classic ‘80s Metal influences (Metallica、Slayer) with an utterly modern delivery, yet always trend-defiant attitude and trademarked overall-sound has made the band equally unique and essential. 2006’s《The Dead Eye》 showcased a partly rather atmospheric and quite dark musical side of things for the quintet, even though the overall heaviness and bite in the sound hadn’t been sacrificed at all.

This latest album shows that we can still feel the terrifying aggression and heaviness from The Haunted after more than 15 years. Now they are coming to Beijing to deliver their modern extreme metal sound , no false pride, no fashion, no fake set of values…Surrender to this!!!

Pm 8 // Rmb 320 (door) / 260 (presale | on a first-come-first-serve-basis)

Tickets online:

Hotline: 010-62159844

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