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Startup Weekend Chengdu 成都创业周末 #2

价格: 免费

2014年11月14日 星期五 17:30 至 11月16日 星期日 21:00
目咖啡 See & Seen Coffee 地址:成都高新区府城大道西段399号3号楼1楼 (Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, No. 399 Fucheng Dadao Xi, Building 3, 1st Floor)
主办方: Startup Weekend Chengdu 更多活动

价格: 免费

Startup Weekend Chengdu 成都创业周末 #2

2014年11月14日 星期五 17:30 至 11月16日 星期日 21:00 目咖啡 See & Seen Coffee 地址:成都高新区府城大道西段399号3号楼1楼 (Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, No. 399 Fucheng Dadao Xi, Building 3, 1st Floor)

价格: 免费

时间 地点

2014年11月14日 星期五 17:30 至 11月16日 星期日 21:00

目咖啡 See & Seen Coffee 地址:成都高新区府城大道西段399号3号楼1楼 (Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, No. 399 Fucheng Dadao Xi, Building 3, 1st Floor) 目咖啡 See & Seen Coffee 地址:成都高新区府城大道西段399号3号楼1楼 (Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone, No. 399 Fucheng Dadao Xi, Building 3, 1st Floor)


主办方 联系主办方

Startup Weekend Chengdu

Startup Weekend Chengdu




浏览: 10,052

Official Event Website 官方活动网址

Startup Weekend Chengdu 成都创业周末


Online registration for this event is closed.



Startup Weekend is a global grassroots, nonprofit movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over 1800 past events in 120 countries around the world since 2011.

All Startup Weekend events follow the same basic model: anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then it’s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback.




  • A:世服宏图服务式共享办公空间的12个月免费使用权
  • B:成都服务式办公室商务中心铂金级包半年使用权,
  • C:在仁恒置地广场一个最好的雷格斯商务地址
  • D. DigiChina 5~15小时市场咨询服务
  • E. ECFO一年财务计划和季度分析服务

* 世服宏图虚拟办公室1个月免费试用
* 世服宏图董事局会议室1小时免费使用券



Global Startup Battle is back for 2014. As the world celebrates Global Entrepreneurship Week, we'll be hosting the biggest startup competition the world has ever seen! Become part of the legacy of successful GSB teams by competing regionally, in a themed Track or both!



国际消费电子产品展是国际性的创新舞台。作为胜出团队,你的团队将会在CES分会场尤里卡公园(Eureka Park)获得展台,跻身于全球最好的创业团队之中。

3. 参加发布会
创业周末将举办发布会,安排你出席位于硅谷的首展地点。去年的演讲嘉宾及出席者有Mark Cuban(连续创业家,创立了音频和视频门户网站Broadcast.com,并于1999年将其以57亿美元的价格卖给了雅虎。他还投资有篮球队Dallas Mavericks, 有线电视频道HDNet、Landmark Theatres,以及电影制片厂Magnolia Pictures)和Travis Kalanick(连续创业者,手机租车应用Uber的创始人)

2014 Champions Track Prizes
1. Startup Oasis during SXSW
Stay with the UP Global team in Austin, TX. We'll support you the whole week with stage time, introductions, mentors, and sweet digs near all the action.
2. Booth at CES Eureka Park
CES is the Global Stage For Innovation, as a winner your team will be front and center in Eureka Park with all the best new startups from around the world.
3. LAUNCH Conference powered by .CO
We'll set you up at of Silicon Valley's premiere places to launch, last year's speakers/attendees included Mark Cuban and Travis Kalanick.
4. NASDAQ Media Tour
A trip to New York city for a media tour, introductions, and more.
2014 创业女性大奖
国际消费电子产品展是国际性的创新舞台。作为胜出团队,你的团队将会在CES分会场尤里卡公园(Eureka Park)获得展台,跻身于全球最好的创业团队之中。

2014 Startup Women Track Prizes
Booth at CES Eureka Park
CES is the Global Stage For Innovation, as a winner your team will be front and center in Eureka Park with all the best new startups from around the world.
2014 教育资助大奖
1. 价值2万美金的GA课程
在我们的全日制或是走读课程中,建立你的产品原型,改进界面设计,制定市场营销计划,或是建立产品开发计划 (获胜队可以选择在队员中合理分配课程,以充分利用价值2万美金的课程学分)

2. 5千美金助学金

3. 一对一导师辅导

4. 40小时的后援服务

2014 Education, Empowered Track Prizes
1.$20,000 USD in GA Courses
Build out your prototype, improve the UX design, create a marketing plan, or develop a product roadmap in our part-time and full-time courses.* (*winning team can choose to distribute their courses as they see fit across team members, utilizing up to $20,000 USD of course credit).
2. $5,000 USD Living Stipend
$5,000 USD Living Stipend
For those teams not located in a city with a GA campus, this prize money will go towards their living expenses as they take their courses. For teams that do live in a GA metro, this money can go towards funding their living expenses as they develop their startup.
3.One-on-One Mentoring Sessions
Refine your idea and learn how to make it successful in one-on-one sessions with executives at General Assembly.
4.40 hours of Support
Receive up to 40 hours of support from students and graduates of our full-time Web Development and User Experience Design immersive programs. You’ll get help building and designing your product so you can bring it to life faster and smarter. 

No talk, all action. 
It's time to SHINE!

活动地点 Event Location
目咖啡 See & Seen Coffee

电话 Phone:(028) 66777587

注册种类 Registration Types

  • Business/Marketing 商务/市场营销 (200RMB)
  • Developer 开发者 (200RMB)
  • Designer 设计师 (200RMB)
  • Sunday Spectator / 围观票 (50 RMB)

门票价格包含整个周末伙食,类似工作餐(3晚餐,2午餐,2清淡的早餐),以及无限茶水和柠檬水。Ticket price includes food for the entire weekend (3 dinners, 2 lunches and 2 light breakfasts) as well as unlimited tea and lemon water. 

围观票: 观众票只限观摩周日晚上的路演Sunday Spectator ticket only provides attendance to the Sunday night final presentations

联系方式 Contact Information
LinkedIn | Twitter | Facebook

Official Event Website 官方活动网址




赞助商 / Sponsors




