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[2012.04 - 已结束] Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末
2012年4月6日 星期五 17:00 至 4月8日 星期日 20:00
2403-2405 ,Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, Hi-techPark,Nanshan District,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦,2405-2403
主办方: Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末组委会 更多活动

价格: ¥150 - 200

[2012.04 - 已结束] Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末

价格: ¥150 - 200

[2012.04 - 已结束] Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末
2012年4月6日 星期五 17:00 至 4月8日 星期日 20:00
2403-2405 ,Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, Hi-techPark,Nanshan District,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦,2405-2403
主办方: Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末组委会 更多活动

价格: ¥150 - 200

[2012.04 - 已结束] Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末

2012年4月6日 星期五 17:00 至 4月8日 星期日 20:00 2403-2405 ,Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, Hi-techPark,Nanshan District,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦,2405-2403

价格: ¥150 - 200

时间 地点

2012年4月6日 星期五 17:00 至 4月8日 星期日 20:00

2403-2405 ,Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, Hi-techPark,Nanshan District,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦,2405-2403 2403-2405 ,Tencent Building, Kejizhongyi Avenue, Hi-techPark,Nanshan District,Shenzhen 深圳市南山区高新科技园中区一路腾讯大厦,2405-2403


主办方 联系主办方

Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末组委会

Startup Weekend Shenzhen 深圳创业周末组委会




浏览: 6,972

继上次在科技园举行了深圳首场创业周末(Startup Weekend)后反响热烈,第二次风暴即将再次来袭!
  创业周末是一个部设立位于西雅图的非盈利组织,在全球各大城市不定期举行的互联网创业活动。一个个素不相识但都热血沸腾的程序员、产品经理、设计师、营销精英和创业爱好者周末聚在一起并自由组队,然后在短短的54小时里里打造互联网产品或商业模式。我们同时还邀请了一批成功的企业家及投资人莅临现场给所有团队作辅导(本期嘉宾名单更新中, 往期请见附件)。 

Startup Weekend is coming over again! 

Startup Weekends are 54-hour events where developers, designers, marketers, product managers and startup enthusiasts come together to share ideas, form teams, build products, and launch startups! On average, half of Startup Weekend’s attendees have technical backgrounds, the other half have business backgrounds. Beginning with open mic pitches on Friday, attendees are encouraged to bring their best ideas and inspire others to join their team. Over Saturday and Sunday teams design and develop business plans while constantly streamlining their startup vision. On Sunday evening teams demo their prototypes, listen to judges’ feedback and in some cities, win prizes.

 If you have questions doubts feel free to email : 

[ 日程安排 Agenda ]

周五晚上 Friday Night (April 6th, 2012)

17:00 - 19:00: Registration & Networking 登记入场
19:00 - 19:30:  Welcome 特邀嘉宾演讲
19:30 - 21:00:  Pitch your idea!  游说您的创业点子
21:00 - 21:30:  Vote on ideas 投票选出优秀点子
21:30 - 22:30:  Form teams 自由组建团队
22:30+ :Go home 回家

周六 Saturday (April 7th, 2012)

9:00  -  9:30:   Breakfast 早餐
9:30 -  12:00:  Work on idea, Progress check point #1 工作, 进度检查点#1
12:00 - 13:00: Lunch 午餐
13:00 - 18:30:  Work on idea, Progress check point #2 工作,进度检查点#2
18:30 - 19:30:  Working dinner 晚餐
19:30 - 22:30:  Work on idea, Progress check point #3 工作,进度检查点#3
 22:30+:  Go home 回家

  周日 Sunday (April 8th, 2012)

    9:00  -  9:30:  Breakfast 早餐
9:30 - 12:00:   Work on idea, Progress check point #4 工作,进度检查点#4
12:00 - 13:00:  Lunch 午餐
13:00 - 17:00:  Work on idea , Progress check point #5 工作,进度检查点#5
17:00 - 18:00:  Prepare for presentation & Room Clean-up 收拾东西,为演讲做准备
18:00 - 20:00:  Presentation 项目展示!
20:00+:  Judging and Awards, Dinner, Networking 评选,颁奖,晚餐…


[ 常见问题 FAQ]
  1. 主办方提供餐饮及住宿吗?答:提供餐饮,住宿请自行解决。会场每晚的关门时间大概是晚上10点半。
  2. 活动语言是什么?答:中英文结合,会场会有专人做简单的双语翻译。
  3. 参加的都是些什么人?答:所有对互联网创业的朋友。同时也邀请了一些成功的企业家和投资人莅临现场为大家辅导。
  4. 参加活动必须有创业点子吗?答:活动鼓励所有人都有自己的点子,但您也可到场跟其他人头脑风暴后再提出或加入其他人的团队。
  5. 我们已经有成型的团队和产品了还可以参加吗?答:不可以。所有人须以个人身份参加,本活动旨在打造产品而非宣传产品
  6. 活动中组建的团队在活动结束后还存在吗?答:部分会解散,部分会成立公司并获得融资。
7. 我的创业点子需符合什么类型?答:需跟互联网、软件、手机应用等有直接或间接关系。
8. 我需要整个周末都待在会场吗?答:是的。如确有特殊原因缺席请务必提前通知我们及同组成员。

>> 详细介绍请见附件的PDF文档(见上) For more details please check out the attached PDF file (See above).
>> 往期活动照片请见官方博客 For previous event photos please follow us on weibo: http://weibo.com/startupscn


******************************Presentation Ticket Section  演讲门票部分************************************************

[ 观众票 Sunday Presentation and Networking ]

Come join us for the  Electrifying  Teams Presentation Battle to win the Startup Weekend ,
Sunday Night (April 8, 2012)   -  18:00-20:00 ( followed by networking and food)
Some awesome startup companies  pitch their 3 days work  and judges evaluate their ideas, business  and provide insights .If you are an aspiring business person or in the startup industry or you want to learn how business ideas are evaluated by successful businessmen, or you simply want to meet high level venture capitalists , organizers and others from the startup community then this is the most valuable 2 hours session  you could attend .

[ 常见问题 FAQ]
Why is a 2 hour  ticket priced higher than 3 days participation which includes food drink internet and space ?
Please understand the participants tickets are subsidized by funds from USA HQ  and sponsors who want to support startups and fresh ideas .So the normal pricing for participant ticket is 400 rmb which is subsidised by the organisers to encourage the startup community in Shenzhen.
Besides the pitch night is of  high value since it is the cream of the event where in 2 hours you get to know all that happened over the period of 3 days in the event and 3 months of preparation to make this event a success and you meet some great passionate people with business drive in them.




