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The Pigeon Social Club 不放鸽子俱乐部

价格: ¥68 - 248

2018年9月15日 星期六 13:00 至 22:00
Rooftop Arcade Restaurant, 5L Hotel Lobby (former Traders Hotel), Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂右手侧ARCADE游乐场餐厅
主办方: The Pigeon Social Club 更多活动

价格: ¥68 - 248

The Pigeon Social Club 不放鸽子俱乐部

2018年9月15日 星期六 13:00 至 22:00 Rooftop Arcade Restaurant, 5L Hotel Lobby (former Traders Hotel), Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂右手侧ARCADE游乐场餐厅

价格: ¥68 - 248

时间 地点

2018年9月15日 星期六 13:00 至 22:00

Rooftop Arcade Restaurant, 5L Hotel Lobby (former Traders Hotel), Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂右手侧ARCADE游乐场餐厅 Rooftop Arcade Restaurant, 5L Hotel Lobby (former Traders Hotel), Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District 北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂右手侧ARCADE游乐场餐厅


主办方 联系主办方

The Pigeon Social Club

The Pigeon Social Club

不放鸽子俱乐部是一个令人兴奋的活动,这次你会享受到正能量瑜伽早餐 + 果昔碗,Simone大厨的亚洲孵乐出品也可以享受到畅饮葡萄酒,夕阳西下趴,LIUBA女士的Drink n’ Draw, 来一起放风筝,国际范的摊,现场DJ表演

The Pigeon Social Club is an immersive adventure featuring a whole day of curated experiences including a morning of yoga and smoothie bowls, a one-off pan asian brunch paired with free-flowin' young gun wines, and an sunset roof party with Drink n’ Draw, kite flying, delectable food and beverage stalls and sound provided by a selection of Beijing’s best DJs. 






浏览: 3,816


不放鸽子俱乐部是一个令人兴奋的活动,这次你会享受到正能量瑜伽早餐 + 果昔碗,Simone大厨的亚洲孵乐出品也可以享受到畅饮葡萄酒,夕阳西下趴,LIUBA女士的Drink n’ Draw, 来一起放风筝,国际范的摊,现场DJ表演

Make your way through the metal jungle, grab your pigeon pals and start your ascent to an open-air oasis amongst the skyscrapers of Beijing.

The Pigeon Social Club is an immersive adventure featuring a whole day of curated experiences including a morning of yoga and smoothie bowls, a one-off pan asian brunch paired with free-flowin' young gun wines, and an sunset roof party with Drink n’ Draw, kite flying, delectable food and beverage stalls and sound provided by a selection of Beijing’s best DJs. 

Scroll down for menus!



11-13:00, 138RMB

我们和自己的身体其实并不亲近,身体仍然是一个未知的实体,我们需要培养激活,再生,重振身体的意识 因为身体是内在之旅的第一个和最重要的工具。

Drawing influences from other yoga practices such as iyengar, alignment, flow, hatha, and yin, these classes aim to help you establish subtle connections and deeper body awareness through fluent asana to truly nourish and awaken your mind, body and soul.

沐朗老师 美国瑜伽联盟累计RYT500认证老师 并坚持参加各地工作坊和自我练习 不断在瑜伽中探索进步 学习正位瑜伽出身 但不拘泥于其流派的边界 吸取其他流派的精髓 授课思路严谨但却不失愉悦轻松的气氛。

Mulang currently has a RYT500 certificate credited by the U.S. Yoga Alliance. She continues to attend regular workshops and practices daily to further improve her love of yoga.

Simone Thompson 大厨的 “TIGER TIGER 虎虎生威”红酒配亚式早午餐 


13-15:00, 148RMB 

(+100RMB to include free flow paired wines from the Wine Republic)


Enjoy a Pan-Asian culinary adventure by Chef Simone Thompson on the roof. This one-off menu includes a range of individual plates and family style dishes, paired with young gun wines from Wine Republic. 


15-22:00, 138RMB

Celebrate the great weather outdoors and amongst the towering skyscrapers of Beijing’s CBD. Join the merrymaking for a day-into-night extravaganza featuring arts, craft, tunes, food and drinks.

Drink n Draw with Liuba Draws  


Sit down and sketch the towering Beijing skyscrapers with Liuba.

Liuba Draws has been living in Beijing for more than 7 years now, it has become a new home for Liuba, with amazing experiences and a deep love for a city, which she wants to share with everyone. People both visiting or living in China are excited to discover all the quirky things they love about this country hidden in the art of Liuba Draws. Right now Liuba is developing her own brand, Liuba Draws, with a number of products such as prints, cards, keychains, magnets, mugs and more. www.liubadraws.com Wechat: @liubatje

Liuba Draws是住北京俄罗斯独立艺术家及插画师。在北京⽣活中发掘的惊喜与奇遇帮助Liuba更好地启发了她在艺术上的创作天分,在不断学习和运⽤新技巧的同时,Liuba主要使⽤⽔粉画的形式和技巧来表现她眼中的北京 ⽂化和北京⼈。经过7年有余的北京⽣活,这⾥俨然已经成为了Liuba的第⼆故乡。带着对这个城市深切的热爱,她决定通过⾃⼰的画笔与⼤家分享这份深情。⽆论你是否了解北京 — Liuba 的笔触都能带着你的视⻆纵览这个⽂化与⺠俗兼容并蓄的千年古城。 ⽬前Liuba的个⼈品牌 - Liuba Draws带着⼀系列⽣趣可爱的⼩物件在北京城内⼏个知名的市场上有售。 www.liubadraws.com



Born and raised in the UK, Juhstynn is a regular on the Beijing and China club circuit. Eclectically driven and a love for blending old records with new, he continues to cater for the subtlest of situations as well as the most demanding dance floors.

Juhstynn  成长于英国,如今活跃在北京,Juhstynn的音乐时常游移在不同的风格和流派之间,在巧妙、精细的混音技巧的加持下,根据舞池人群环境而“因地制宜”,灵活地穿梭在跳舞音乐的新旧时空当中。


Resident of 算盘 (suanpan) in Beijing, and no stranger to playing a rooftop party, expect a tastefully selected range of music, spanning decades, styles, and moods to fit the occasion, with some classics for good measure.

Tanner  作为苏格兰电子乐场景中的一员,他如今是北京派对组织“算盘”的常驻。根源自90年代的底特律和芝加哥,他的音乐充分汲取了过往之中的精华养分,呈现出一个舞场老手所应具有的优良品味和沉稳特质。


Hailing from the UK, Chloë made her inroads to DJing via sounds & clubs of south England to Beijing. Chloë’s sets connect the dots between genres spanning house, disco, techno and rhythms from around the globe, playing along the grooves that run between.

Chloë 的DJ生涯始于英国南部,来到北京之后,Chloë喜好融合不同类型的音乐,在节奏与乐音之间玩转House、Disco与Techno,让现场充满律动与欢快。


Mu aka DJ Dirty Dishes, was born and raised in Beijing, after an unforgettable show of Cut Chemist in yugongyishan, she started  fully involved her career in Beijing nightlife - as PR in Beijing infamous underground electro club White rabbit, been a club promoter, freelance music blogger, event planner of Beijing nightlife scene since 2006. In year 2010, Mu started her own underground party brand called Street Kids, mainly focus on promoting underground music in beijing,as well bring out new sounds and create fun nightlife experiences to the dancefloor; International DJ artist booking included: DJ Zinc,Roska,Goth-trad,Swindle,Pinch,DJ Die,Nguzunguzu,Dave Luxe,Mochipet and many more..

Dirty Dishes’s Dj set has no limits,no boundaries. From Reggae, Dancehall To Hiphop,R&B,Soul,House.. she is finding the same soul and love in different music to balance her performance. a rich music journey ,an experience and much more vibes to the audience. an unique style fits in many more different vibe event and parties. 

Street Kids 派对品牌主理人 Mu aka DJ Dirty Dishes. 北京人,作为派对活动推手10年,节奏音乐的文化推广者。曾获得Timeout年度最佳派对,Cityweekend年度最佳派对推手等业内殊荣。邀请包括DJ Zinc,Roska,Goth-trad,Swindle,Pinch,DJ Die,Nguzunguzu,Dave Luxe,Mochipet等国际众多地下电子大师来北京演出,合作包括Carhartt WIP, Vice中国,Nylon尼龙在内的文化品牌,策划大大小小创意派对活动。

她的音乐无边界,无类别限制。从雷鬼,dancehall, 到hiphop, R&B,Soul,House。她从不同音乐的灵魂中找到平衡点,使各类的音乐巧妙贯通。丰富的音乐情绪带动听者的聆听及舞动感受,独有风格掌控不同的音乐现场。


Saucy is an Australian DJ based in Shanghai and co-founder of the vaguely tropical sound collective, Club Paradise. Undeniably salacious in the mix, Saucy creates eclectic sets of days-gone-by disco woven with  worldly house and idyllic pop grooves.

Saucy,驻上海的澳大利亚DJ,同时也是轻热带电音组合Club Paradise的联合创始人。他擅长复杂多样的风格,融合华丽的house和悠闲的pop节奏,为现场带来”不分昼夜“的disco狂欢

Festival Food by Simone Thompson (Hatchery) 

Drink Partners


Zeffer Cider

Arrow Factory Brewing

Wine Republic


Pure Blonde

Arcade Bar by Hatchery





不放鸽子俱乐部是一个令人兴奋的活动,这次你会享受到正能量瑜伽早餐 + 果昔碗,Simone大厨的亚洲孵乐出品也可以享受到畅饮葡萄酒,夕阳西下趴,LIUBA女士的Drink n’ Draw, 来一起放风筝,国际范的摊,现场DJ表演

The Pigeon Social Club is an immersive adventure featuring a whole day of curated experiences including a morning of yoga and smoothie bowls, a one-off pan asian brunch paired with free-flowin' young gun wines, and an sunset roof party with Drink n’ Draw, kite flying, delectable food and beverage stalls and sound provided by a selection of Beijing’s best DJs. 


