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2017南非驻华使馆公众开放日:精彩南非South African Embassy Open Day: Discover South Africa

价格: 免费

2017年9月23日 星期六 14:00 至 18:00
北京朝阳区东直门外大街5号南非驻华大使馆South African Embassy, 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
主办方: South African Embassy 更多活动

(2115) 人已报名

  • Lesego Pelompe

  • Mabanga

  • Debora Balatseng

  • 田佳玮

  • 雷文婷

  • 吕雅婧

  • 陈婷

  • 袁朝云

  • 李昱菲

  • Seloga Refilwe

  • 陈丽华

  • 邵彬彬

  • 路宇

  • Dolana Msimang

  • 霍秀婷

  • 赵芳

  • 刘赵静

  • 赵忠文

  • Christine Rossi

  • Lu Hongmei

价格: 免费

2017南非驻华使馆公众开放日:精彩南非South African Embassy Open Day: Discover South Africa

2017年9月23日 星期六 14:00 至 18:00 北京朝阳区东直门外大街5号南非驻华大使馆South African Embassy, 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

价格: 免费

时间 地点

2017年9月23日 星期六 14:00 至 18:00

北京朝阳区东直门外大街5号南非驻华大使馆South African Embassy, 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing. 北京朝阳区东直门外大街5号南非驻华大使馆South African Embassy, 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing.


主办方 联系主办方

South African Embassy

South African Embassy

Official Event Partner





浏览: 28,832




        时间:第一场:2017年9月23日, 周六,14:00-16:00

                    第二场:2017年9月23日, 周六,16:00-18:00



1. 免费入场;

2. 所有年满18岁的来宾请携带短信或电邮收到的的确认号码入场,并于活动当天携带在线报名时提交本人身份证或者护照等有效


3. 未满16岁的儿童需要确认出席的成年人陪同入场;

4. 活动分为两个时段14:00-16:0016:00-18:00,活动内容相同,请大家选择不同时段进行报名;

5.  使馆内无停车位,请尽量选择公共交通。




14:00-14:10    南非共和国大使 多拉娜•姆西曼阁下致欢迎词

14:10-14:30    南非旅游简介

14:30-15:00    南非歌舞表演

15:15-15:30    抽奖            

14:00-16:00    展台开放      


16:00-16:30    南非歌舞表演

16:30-17:00    南非旅游简介

17:15-17:30    抽奖            

16:00-18:00    展台开放      

        2017年 9月23日,南非驻华大使馆,不见不散!

South African Embassy Open Day: Discover South Africa

The second South African Wine Tasting and Products Exhibition will be held on Saturday, 23 September 2017. During the event, you will have an opportunity to experience South African wine, Rooibos tea, aloe products, food and fresh fruits from South Africa, performances by South African gumboot dancers, singers and traditional Xhosa face painting. You will also qualify to participate in the lucky draw with many South African prizes We believe you will enjoy this wonderful day!

Free entrance with limited numbers!  Please share this news on your Wechat. We welcome you and your friends to our exhibition.

        TIME    Session 1: 14:00-16:00, Saturday, 23 September 2017

                         Session 2: 16:00-18:00, Saturday, 23 September 2017

        VENUESouth African Embassy, 5 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

Notice for Registration

1. Entrance is free!

2. All guests (over the age of 18-years) can enter with a pre-registration confirmation number. Please show your registered ID or

    passport at the entrance. ID numbers are all required for each guest for security reason when they register.

3. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a registered adult.

4. The event is divided into two sessions (14:00-16:00; 16:00-18:00) with a similar programme for each period.

5. No parking available inside/around the Embassy and public transport is preferably considered.

【Draft Programmeto be confirmed on 23 September

First Session14:00-16:00

14:00-14:10    Welcome Remarks by Her Excellency Ms. Dolana Msimang, Ambassador

                        of the Republic of South Africa

14:10-14:30    South African Tourism Knowledge

14:30-15:00    Performance by South African performers

15:15-15:30    Lucky Draw

14:00-16:00    Wine Tasting and Products Exhibition

Second Session16:00-18:00

16:00-16:30    Performance by South African performers

16:30-17:00    South African Tourism Knowledge

17:15-17:30    Lucky Draw

16:00-18:00    Wine Tasting and Products Exhibition

See you at the South African Embassy on 23 September 2017! 





Official Event Partner


  • Lesego Pelompe
  • Lesego Pelompe
  • Lesego Pelompe
  • Lesego Pelompe
  • Lesego Pelompe
  • Lesego Pelompe
  • Mabanga
  • Mabanga
  • Mabanga
  • Mabanga
  • Mabanga
  • Mabanga
  • Debora Balatseng
  • Debora Balatseng
  • Debora Balatseng
  • Debora Balatseng
  • 田佳玮
  • 雷文婷
  • 雷文婷
  • Stephen Rossi



