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Macworld Asia Conference 2012
Thursday, August 2 to Sunday, August 5, 2012
China National Convention Center, Beijing
Organizer: MACWORLD ASIA More Events

Price: Free - ¥800

Macworld Asia Conference 2012

Price: Free - ¥800

Macworld Asia Conference 2012
Thursday, August 2 to Sunday, August 5, 2012
China National Convention Center, Beijing
Organizer: MACWORLD ASIA More Events

Price: Free - ¥800

Macworld Asia Conference 2012

Thursday, August 2 to Sunday, August 5, 2012 China National Convention Center, Beijing

Price: Free - ¥800

When & Where

Thursday, August 2 to Sunday, August 5, 2012

China National Convention Center, Beijing China National Convention Center, Beijing
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Supported by: People’s Government of Beijing Municipality
Sponsored by: Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau, International Data Group (IDG)
Produced by: IDG World Expo China Co., Ltd
Official website:

Contact Us
1.For those who would like to sponsor the conference , please contact:


Tel: 86 10 6526 2650 (Ext:102 / 115 / 117), 86 10 6526 0830

Fax: 86 10 6526 0865 

Tel: 86 755 2399 6193 / 5495 
      86 755 8366 3498 / 3890
86 755 8276 4892

Fax: 86 755 8366 3926 


Tel: 86 21 5241 4874 
86 21 5241 4606

Fax: 86 21 5241 4787


2.For those who have interests to speak at the conference, please contact:

Ms. Mandy Fang
Tel: 86 10 6526 3026 
Fax: 86 10 6526 0865



View the host's profile


Views: 2,009

Supported by: People’s Government of Beijing Municipality

Sponsored by: Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau, International Data Group (IDG)

Produced by: IDG World Expo China Co., Ltd

Official website: 

Registrant Type & Pricing

Macworld Asia Conference 2012 

Registrant Type & Pricing

Available Day

August 2

August 3

August 2-3

August 2-5



Plenary Sessions

Working Lunch

Breakout Sessions

Working Lunch

Conference Materials

Pass to Exhibition Hall

Type A

Early Bird (Before May 31, 2012)


Group Registration (A group of at 3 or more)


General Registration


Type B

Early Bird (Before May 31, 2012)




Group Registration (A group of at 3 or more)


General Registration


For Conference Participation

1) Online registration shall be available and not be closed until July 31. 

Instruction of Processing Online Registration: 


Select the registrant type at the top of this page and start to register 

Fill in the personal information as required (Please comment if you need invoice.) 

Process online payment or wire bank transfer 

Complete online registration 

Note: All registrants shall pick up conference materials, event passes and official invoices at the conference venue.

2) On-site registration: Attendees may also register, pay conference price, pick up the passes and conference materials at the conference venue. 

About The Conference

Apple remains the world leader in the digital product market in 2011 thanks to its marvelous products, the famed brand, and its successful business model. With market value approaching $400 billion, Apple has become the most valuable company in the world. Its Q4 financial statements, though not as good as that in Q3, still reported total revenue of $28.27 billion and net revenue of $6.62 billion, up 39% and 54% respectively year on year. Take mobile phone product for an example, Apple takes 52% profit of the mobile phone industry despite the fact it owns only 4% of this market. Growth in the overseas markets contributes significantly to Apple’s sales revenue and profit margin. China, among them, is the largest overseas market to Apple.


The most eye-catching issue about this apple with a bite is the permanent farewell of Steve Jobs, founder of Apple and a genius who has changed the world. His pioneering spirit, out-of-the-box thinking pattern, the perseverance and world-changing mission has a profound influence on people all over the world.


Since Apple kicking off an era that reformed the entire PC and mobile phone industry, it has changed people’s lifestyle, driven the rapid development of the mobile Internet and the Internet of Things, and accelerated the pace of a fully digitalized society. The mission of changing the world shouldered on Jobs has kept Apple advancing in the forefront of the industry. Also, the ecosphere created by Apple has become a gold mine that lures talents and elites to compete for a slice of the cake.   


Macworld Asia Conference 2012, originated in the US, is a cross-boundary event that gathers entrepreneurs, high-end industrial users, operators, developers, venture capitalists, elites in creative design, photography, video, music and other fields of today’s ICT industry. The event is designed to explore new technologies and products and innovative applications worldwide with Apple as their pioneering representative, establish an exchange platform of cooperation, mutual benefits and all-win results, and guide people into the product and technology trend of a fully digital era. Since 2011, Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau has worked with International Data Group to introduce such a globally renowned brand event to China. The successful debut attracted more than 100,000 exhibit visitors and more than 2,500 conference attendees, and was covered by hundreds of media organizations, making a big stir and winning favorable comments in the industry.


Macworld Asia Conference 2012 with the theme of “Defining the Next Frontier” will elaborate the current ICT technology and the Apple-led, profound change in the entire landscape of the traditional information industry landscape, jointly discuss about the opportunities and challenges for traditional and emerging enterprises in the future digital society, allow visitors to acquire valuable knowledge through technical discussions, product demo and skill training, and appreciate the latest and cutting-edge technology and application experience in the future and seek the perspective business opportunities.



As a neutral conference that focuses on technical and market discussions, it aims to promote the overall development of ICT industry and cross-sector cooperation, and advocate innovation and integration, in a bid to allow users to enjoy the change of human life and business community brought about by the integration of science and technology with art, cultural creativity and other industries and experience different aspects of a fully digitalized society in the future while getting to know technological progress. 


Professional, high-end and loyal audience

Apple's products are famous for perfect design and experience all along. In addition, the relative non-openness of Apple makes different links of Apple's industrial chain seek for greater perfection. Besides the high-end user groups in the popular consumer market, Apple has been occupying a stable market position in relevant professional fields. Macworld is the premiere and the grandest yearly event in Apple ecosphere and boasts of a very loyal and high-end audience.


Internationalized and cross-sector fashionable elements everywhere  

Apple products leading a fashion trend seem to be a wind vane in the industry. At Macworld Asia Conference, the guest speakers include technology leaders and celebrities from art, design, cultural creativity and film & TV fields.


Apple professional training offered during the Users Conference

Apple’s senior technology and application specialists will impart skills on the spot and provide expertise and hands-on experience in areas of industrial design, SME application, photography, film & TV production.


Channel Conference just launched

Conference Profile

Plenary Sessions

Time: August 2, 2012, Thursday                               Location: Grand Ballroom, 1st Floor, CNCC

This is where keynotes and panels will be delivered on hot topics involving the future development trend with the products and technologies of the global electronic information industry, development planning of Beijing's electronic information industry, how Apple's development strategy influence on the Asia Pacific Region in the post-Jobs era. Celebrities from the relevant sectors will convene to showcase the innovative and latest technologies on iOS and Mac OS X such as cloud service, cloud video, mobile Internet, Internet of Things, social networking and business intelligence etc.


Day 2: August 3, 2012, Friday, Function Hall, 1st Floor, China National Convention Center, Beijing   


Parallel Theme Forums In The Morning:

Industrial Design Forum

Time: Morning of August 3, 2012, Friday                        Location: Function Hall A, 1st Floor, CNCC

Almost every product offered by Apple can be regarded a piece of artwork. At the forum, well-known designers will discuss how to design market-leading products from the perspectives of design morphology, color design and design psychology, how to design products with unique application, how to improve products' use experience and change people's lifestyle in terms of design, and how to design unique products out of rubbish recycling. The forum will not only proceed from the academic and theoretical view of points, but also interpret the hot and difficult issues in industrial design with case examples.


Industrial Application Forum

Time: Morning of August 3, 2012, Friday                         Location: Function Hall B, 1st Floor, CNCC

As Mac and iOS devices become more and more popular, industrialized application of Apple products become more outstanding, and gradually matured. The forum will expound the innovative application and industry solutions of Apple products in new media, publishing, education, finance, SMEs, hotel and other sectors and jointly explore the changes and challenges facing traditional enterprises in the mobile Internet era. The forum audience will include directionally-invited corporate representatives.


Video Seminar  

Time: Morning of August 3, 2012, Friday                         Location: Function Hall C, 1st Floor, CNCC

Apple’s international certified lecturers will talk about practical skills on the latest performance, material collection, video editing, special effect production and audio production and output etc. of Final Cut Pro; and the industrial experts will share the different experience brought by relevant Apple software to the whole film and TV industry.  


Parallel Theme Forums In the Afternoon:

Mobile Internet Marketing Forum 

Time: Afternoon of August 3, 2012, Friday                        Location: Function Hall B, 1st Floor, CNCC


Photography Seminar  

Time: Afternoon of August 3, 2012, Friday                        Location: Function Hall C, 1st Floor, CNCC

The famous photographers in the industry will talk about how to perform post production with Aperture, a photography application, how to achieve a perfect combination between different professional photography hardware with Apple hardware and software. Veteran players will share how to use relevant Apps on iOS hardware to achieve the best shooting effect, and how to enjoy the best experience from iOS device during journeys. The forum audience will include professional photographers, photographic enthusiasts and high-end digital product collectors etc.


Developer Forum

Time: Afternoon of August 3, 2012, Friday                       Location: Function Hall A, 1st Floor, CNCC

What are the latest technologies on iOS and Mac OS X? How to create applications with rich functions? How to create 3D rendering acceleration and animation loading? How to enhance the gaming experience on iOS? What strategies based on developing tools such as Xcode, LLVM encoder and Instrument can make the programs run better? How to use the latest HTML5 and CSS3 technologies? In terms of technology, at the forum senior technical experts will give an account of practical experience, share the successful experience and hot technical issues in the development. In terms of commerce, the forum will explore how to tap new business model and treat the capital market movements in the mobile Internet area.

Attendee Profile

The forum attendees will come from industries such as communications, computer, software/application development, education, press/publishing, film & TV, advertising/PR, photography, art, manufacturing, finance (banking, insurance, securities, etc.), energy, hotel, healthcare and public service, etc. In the meantime, the conference will also invite Apple product component suppliers, content providers, assemblers, system integrators, distributors, websites, and information officers. The attendees include business executives, software/application developers, industrial observers, analysts, decision makers of enterprise procurement, professional users and high-end consumers of Apple products.


For Speakers

1. The Organizing Committee is calling for speakers at “Macworld Asia Conference 2012”. If you are a creative genius, opinion leader, senior technical expert, developer, industrial analyst, in-depth trainers, and if you want to get a chance for speech, please contact with our organizing committee: Ms. Mandy Fang, Tel: +8610 65263026, Email: The deadline for proposal submission is June 1, 2012.


2. Speaking guidelines:

a)    The topics and contents shall comply with the theme and general rules of the conference. The contents are subject to review of the organizing committee before release.

b)    The proposed session must be an original topic to present and free of any copyright dispute. To ensure the content quality of Macworld Asia Conference 2012, the speech contents shall be made public for the first time.  

c)    The educational programs at Macworld Asia are NOT the appropriate place for promoting your company, product, service or solution.

d)    The proposed session must be an original topic to present, and not repurposed from a course you have taught at another event.

e)    Your presentation slides/materials will need to be completed and submitted before July 15, 2012.


Traffic information

Metro transportation:

Station: Olympic Green Station of Metro, Line 8. Take exit A for the exhibition area, and exit E for the conference area.


Visit the CNCC by Bus:

Take the bus line Olympic Line 1 ( or Olympic Line 3, Olympic Line 7, 484, 913, 949, 839, 379, 836, 510, 518, 328, 630, 628, 419, 751, 851, 425, Yuntong110), and get off at the bus station Nangounihe.

Take the bus line Olympic Line 2 ( or Olympic Line 3, 510), and get off at the Press Center bus station.

Take the bus line 328 ( or 484, 628, 630, 419, 913, 379), and get off at the Walinankou station.


How to Drive to CNCC:

Follow the PEK expressway and get off at the North 4th Ring Road Exit (toward Asian Sports Village).

Go west on the main road of the North 4th Ring Road, go by Anhui Bridge then get on the side road.

Follow the side road of North 4th Ring Road about 1 Km, go by the Beichen West Bridge, then turn right and follow the Beichen West Road.

Follow the Beichen West Road and drive to National Stadium North Road Crossing, turn right and drive to Tianchen East Road Crossing, CNCC is right at the north west of the crossing.

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Contact the Host

Supported by: People’s Government of Beijing Municipality
Sponsored by: Beijing Investment Promotion Bureau, International Data Group (IDG)
Produced by: IDG World Expo China Co., Ltd
Official website:

Contact Us
1.For those who would like to sponsor the conference , please contact:


Tel: 86 10 6526 2650 (Ext:102 / 115 / 117), 86 10 6526 0830

Fax: 86 10 6526 0865 

Tel: 86 755 2399 6193 / 5495 
      86 755 8366 3498 / 3890
86 755 8276 4892

Fax: 86 755 8366 3926 


Tel: 86 21 5241 4874 
86 21 5241 4606

Fax: 86 21 5241 4787


2.For those who have interests to speak at the conference, please contact:

Ms. Mandy Fang
Tel: 86 10 6526 3026 
Fax: 86 10 6526 0865


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