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8月15日 Friday 星期五
意大利钢琴家LUIGI RUBINO中国巡演——北京站
Luigi Rubino是一名钢琴作曲家。他十岁时通过意大利和外国的老师,开始步入钢琴及教堂管风琴演奏和学习。他曾经在意大利的新古典乐团Ashram担当钢琴演奏,乐队里与他合作的包括诸如Argine、Corde Oblique、Trees等一班人。时至今日,他将自我的精力都投入到,有独创性的佳作及情感赋予演奏接近于20世纪的古典音乐中来,诸如演奏德彪西、普朗克、巴赫的作品。
作为Ashram的键盘手,Luigi Rubino还参与过Argine、Corde Oblique等乐队。《A Theme For The Moon》是其个人首张专辑,一张优美至极的钢琴作品。无需用苍白的评论来描述这些宛如神作的音符,相信一曲试听足以将你彻底征服。
意大利这个国家本身就充满了各种的不可思议。当Ashram的键盘手Luigi Rubino以个人姿态发表了这张《A Theme for the Moon》时,你完全想不到,这张专辑传达的讯息会比Ashram更加凄美和安静。
单说录音的收音就已将这张专辑打造成了一个适合在夜晚聆听的小品,而越趋向于戏剧化的音乐路数也逐渐的呈现出了Luigi Rubino个人意识中的完美和丰富。而唯一没有改变的,则是Luigi Rubino从这些乐队沿袭下来的那一缕源自Neo-Classical的凄美和悲哀。丝丝入耳之后,甚至会有让人泪下的冲动。
从开篇的《Last Dance》充满电影画面的气息说起,这张专辑就很容易被人套上月下少女在湖边独舞的老套故事的帽子。虽然这是一个听起来很不fashion的说法,但是这种美也确实能让人如痴如醉。《Fragments》则通过多个小节的重复和变调来表现碎片的体验。Luigi Rubino一直是在用最直白的标题来解释音乐内部的含义。这其实是一件非常难得的事。
此次将由Luigi Rubino及他的两位好友Giulio Fazio和Gennaro Panza一同到中国五个城市演出。
Giulio Fazio生于意大利热那亚,自幼学习钢琴,后来又自学了手风琴,除了与众多艺术家合作过以外,还参加过众多音乐节的演出。
Gennaro Panza生于意大利那不勒斯,他在16岁时开始古典吉他演奏。从1992年到2010年间,他参加或组建过很多乐队;2012年开始製作原声带,目前在准备自己的Solo Project。
晚9点 // 120元(现场)/ 80元(预售 | 截止到8月14日24点)
Italian Pianist LUIGI RUBINO China Tour - Beijing
Luigi Rubino, composer-pianist, started playing and studying piano and liturgical organ when he was 10, with both Italian and foreign teachers. Piano player with the band Ashram, he collaborated with bands such as Argine, Corde Oblique, Trees... Today he dedicates himself to original composition and loves 20th century classical music.
Ispirated by: Bach, Pergolesi, purcell, Dowland, Chopin, Wagner, Satie, Debussy, Rachmaninov, Arvo Part, Morricone.
Giulio Fazio, was born in Genoa, he majored in piano and composition at the Conservatory of Salerno, in the meantime also studied the accordion on his own. He has collaborated with artists such as Roberto De Simone, Nino Bruno e le otto tracce, M'barka Ben Taleb etc...And has performed at many festivals: Barcelona Sonar, Naples Theater Festival, Italian Institute of Culture in Moscow etc...
Gennaro Panza was born in Naples. He was introduced to music listening to bands like The Cure, Mission UK, Metallica, Kraftwerk, Pink Floyd, King Crimson, Alan Parson’s Project, Clannad. He began playing classical guitar at age 16. In 1992, he enter in CARMILLA (ITALIAN dark-rock band). In the mid-90s, he formed an electro-goth band called NADIR. From the late 90s until the early 2000s he devoted himself mainly to his own music production, continuing in some ways the project NADIR. In 2006 he joined an Italian rock band METHARIA, with whom, as well as a variety of live shows, in 2010 he recorded some demo and an EP "OCKULTA INFORMAZIONE“ - mixed by Enzo Rizzo (Manu Chao, Mano Negra, 99 Posse, Randagi). At the same time he devoted himself to composing and creating soundtracks for several short films including BITE ME (2009) by Andrea Borgia and Roberto Sommella, also presented at the Naples Film Festival and VERSOINVERSO (2010) Efisio “Maxette” Scanu. In 2010 he was recruited by ENTROPY (historical Neapolitan trash metal band, active since the early 90s). In 2012 he works on the soundtrack of the documentary DOC 4 LUPE (Andrea Borgia). In 2013 he arranges two versions of the INNO DI MAMELI for the show IL PRETESTO (Ruben Rigillo). He is still working on the creation of a personal concept album that should see the light in the early months of 2015, a project in which he’s collaborating with Alessandro Carrino, Michele Crispino and the pianist Luigi Rubino (Ashram).
Pm 9 // Rmb 120 (door) / 80 (presale | stop at midnight on August 14th)