Split Works Presents: Japandroids (Beijing)
2013年8月23日 星期五 20:30 至 23:30 MAO Livehouse
价格: ¥100
Split Works
Split Works
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。
About Split Works:
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.
Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.
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Split Works 呈献:加拿大车库摇滚乐队Japandroids 中国巡演
“让人肃然起敬…… 属于这个世纪的摇滚乐” —— Pitchfork (8.8/10)
“这是一场真正派对摇滚!就好像是最棒的一晚,让你汗流浃背,筋疲力尽,但还准备再重头来一场。”—— The Line of Best Fit (9/10)
Japandroids在去年发行的专辑《Celebration Rock》可以说是2012年度摇滚乐迷必听的作品。这张专辑最终进入《滚石》杂志评选出的“2012年年度50佳”榜单, 更被Ballast (加拿大热门文化类网站)推举为“加拿大史上最佳50张专辑”之一,并且几乎所有知名乐评网站都给这张专辑打出了至少8分的好成绩。
乐队的两名成员:Brian King (吉他/主唱)和David Prowse (鼓手/合唱)把自己给乐队构想的名字:Japanese Scream和Pleasure Droids结合,诞生了“Japandroids”这个怪异的名字。King 和Prowse在维多利亚读大学时认识,两人因相同的音乐品味一拍即合,迫切地想组个乐队,Prowse转学去温哥华,King也跟着一同移居。受到The Sonics乐队的深刻影响,两人从2006开始真正的乐队创作和录音。他们起初在温哥华“混得并不好”,从组织演出到租借演出器材都不得不一手包办。之后的两年内虽有些零零散散的演出,但仍然没有受到太大关注。2008年的秋天,乐队录制完他们的第一张专辑《Post-Nothing》,并打算在2009年发行,但这时候King 和Prowse已接近心灰意冷,准备解散乐队。
在当地独立厂牌的坚持下,Japandroids不太情愿地发行了《Post-Nothing》并偶尔做些现场演出。也正是在这一年,独立乐圈的风向标Pitchfork 注意到了他们。对Japandroids生猛、无所顾忌、激情四射的音乐风格大加赞赏,并给予 “最佳新单曲”和“最佳新音乐”的赞誉。很快地,Japandroids就被著名厂牌Polyvinyl Record相中,紧接着,乐评圈对他们的好评如约而至,从NME、Spin到A.V Club、Pop Matters…这张处子专辑都在各类年度最佳中榜上有名。
宛如打了一剂强心针,此后的Japandroids重新振作,展开了大量的世界巡演,为A Place To Bury Strangers、The Walkmen等乐队做北美巡演嘉宾,也在忙碌的巡回演出中为第二张专辑《Celebration Rock》的新歌试水。2012年,乐队的第二张专辑发行,他们的音乐变得更为朗朗上口,所到之处无比带上一场场能量槽爆满的摇滚派对。
时间:2013年8月23日 周五 晚8:30
地点:MAO Livehouse 东城区鼓楼东大街111号
票价:100元(预售)/ 120元(现场)
时间:2013年8月24日 周六 晚8:30
地点:育音堂 长宁区凯旋路851号近延安西路
嘉宾:董黑木 (http://site.douban.com/HIMDONG/)
Death to Giants (http://site.douban.com/deathtogiants/)
票价:100元(预售)/ 120元(现场)
Split Works 官网:www.spli-t.com
Split Works Presents: Japandroids China Tour 2013
Raw Power. Born to Run. Let It Be. Pet Sounds. Celebration Rock. What do Japandroids have to do with Iggy Pop, The Replacements, The Beach Boys or The Boss? Celebration Rock is an 8-song, 35-minute paean to the sheer joy of rock music. Like previous 8-song (Raw Power, Born To Run) or 35-minute (Pet Sounds, Let It Be) albums, Celebration Rock is a living firework of a record that not even the darkest shadows of night can extinguish.
A two-piece guitar-and-drum duo formed by Brian King and David Prowse during their school days at the University of Victoria in British Columbia, Canada, Japandroids eschew the “logistical nightmare” of appointing a lead singer and instead share vocal duties. They are one guitar, one set of drums, and two vocalizers. Japandroids are maximal - a two-piece band trying to sound like it’s a five-piece band. Their 'songs' run the gauntlet of rock & roll subgenres, with the boys ripping off too many different bands to sound like any other duo making music right now.
King and Prowse self-released two EPs and seriously considered giving up on the band prior to the release of their debut Post-Nothing. Initially put out by Canadian label Unfamiliar Records, Post-Nothing proceeded to rake in praise from both the likes of indie tastemakers (Pitchfork Best New Music, NME, Stereogum) and mainstream media (New York Times, Billboard). Buoyed by the success, the band signed with Polyvinyl Records (Deerhoof, of Montreal) in 2009 and embarked on a world tour promoting the album.
Japandroids recorded Celebration Rock with engineer Jesse Gander, whose invisible hand guided the band to songs that were “a little more cruising down the highway, and a little less doing crystal meth on New Year's…” Composed and recorded by the band to sound like what they thought the audience would sound like while listening to them, the result is 8 fist-pumping anthems tailor-made for summer singalongs and beer spilled on your head. See you in the mosh pit.
Date: Friday August 23, 2013
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: MAO Livehouse
Address: No. 111 Gulou Dongdajie
Support: Yantiao (http://site.douban.com/yantiao/) & SUBS (http://site.douban.com/subs/)
Date: Saturday August 24, 2013
Time: 8:30 PM
Venue: Yuyintang
Address: No. 851 Kaixuan Rd., nr. Yan'an Rd. (W)
Support: HIMDONG (http://site.douban.com/HIMDONG/) & Death to Giants (http://site.douban.com/deathtogiants/)
感谢您参与本次演出! 今年,我们主要实行电子票务。通过友付票务系统,您将不必担忧假票等问题并可在家中轻松购票。请仔细阅读以下须知,祝愿每个人都在此活动里玩得开心尽兴:
12)警告: 过度噪声可能对听觉造成损害。
Thank you for your support and attendance at this Split Works event! This year, we've gone paperless! With Yoopay.cn e-tickets, the system removes issues with counterfeits whilst enabling you to purchase all tickets from the comfort of your own home. Here are just a few things to ensure that everyone has the best experience possible at each Split Works event of 2013:
Purchase and or use of a ticket for this event signifies agreement to the following:
1) This ticket cannot be replaced if it is lost, stolen or destroyed, and is valid only for the event for which it is issued.
2) Please do not write on, deface or fold the QR code and/or bar code or the area around it.
3) This ticket is not transferrable or redeemable for cash.
4) Reproduction of this ticket is not permitted.
5) Unless indicated otherwise, price includes all applicable sale and use taxes and/or cash discounts (if available).
6) This ticket is a revocable license and admission may be refused upon refunding the face amount of the ticket.
7) Unauthorized or unlawful resale or attempted resale is grounds for seizure and cancellation without compensation.
8) Festival organizer and partners reserve the right, without the refund of any portion of the ticket purchase price, to refuse admission or to eject any person who fails to comply with the rules of the venue and applicable laws.
9) No refunds/exchanges.
10) Ticket user assumes all risks of personal injury incidental to the event, whether occurring prior to, during, or subsequent to the event. Ticket purchaser bears all risks of inclement weather.
11) This ticket may not be used for advertising, promotion (including contests and sweepstakes) or other trade purposes without the express written consent of Split United Co., Ltd.
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13) The use of cameras, video or audio recording equipment is prohibited unless otherwise indicated by the venue, artist or promoter of the event.
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。
About Split Works:
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.
Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.