IFC Messiah 2016
2016年12月3日 星期六 19:30 至 21:30 Harrow Beijing No.287 Hegezhuang Village, Cuigezhuang County, Chaoyang District, Beijing, China 100102 北京市朝阳区崔各庄乡何各庄村287号, 邮编: 100102
价格: ¥280 - 380
2016年12月3日 星期六 19:30 至 21:30
International Festival Chorus (IFC) was formed in Beijing in 2002 to provide opportunities for experienced and enthusiastic choral singers from all over the world to perform large-scale choral works with orchestra at a professional standard. We aim to introduce Chinese audiences to the great works of the Western choral-symphonic repertoire and to introduce Western choral singers to the best of Chinese choral music.
浏览: 4,377
There are still tickets available at the door though. See you tonight!
Join IFC for our annual Messiah performance and benefit! This year we are working with Harrow Beijing and their partners Future Forest to plant trees in the Kubuqi desert, Inner Mongolia. The trees stabilize the desert, stopping the sand from being blown away in the wind, and provide shelter for other plants and animals to build up a stable ecosystem.
For every 2 Messiah tickets purchased, Future Forest will plant a tree which will protect local communities by restoring their environment.
Red Kitchen Cabinet will open their annual Christmas Tuck Shoppe with mulled wine, cakes, cookies and other delicious holiday fare!
For more concert information, please visit IFC's website.
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In partnership with:
International Festival Chorus (IFC) was formed in Beijing in 2002 to provide opportunities for experienced and enthusiastic choral singers from all over the world to perform large-scale choral works with orchestra at a professional standard. We aim to introduce Chinese audiences to the great works of the Western choral-symphonic repertoire and to introduce Western choral singers to the best of Chinese choral music.