The Next Disruption in GreenTech
2024年6月12日 星期三 19:00 至 21:00 208 Anfu Rd, Xuhui District, Shanghai 塞万提斯图书馆, 徐汇区安福路208号
价格: 免费
2024年6月12日 星期三 19:00 至 21:00
Xiji Incubator
Xiji Incubator
Xiji Incubator is the leading incubator bridging Spain, LatAm, and European green tech startups with China.
We are the only institution offering a 4 months world-class entrepreneurial program that brings international founders to Shanghai. From developing their idea, to the prototype, to customers and beyond, we assist with hands-on guidance, support, and the most privileged network to our startups.
浏览: 271
“The Next Disruption in GreenTech” blends established Shanghai sustainability based experts and emerging greentech innovators from Xiji Incubator’s 2024 batch.
We’ll kick off the event with Xiji’s first-ever GreenTech Startup Pitch, featuring established entrepreneurs from Shangai’s luxury and wellness scene as well as green-geared Xiji innovators showcasing their latest creations to the public.
Following the pitch session, our guest speaker, Tim Binnion, Founder of (better)Labs, a startup leading the creation of (better) solutions for the world shall take centre stage. Tim is notably one of the first individuals to combine product design and engineering with sustainable, circular innovation in China and will take us all ‘round the topic of Circular Economy.
- 19:00 - 19:15 Welcoming and Introduction from Xiji Incubator
- 19:15 - 19:45 Startup Pitches Kick Off
- 19:45 - 20:45 Talk on Circular Economy Delivered by Tim Binnion, Founder of (better)Labs
- 20:45 - 21:00 Networking
Xiji Incubator is the leading incubator bridging Spain, LatAm, and European green tech startups with China.
We are the only institution offering a 4 months world-class entrepreneurial program that brings international founders to Shanghai. From developing their idea, to the prototype, to customers and beyond, we assist with hands-on guidance, support, and the most privileged network to our startups.