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“Fitness Day” with GuavaPass and Feel Good Fitness
2016年11月19日 星期六 12:00 至 14:30
Jingan Kerry Center (3F Footbridge) 静安嘉里中心三楼南北连廊
主办方: GuavaPass, Feel Good Fitness, Jingan Kerry Center 更多活动

价格: ¥100

“Fitness Day” with GuavaPass and Feel Good Fitness

价格: ¥100

“Fitness Day” with GuavaPass and Feel Good Fitness
2016年11月19日 星期六 12:00 至 14:30
Jingan Kerry Center (3F Footbridge) 静安嘉里中心三楼南北连廊
主办方: GuavaPass, Feel Good Fitness, Jingan Kerry Center 更多活动

价格: ¥100

“Fitness Day” with GuavaPass and Feel Good Fitness

2016年11月19日 星期六 12:00 至 14:30 Jingan Kerry Center (3F Footbridge) 静安嘉里中心三楼南北连廊

价格: ¥100

时间 地点

2016年11月19日 星期六 12:00 至 14:30

Jingan Kerry Center (3F Footbridge) 静安嘉里中心三楼南北连廊 Jingan Kerry Center (3F Footbridge) 静安嘉里中心三楼南北连廊


主办方 联系主办方

GuavaPass, Feel Good Fitness, Jingan Kerry Center

GuavaPass, Feel Good Fitness, Jingan Kerry Center

GuavaPass is a monthly membership program that offers members unlimited access to thousands of classes at hundreds of boutique fitness studios in Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Dubai, Jakarta, Manila, Phuket, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur and Bahrain.

GuavaPass 每月为您提供上百家精品健身工作室的无限次健身课程在上海新加坡香港曼谷迪拜雅加达马尼拉普吉岛北京,吉隆坡,巴林等地皆可使用。





浏览: 1,194

This November, stay fit with GuavaPass and Feel Good Fitness! We are partnering up and have selected two unique classes to help you get into better shape on Sat, 19th Nov at Jingan Kerry Center! Don’t let the cold weather get you - join us and maintain that hot summer body throughout winter!

这个11月,与 GuavaPass 和 Feel Good Fitness 一起运动健身!我们将于11月19日一起合作,在静安嘉里中心带给您由我们精心挑选的两节课程,帮助您塑造一个更完美的身材!不要被寒冷的冬天吓到了-加入我们,并在冬天保持你夏天的火辣身材!

Four of our GuavaPerk partners will be there to keep you hydrated and fueled! A delicious, plant-based and ultra-healthy brunch from Pure & Whole will be served post workout. You will also find Yimishiji - an online farmer's market at this event. They will be providing homegrown, natural and chemical-free fruits and healthy snacks. EARTH Water will also provide their featured tetrapak water, which is pure and mineral-rich (after a long journey of approximately 1000 years through the ground). If that doesn't quench your thirst, try a detoxing juice from HeyJuice!

同时,四位 GuavaPerks 合作伙伴会在现场让你保持活力满满!在课程结束之后,素宿将提供美味并以植物为本的健康早午餐。你还会见到一米市集,他们将提供农场直供,纯天然,不添加任何化学成分的水果和健康小食。EARTH Water 也会将自然且富含矿物质的利乐包纯净水带到活动现场(在地下流淌了约千年)。如果这还不够,试一下 HeyJuice 的轻体果汁吧!

Time: 12:00pm – 2:30pm, Saturday, 19th Nov 2016

Place: 3F Footbridge, Jingan Kerry Center

Ticket: RMB 100 (inclusive of a class + a healthy brunch)

Note: Please bring your own mat and wear sports sneakers/trainers.





Class Schedule:

12:00pm – 12:30pm: Check-in

12:30pm - 1:15pm: HIIT Hop

1:30pm - 2:15pm: Core & Abs Blast



中午1230分-下午115分:HIIT Hop

下午130分-下午215分:Core & Abs Blast 

HIIT Hop  / HIIT 跳跃训练

Choreographed bodyweight movements to the beat of the music. You will jump, squat, punch, kick, and sweat your way to your dream physique. Burn up to 700 calories in this action packed session. This is guaranteed to leave you feeling euphoric!



Core & Abs Blast  / 腹部核心训练

A strong body should begin with a developed and well balanced core. Through our series of twists, holds, pulses and crunches, you will stimulate the most essential muscles for holding you upright and in proper posture. Alleviate the stresses associated with sitting at a desk all day in this 45 minute class.


George Kelly

George Kelly is a life long fitness enthusiast, with a love for sports and nutrition. As an ACT Certified Personal Trainer, Spinback Certified Spinning instructor and a certified TRX coach, George trains clients with different conditions and needs. With more than 3 years of training experience, George specializes in HIIT training, conditioning and functional training.

George Kelly 是一个健身狂热者,他喜欢运动和营养学。作为 ACT 认证的私人教练,Spinback 认证的单车教练,和 TRX 认证教练,他会根据客户的不同需求来制定训练方案。拥有超过三年的教学经验,George 十分擅长教高强度间歇性训练,健身练习,和功能训练。

Luke Jones:

RKC Level 1, ISSA Personal Trainer, CYQ Group Class Instructor, General Badass, Wannabe DJ. Luke has been involved with sport and fitness since a young age and can’t imagine a life more fun and worthwhile than being part of Feel Good Fitness! Fitness is not only about how much you can lift or how fast you can run but what it can teach you about yourself. Join Luke on your fitness journey and form habits that get you to your pinnacle, keep you there, and are so much fun that they last a lifetime.

RKC 一星级,ISSA 私人教练,CYQ团课教练,魔鬼教练,一心想成为 DJ 的 Luke从很小的时候就开始接触运动和健身,他无法想象人生缺少 Feel Good Fitness 会少了多少乐趣!健身不仅仅是探索你的极限,或是你能跑得多快,而是教你认识自我的一个过程。让 Luke 加入你的健身之旅,教你养成好的健身习惯,帮你达成目标,保持身材,并一起玩得开心。


Pure & Whole

Pure & Whole serves up a delicious, plant-based, ultra-healthy range of salads, soups, wraps, entrees, burgers and more. Every dish and drink has been thoughtfully selected to make you look and feel awesome.



Yimishiji is a pioneering online farmer's market that offers local, safe, natural and chemical-free produce directly to consumers through its website and WeChat store platforms.


Earth Water

The pure and mineral-rich Dutch EARTH Water is bottled at a small water source named Anl'eau. The production site is pumping pure spring water from a depth of approximately 150 meters. After a long journey of approximately 1000 years through the ground, the water has absorbed many minerals.

德国纯天然并富含矿物质的 EARTH Water 的产品来自于一个叫 Anl'eau 的水源地。生产过程是从地下150米处抽取纯天然矿物水。在地下流淌了近千年后,水已经吸取了许多自然矿物质。


HeyJuice is a cold-pressed vegetable and fruit juice brand. After a three day juice detox, you will become a better you. The juicing menu is designed by professional nutritionists – 6 bottles/day, for 3 consecutive days. Your body will feel lighter and energized!

HeyJuice 冷榨果蔬汁,3天轻断食变美计划。营养学家设计的冷榨果蔬汁菜单,每天6瓶连续3天,身体变轻盈,充满青春活力!





GuavaPass is a monthly membership program that offers members unlimited access to thousands of classes at hundreds of boutique fitness studios in Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Bangkok, Dubai, Jakarta, Manila, Phuket, Beijing, Kuala Lumpur and Bahrain.

GuavaPass 每月为您提供上百家精品健身工作室的无限次健身课程在上海新加坡香港曼谷迪拜雅加达马尼拉普吉岛北京,吉隆坡,巴林等地皆可使用。


