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奢华酒店背后的秘密:Christophe Laurent 巡回公开课-北京站
2016年3月27日 星期日 14:00 至 17:00
永乐宴会厅,北京诺金酒店,北京朝阳区将台路甲2号 NUO Hotel Beijing,2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: 瑞士洛桑酒店管理学校 更多活动

价格: ¥100 - 300

奢华酒店背后的秘密:Christophe Laurent 巡回公开课-北京站

价格: ¥100 - 300

奢华酒店背后的秘密:Christophe Laurent 巡回公开课-北京站
2016年3月27日 星期日 14:00 至 17:00
永乐宴会厅,北京诺金酒店,北京朝阳区将台路甲2号 NUO Hotel Beijing,2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: 瑞士洛桑酒店管理学校 更多活动

价格: ¥100 - 300



奢华酒店背后的秘密:Christophe Laurent 巡回公开课-北京站

2016年3月27日 星期日 14:00 至 17:00 永乐宴会厅,北京诺金酒店,北京朝阳区将台路甲2号 NUO Hotel Beijing,2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing

价格: ¥100 - 300

时间 地点

2016年3月27日 星期日 14:00 至 17:00

永乐宴会厅,北京诺金酒店,北京朝阳区将台路甲2号 NUO Hotel Beijing,2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing 永乐宴会厅,北京诺金酒店,北京朝阳区将台路甲2号 NUO Hotel Beijing,2A Jiangtai Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing


主办方 联系主办方



瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心(swissnex China)附设于瑞士驻上海总领事馆,是瑞士在中国进行科技文化交流的前沿阵地。




浏览: 6,902


作为世界上领先的酒店管理高等学府,洛桑酒店管理学院欲借此机会,特邀校园文化大Christophe Laurent教授,推出此次巡回讲座,为中国的酒店人揭秘奢华酒店背后的秘密 

From the 21st century onward, following by China’s rapid growth in its international recognition and economical development, much attention has been received from an large number of international hotel groups, especially the luxury tiers. Many of them are aiming to expand in China in the near future.


Seeing this trend, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne, the first hotel school in the world, would like to take this opportunity to invite Professor Christophe Laurent as guest speaker to present public lectures in China. The purpose of these lectures is to reveal the secrets of luxury hotels and job opportunities in the future market to young Chinese professionals.

Christophe Laurent先生目前担任瑞士洛桑酒店管理学院的资深教授,主授Table Art,他还兼任学校的文化形象大使,协助校方更好地向外传递洛桑酒店管理学院的精英文化。早在90年代,Laurent先生就在英国数家顶尖的餐厅与酒店担任要职,积累了丰富的餐饮运营经验。在1991年,他被法国食品艺术学院授予MOGB (Meilleur Ouvrier de Grande Bretagne)的称号,该称号被誉为食品艺术届的“奥斯卡”奖,充分肯定了Laurent先生在该方面的资深经验与杰出成就。 1996年,他加入洛桑酒店管理学院,直至现在,Laurent先生致力于在这个世界顶尖的酒店管理学院里继续将酒店人的精神发扬光大。

Mr. Laurent is the senior professor of Table Art at EHL as well as the Culture Image Ambassador, who has extensive knowledge and experience in the field of fine-dinning and high-end hospitality. In the 1990’s, Mr. Laurent worked in many senior management positions in prestigious restaurants in England, acquiring experience in Food and Beverage Operations. In 1991, he received the title as “Meilleur Ouvrier de Grande Bretagne (MOGB)” from the French Culinary Arts School. This title is equivalent to the “Oscar Award” in the industry of fine foods. From 1996 until now, Mr. Laurent has been working at EHL, using his experience to carry forward the spirit of this world’s top hospitality school. 

特邀嘉宾/Guest Speakers


Allen Jiang: Director of  Horwarth HTL Hong Kong


Chenling Ding: Key Opinion Leader


Chen Bao: Director of China at Lausanne Hospitality Consulting SA 

活动形式/Event Rundown

关于洛桑酒店管理学院/About Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne

创建于 1893 的洛桑酒店管理学院,坐落在瑞士西部,萃取瑞士顶级酒店管理之精华,是世界上最 具影响力的酒店管理院校之一。也是唯一一所被瑞士政府承认的,在中国也是唯一一所被中国政 府承认的大学。洛桑酒店管理学院作为全球第一所酒店管理学校,以治学严谨而闻名,并且十分 注重传统与现代的结合,力图使教学与实践既体现出传统酒店的技术服务特点,又反映出现代酒 店管理的精髓所在。

Created in 1893, Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne (EHL), as the early pioneer of hospitality education, is one of the most influential hospitality management schools in the world. EHL is the only school in the world that is recognizable from both Swiss and Chinese governments.

EHL was the first hospitality management school in the world. The school is renowned for its rigorous academic teaching as well as the combination of modern and traditional theories. The school’s curriculum combines both theory as well as practical courses in order to reflect the essence of hospitality management.





瑞士联邦政府科技文化中心(swissnex China)附设于瑞士驻上海总领事馆,是瑞士在中国进行科技文化交流的前沿阵地。


