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#Coderbunker techtalk: Engineering at frog

价格: ¥50 - 220

2016年7月16日 星期六 11:00 至 18:00
Coderbunker, panyu road 1199, building 3, underground
主办方: Agora Space 更多活动

价格: ¥50 - 220

#Coderbunker techtalk: Engineering at frog

2016年7月16日 星期六 11:00 至 18:00 Coderbunker, panyu road 1199, building 3, underground

价格: ¥50 - 220

时间 地点

2016年7月16日 星期六 11:00 至 18:00

Coderbunker, panyu road 1199, building 3, underground Coderbunker, panyu road 1199, building 3, underground


主办方 联系主办方

Agora Space

Agora Space




浏览: 1,097

The talk from the speaker will be for engineers and aspiring engineers. We've specifically asked the speaker to not have a slidedeck and answer questions about his engineering team using actual code examples and infrastructure details. Audience is warned that they might expect to see some warts and imperfections as we look behind the curtain of a real engineering team.

About the speaker

Alan Stafford is a Senior Solutions Architect for frog Shanghai studio, acting as a technology and software consultant, providing technical strategy, application architecting and internal and external technical support and guidance.

He has over 15 years in software engineering, team leading and architecting roles. Working both in the enterprise software and digital advertising industries working across a diverse set of verticals. He has experience building and integrating highly scalable systems for web, native mobile and desktop platforms.

Originally from England, he has lived in Shanghai for 12 years. In his spare time he likes to paint and illustrate, design videogames and research artificial intelligence.

Talk: Engineering at frog

• Building prototypes
• Time boxing
• Mixing design with engineering
• Architecture (micro-services, asynchronous communication, message bus)
• Showing code 
• Company culture 
• Approach 
• frog think (design, ideation steps) 
• Look at Unity code 
• Unity as a prototyping platform 


We will teach how to connect external API and consuming the data inside Unity application


• your your laptop
• OS: Windows 7 SP1+, 8, 10; Mac OS X 10.8+.
• GPU: Graphics card with DX9 (shader model 2.0) capabilities.

• install Unity latest version for C# https://store.unity.com/download?ref=personal

• complete Unity tutorial https://unity3d.com/learn/tutorials/projects/roll-ball-tutorial

Don't feel like doing the tutorial alone? You can also attend our introduction workshop to unity with Coderbunker co-learning group 



• 11:00 Check in  
• 11:30 Talk with Q&A  
• 12:30 Lunch 

• 13:30 Hands on Workshop  
• 18:00 Check out 

Join the conversation on WeChat

About the organizer 

Coderbunker a software focused hackerspace in Shanghai:

• Community of selected software developers  
• Platform for events, talks, and meetups   
• Co-learning community  
• Tech-centric business incubator

Follow CoderBunker on WeChat

• talk+lunch+workshop 220 RMB (at the door)   
• talk+lunch+workshop 180 RMB (discount for online booking) 
• talk+lunch+workshop 50 RMB (discount for members) 
• talk+lunch 100 RMB (at the door) 




