And So I Watch You From Afar X Young Dreams (北京 // Beijing)
2014年3月12日 星期三 20:30 至 23:30 Mao Livehouse 鼓楼东大街111号 // No. 111 Gulou Dongdajie
价格: ¥80
2014年3月12日 星期三 20:30 至 23:30
Split Works
Split Works
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。
About Split Works:
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.
Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.
浏览: 7,930
***Scroll Down For English***
北爱尔兰后摇强团-And So I Watch You From Afar中国巡演
因为乐队名字长度的关系,而把And So I Watch You From Afar(ASIWYFA)当成一支纯粹的Post Rock乐队不是你的错。来自北爱尔兰的ASIWYFA同样可以在音乐里传递出朋克的原始能量。这支2005年于北爱尔兰海景小镇Portrush成立的乐队,这么多年来走遍了全世界,并于2012年作为UK闹!系列演出的一部分来华进行了一场别开生面的巡回演出:五个城市,从上海至西南腹地成都、重庆以及丽江,再到最后在北京结束,ASIWYFA一时间在国内人气大涨!
2014《觉》音乐+艺术节呈现:And So I Watch You From Afar中国巡演
特别嘉宾:挪威的“沙滩男孩” - Young Dreams
日期:2014年3月12日, 星期三
地点:Mao Livehouse
北京站特别嘉宾 - Young Dreams 简介:
尽管是来自挪威一个笼罩在黑暗和雨水里的城市,但是Young Dreams的音乐却依然有着如同春天阳光一般的感觉,传递着如同巴洛克音乐和The Beach Boys,或者更当前的乐队,如Grizzly Bears和Vampire Weekend一般的宏大气息。在乐队的首张专辑《Between Places》里,他们成功地把这些音乐影响融合到了作品里,并表现出了足以令乐迷脱离世俗生活和糟糕环境压迫的强大力量。
Young Dreams 豆瓣小站:
《觉》音乐+艺术节是由Split Works发起并制作,每年在上海、北京双城齐发的年度音乐+艺术巨献。2014年即将六岁的《觉》,一直致力于彰显这两座城市中最了不起的本土创意团体,以及来自于世界各地的优秀艺术家和他们无与伦比的作品。最难能可贵的是《觉》是一个注重“圈子”的平台,每年都会有风格各异的音乐人和艺术家加入到《觉》的大家庭,而《觉》就如同调和剂一般把不同的色彩搅拌均匀,使城市、音乐、艺术还有身在其中的人们之都能够融为一体,在不知不“觉”中编织属于自己的艺术篇章。
And So I Watch You From Afar豆瓣小站:
Split Works 官网:
JUE | MUSIC + ART 2014 PRESENTS: And So I Watch You From Afar China Tour
You’d be forgiven for thinking a band with such a long name was of the post-rock variety. In the case of the Irish rockers that make up And So I Watch You From Afar [ASIWYFA] their songs pack a raw punk-rock punch. The band members - joining forces in 2005 - have come a long way since departing their seaside resort town in Portrush, Northern Ireland. They’ve been touring all over the world and yes, they’re back for another whirlwind China experience. Expect driving rhythms and soaring guitar-driven melody lines.
With Special Guest: Young Dreams
Date: Wednesday March 12th, 2014
Time: 20:30
Venue: Mao Livehouse
Location: No.111 Gulou Dongdajie
Ticket: RMB80 (Presale) / RMB120 (Door)
* Pre-sales end on 23:30, Mar. 11th, 2014
About “Young Dreams”:
All the way from Norway, Young Dreams come from a city that’s often cloaked in darkness and bitter rains. Even so, their music imagines a place where the sun shines bright. Songs bordering on symphonies unveil hidden influences from Baroque to the Beach Boys, and more contemporary acts such as Grizzly Bear and Vampire Weekend. Their debut album Between Places unites these divergent influences and speaks of escaping the oppression of adolescence, dreary weather and the mundane.
About JUE | Music + Art Festival:
觉 / JUE (pronounced joo-eh) –verb: to sense; to awaken. JUE | Music + Art is an annual urban festival that embraces the whole of Beijing and Shanghai. Celebrating its 6th year in 2014, JUE is all about showcasing the best of local creative communities in these two great cities, as well as inviting artists from around the world to share their talent with China. We’re all about community, doing everything we can to set an intimate vibe, and to carefully weave every one of our artists and events into a multidisciplinary masterpiece.
Split Works 演出预售票将通过唯一在线售票合作伙伴友付出售,友付作为国内领先的线上支付平台,提供安全和简单易用的双语票务支付服务。在除友付以外的线上平台购买的门票,我们将不负任何责任。
(友付支持银联、网上银行、Paypal, Visa, 万事达卡以及海外银行转帐)
Yoopay is one of China’s leading event registration and payment platforms. Yoopay supports both local and foreign currency transactions, and issues electronic tickets.
This is how to purchase Split Works events tickets via Yoopay:
STEP 1. Select the default language on the Yoopay widget (English or 中文). Very important!
STEP 2. Select the number.
STEP 3. Hit “Register” Don’t worry about the word register.
STEP 4. Provide personal details requested and fill out ALL fields (otherwise you might not get your tickets!)
STEP 5. Please select your payment method.
(Yoopay supports Unionpay, Alipay, Paypal, Visa, MasterCard and overseas bank transfer)
STEP 6. You will be directed to a confirmation page, receive an email and a text message with your ticket information. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO BRING THIS TO THE EVENT, OTHERWISE THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY.
(We do not guarantee data connections at the venue AND we are not responsible for lost or forgotten proof of purchase)
If after reading these instructions you still have questions, please email us at tickets[at]spli-t[dot]com. We will respond to inquiries within 2 business days.
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。
About Split Works:
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.
Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.