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POP UP Party美食快闪派对:Zhangmama x Mexican 张妈妈川菜 x 墨西哥,创意美味仅此一晚

价格: ¥129

2018年6月29日 星期五 19:30 至 21:00
Address地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂(原国贸饭店)右侧 On the right of 5L Hotel Lobby (Former Traders Hotel), 1 Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing
主办方: ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场餐厅 更多活动

价格: ¥129

POP UP Party美食快闪派对:Zhangmama x Mexican 张妈妈川菜 x 墨西哥,创意美味仅此一晚

2018年6月29日 星期五 19:30 至 21:00 Address地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂(原国贸饭店)右侧 On the right of 5L Hotel Lobby (Former Traders Hotel), 1 Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing

价格: ¥129

时间 地点

2018年6月29日 星期五 19:30 至 21:00

Address地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂(原国贸饭店)右侧 On the right of 5L Hotel Lobby (Former Traders Hotel), 1 Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing Address地址:北京市朝阳区建国门外大街1号5L饭店大堂(原国贸饭店)右侧 On the right of 5L Hotel Lobby (Former Traders Hotel), 1 Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing


主办方 联系主办方

ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场餐厅

ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场餐厅

ARCADE by Hatchery – Beijing’s food playground 

ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场,大北京吃货玩乐聚会圣地

Located in Guomao, the center of Beijing’s growing central business district, ARCADE by Hatchery is your social destination to eat, drink and play. We believe in connection and collaboration, where creative souls can freely play and talk food.

地处北京最繁华的核心商务中心国贸,ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场是中国首家餐饮孵化器Hatchery美食工场打造的最新互动社交玩乐餐厅,是您享味、畅饮,再来一场游戏大战的绝佳聚会地!我们深信连结与协助令世界大不同,愿有趣的灵魂与美食爱好者们在此相遇相识、碰撞灵感,玩出金点子和新美食!

ARCADE is a spin-off of China’s culinary incubator, Hatchery, and encompasses two culinary concepts that have successfully grown from our incubator - Common Burger and Canteen. Backed by our Beijing food community, and supported by a plentifully stocked bar, ARCADE by Hatchery offers indulgent Common Burgers and fresh, healthy Canteen salads amongst a variety of social games – from table tennis, foosball, to Super Nintendo and arcade classics. A food playground at the very heart of Beijing’s CBD. 

踏进设计动感前卫的空间即刻让人放松下来,您尽可以左拥京城超人气精品汉堡Common Burger共享堡,右抱健康美味灵活自选的Canteen主食沙拉碗,这两个Hatchery美食孵化器成功验证和孵化的餐饮品牌,正因聆听北京广大美食爱好者社区的反馈而日臻完善。在酒单丰富的酷炫环形吧台来一杯好喝的,跟朋友同事家人酣畅大战几个回合的乒乓球、桌上足球、任天堂和经典游乐场游戏。名副其实的美食游乐场,就在北京的大中心国贸!

In addition to Common Burger and Canteen concepts, ARCADE by Hatchery invites international and local chefs and food entrepreneurs to showcase their culinary ideas by way of special events, pop-ups, collaborations and online delivery showcases. 

不只有Common Burger 共享堡和Canteen沙拉碗,ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场也积极与中外美食创业者及中西主厨开展联合掌勺、快闪合作、外卖孵化、跨界派对、深度研讨等,不断为您带来美味惊喜和美好时光。点此此处了解更多 Click Here for more info






浏览: 1,833

This Friday ARCADE by Hatchery is teaming up with local favourite Sichuan restaurant - Zhangmama to come up with a special one night only Mexican menu! Zhangmama has been an institution in Beijing with foreigners and locals alike for the past 10 years, serving up classic Sichuan dishes with cold beer and straight up service.

这个周五,爱玩乐爱美食的“ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场餐厅”将携手京城超人气地道川菜馆“张妈妈特色川味馆”,一起大玩特玩川菜版墨西哥美食!过去十年间,凭借地道麻辣风味和独特风格,“张妈妈”在大北京国内外吃货心目中竖立了无可撼动的暖心川菜地位!

We at Arcade by Hatchery are inviting Zhangmama Sanlitun’s head chef Mr Shu over to cook us some authentic (and spicy as hell) Sichuan dishes that Hatchery’s Chef Simone will fuse with some of her favorite Mexican foods.


Expect four courses of fantastic fusion, an awesome welcome drink, great vibes and a few little surprises along the way. As for drinks, we will have an amazing free flow beer deal  for 2hrs for a mere 88 additional rmb, including one of Jing-A‘s best sellers Mandarin Wheat, plus a few other el caliente booze deals!


如何参与 Info:

When? Friday 29th June

What time? 7:30pm - 12am


Arcade by Hatchery - On the right of 5L Hotel Lobby (Former Traders Hotel), 1 Jianguomen Outer Street, Chaoyang District

How much?129rmb

How do I book? 

Scan here, select a time slot - ranging from 7:30 - 9:00pm and buy a ticket.

美食派对日期? 6月29日本周五







相关问答 FAQS

Do I have to buy a ticket in advance? 

We strongly recommend buying a ticket in advance but there may be tickets available on the door.

Can I show up earlier than my booking? 

Yes, of course! You can hang out at Arcade by Hatchery playing ping pong, arcade games or just at the bar.

Will this be my only chance to try this food? 

Yes! One night only!

I have a food allergy or request, who do I contact? 

Please send us a message at our HatcheryIncubator WeChat account or call us on 6500 2884 to let one of our staff know.








欢迎向我们的微信公众号HatcheryIncubator发送消息通知我们,或者致电6500 2884告知我们的员工具体信息





ARCADE by Hatchery – Beijing’s food playground 

ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场,大北京吃货玩乐聚会圣地

Located in Guomao, the center of Beijing’s growing central business district, ARCADE by Hatchery is your social destination to eat, drink and play. We believe in connection and collaboration, where creative souls can freely play and talk food.

地处北京最繁华的核心商务中心国贸,ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场是中国首家餐饮孵化器Hatchery美食工场打造的最新互动社交玩乐餐厅,是您享味、畅饮,再来一场游戏大战的绝佳聚会地!我们深信连结与协助令世界大不同,愿有趣的灵魂与美食爱好者们在此相遇相识、碰撞灵感,玩出金点子和新美食!

ARCADE is a spin-off of China’s culinary incubator, Hatchery, and encompasses two culinary concepts that have successfully grown from our incubator - Common Burger and Canteen. Backed by our Beijing food community, and supported by a plentifully stocked bar, ARCADE by Hatchery offers indulgent Common Burgers and fresh, healthy Canteen salads amongst a variety of social games – from table tennis, foosball, to Super Nintendo and arcade classics. A food playground at the very heart of Beijing’s CBD. 

踏进设计动感前卫的空间即刻让人放松下来,您尽可以左拥京城超人气精品汉堡Common Burger共享堡,右抱健康美味灵活自选的Canteen主食沙拉碗,这两个Hatchery美食孵化器成功验证和孵化的餐饮品牌,正因聆听北京广大美食爱好者社区的反馈而日臻完善。在酒单丰富的酷炫环形吧台来一杯好喝的,跟朋友同事家人酣畅大战几个回合的乒乓球、桌上足球、任天堂和经典游乐场游戏。名副其实的美食游乐场,就在北京的大中心国贸!

In addition to Common Burger and Canteen concepts, ARCADE by Hatchery invites international and local chefs and food entrepreneurs to showcase their culinary ideas by way of special events, pop-ups, collaborations and online delivery showcases. 

不只有Common Burger 共享堡和Canteen沙拉碗,ARCADE by Hatchery美食游乐场也积极与中外美食创业者及中西主厨开展联合掌勺、快闪合作、外卖孵化、跨界派对、深度研讨等,不断为您带来美味惊喜和美好时光。点此此处了解更多 Click Here for more info


