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8月11日 十位必听的乡村音乐家之一 William Tyler China Tour 2019
2019年8月11日 星期日 19:30 至 21:00
Main Hall @ Temple东景缘 北京市东城区嵩祝院23号
主办方: 东景缘(北京)酒店管理有限公司 The Temple Hotel 更多活动

价格: ¥180

8月11日 十位必听的乡村音乐家之一 William Tyler China Tour 2019

价格: ¥180

8月11日 十位必听的乡村音乐家之一 William Tyler China Tour 2019
2019年8月11日 星期日 19:30 至 21:00
Main Hall @ Temple东景缘 北京市东城区嵩祝院23号
主办方: 东景缘(北京)酒店管理有限公司 The Temple Hotel 更多活动

价格: ¥180



8月11日 十位必听的乡村音乐家之一 William Tyler China Tour 2019

2019年8月11日 星期日 19:30 至 21:00 Main Hall @ Temple东景缘 北京市东城区嵩祝院23号

价格: ¥180

时间 地点

2019年8月11日 星期日 19:30 至 21:00

Main Hall @ Temple东景缘 北京市东城区嵩祝院23号 Main Hall @ Temple东景缘 北京市东城区嵩祝院23号


主办方 联系主办方

东景缘(北京)酒店管理有限公司 The Temple Hotel

东景缘(北京)酒店管理有限公司 The Temple Hotel






浏览: 3,642



一把吉他能做到什么?在William Tyler的手中,它可以用来描绘纳什维尔的广袤大地和一条穿越其中的笔直公路。认真听,你甚至能听到汽车引擎的低声轰鸣。从优秀吉他手多如牛毛的纳什维尔脱颖而出,William Tyler曾加入全美最杰出的乡村音乐乐队之一Lambchop,Jack White也找他做演出嘉宾。一直在路上的生活为他的琴声赋予了一种敏锐的洞察力,如流动的笔锋,刻画下让人有些头晕目眩的声音风景。如今,刚刚于年初发行了新专辑《Goes West》的William Tyler即将再次踏上旅途,下一站:中国!

曾于去年登台上海混凝草音乐节的William Tyler将在八月来到北京、成都、广州三城做多场Workshop和演出!查看更多信息,请继续下滑文章。

从Lambchop的吉他手身份中跳脱出来,William Tyler穿越乡村音乐的道路,踏上追寻美国原始主义音乐的旅程。在个人专辑里,他运用灵动的指弹吉他,将纳什维尔与美国广阔大地的风貌描摹得淋漓尽致。他的声音充满对自然敬畏、感恩与希望等多样情感;在他的音乐里,人们除了可以听到Sparklehorse式空灵而婉约的氛围、Lambchop一贯的深邃表达,更能听到敞亮、悦耳、仿佛赋予万物生气的绝妙器乐编排与沁人心脾的流畅演奏。William Tyler用一种毫不矫饰的风格,自然地糅合了摇滚乐的不羁、乡村乐的欢快和田园诗的恬静,让多元的音乐元素合力形成一种纯美、甘甜的气息。


Sublime, emotional post-country for wide-open vistas and the great outdoors

In August 2019, William Tyler (Lambchop / The Silver Jews) will tour China for a series of shows, workshops and intimate performances.

His mellow, beautiful instrumental music is part travelogue – an ode to the vanishing landmarks of America’s past – and part meditation – a reflection of the anxieties of the country today. Musically, there’s krautrock (hints of Neu! And Autobahn-era Kraftwerk), pastoral folk melodies and psychedelic noodling.

Expect five evenings of intricate, transporting storytelling – somewhere between the gentle vibes of a night around a campfire and the erudition of a smart lecture. It’s music that enhances the human capacity to understand ourselves. William Tyler's last outings in China were with Lambchop in 2016 and the Concrete & Grass Music Festival in 2018, and this time he is adding a series of workshop dates where he’ll go into fingerpicking techniques (a style he helped pioneer in its contemporary form) and his songwriting approach. Dates and details are below.

We sometimes tend to call music like William's – expansive, emotional – as perfect for “driving”. That description, while perfect, stops a bit short of really capturing what makes William Tyler special. While there is an element of the road in his work, it always goes beyond the highway. This is music that stops to look, goes offroad to explore, and talks to those we meet along the way.

That, in a sense, is the essence of this tour. Stories of the road from a storyteller on the road. In Beijing, Chengdu and Guangzhou, William Tyler sets us off on journeys both imaginary and real, and through music and words, takes us to places far removed from the everyday. A powerful reminder in the times we live and that difference and diversity is to be celebrated, and not merely ‘tolerated’.

We hope you’ll join us for the ride.


About William Tyler:

Nashville-native William Tyler has played with the likes of Ty Segall and Lambchop, and has released five studio albums as a solo artist. 2016’s Modern Country was hailed by Rolling Stone as one of “the best country albums of the year” and his 2019 work, Goes West (on the legendary Merge Records) was released to widespread critical acclaim.  





购票须知 Notice on Ticketing:


The performance lasts about one and half hours, please arrive 30 minutes before starting time. No seat numbers are allocated to the tickets, seat selection is based on "first come, first served" rule. Paper tickets are not needed, QR code and your name/mobile number will be checked against purchasing. Parking space is very limited, we recommend you come by taxi or public transport. Please check the below map for the nearest metro station. 


Children under 1.20 meters are not suitable for the concert (Children's shows excepted).


Once a ticket is sold, it is final, not refundable or changeable.


活动场地/Event Spaces

文化活动/Cultural Activities

北京市东城区沙滩北街嵩祝院23号 Temple东景缘
No. 23, Song Zhu Yuan, Sha Tan Bei Jie, Dongcheng, Beijing

+86 (10) 8402 1350

长按或扫描关注 Temple东景缘 






