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A Workshop: The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future

价格: ¥300

2013年8月2日 星期五 16:00 至 19:00
The Haworth Furniture Company 北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号芳草地D座3层 (Parkview Green) Tower D, Unit 7-9, 3F. No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.
主办方: LEAP Training and Consulting 更多活动

价格: ¥300

A Workshop: The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future

2013年8月2日 星期五 16:00 至 19:00 The Haworth Furniture Company 北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号芳草地D座3层 (Parkview Green) Tower D, Unit 7-9, 3F. No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.

价格: ¥300

时间 地点

2013年8月2日 星期五 16:00 至 19:00

The Haworth Furniture Company 北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号芳草地D座3层 (Parkview Green) Tower D, Unit 7-9, 3F. No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing. The Haworth Furniture Company 北京市朝阳区东大桥路9号芳草地D座3层 (Parkview Green) Tower D, Unit 7-9, 3F. No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing.


主办方 联系主办方

LEAP Training and Consulting

LEAP Training and Consulting


Where incredible women unleash their potential

扫描右侧二维码关注Inner Circles公众号, 了解更多关于Inner Circles团队、IMPACT蜕变之旅, 领导力+工作坊等相关内容

在Inner Circles,我们致力于实现女性的成长与蜕变。Inner Circles专注于为优秀女性创造安全的社群空间:在这里,我们一起思考生命之重,敞开心扉分享自己的梦想与恐惧,给予彼此支持和关怀,认识自己,发现自己,共同克服女性所面临的各种挑战。


Learn more about us including our faculty, the Inner Circles transformational IMPACT journey, our Leadership Plus Workshop Plus Series, by following our Inner Circles official account

At Inner Circles, we run transformational learning journeys for women. We’re famous for creating safe spaces for incredible women to reflect on what’s important and to open up to share honestly our dreams and fears and to get the support we need to overcome our challenges and unlock the leader within us.

We are home to a vibrant, active community of impressive alumnae committed to leading full lives rich with impact and to supporting their own growth as well as the growth of others. Women are awesome. We unleash women’s full potential so that, in an increasingly complex world, women can have big impact and make it a better place for everyone.




浏览: 6,455

1. About the Book: The Athena Doctrine: How Women (and the Men Who Think Like Them) Will Rule the Future 

The book explores the rise of feminine competencies and values and their impact on leadership, policy and innovation. Based on a worldwide survey among 64,000 professionals from 18 nations, it explains how the most innovative women and men are breaking from traditional structures to influence new ways of leading and solving today’s challenges. Check out a summary of the book here

2. About the Authors: 

John Gerzema (speaker) 

--Executive Chairman overseeing insights for Young & Rubicam Group  and WPP’s BAV Consulting
--His books have appeared on the best seller lists of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, USA Today, Fast Company, The Washington Post and Bloomberg Business Week.

--His management articles were chosen among Strategy & Business “Best of the decade” and his ‘Trend Watcher’ column for Inc. Magazine is widely read.

--Check out his TEDWomen talk here.

Michael D'Antonio 

-- Pulitzer Prize winning journalist and author, or co-author of more than fifteen books including his previous collaboration with John Gerzema, Spend Shift

3. Agenda:

16:00-16:15 Registration and Welcome

16:15 - 16:40 John Gerzema to set the context

16:40 - 16:45 Research Exercise
16:45 - 17:15 Group Discussion and Group Sharing
17:15 - 17:45 Sharing of the Research and Findings from the Athena Doctrine
17:45 - 18: 00 Group Discussion and Group Sharing
18:00 - 18: 20 Put the book into a global context and closing comments
18:20 - 18:30 Q & A
18:30 - 19:00 Networking Cocktail  

4. Main sponsors:

诚邀您参加《纽约时报》最佳畅销书作家John Gerzema关于其新书The Athena Doctrine的研讨会。John Gerzema, 现任Y&R(扬罗必凯集团)及WPP集团旗下BAV Consulting执行主席和首席战略官, 与其合著者,Michael D’ Antonio普利策奖得主 (Pulitzer Prize Winner) 在书中深入探讨了具有雅典娜式领导力特质的崛起,价值以及它对领导力、政策制定及创新带来的深刻影响,并预测主宰未来的将是秉承该种领导力特质的女性以及像她们一样思考的男性领袖们。该书自今年4月首发以来便迅速登上《纽约时报》、《华尔街日报》、《今日美国》,《快公司》,《华盛顿邮报》、《彭博商业周刊》等最佳畅销书排行榜,将雅典娜式领导风格之风刮向世界。

此次活动将设置大量互动环节,您将有机会与睿智的专业人士在一个充满创意的空间里对话,活动的最后还将专设一场鸡尾酒会。需要特别强调的是:此活动并非仅限女性参加”。参会的男女嘉宾将在John的亲自带领下共同探讨有关“柔性领导力”(feminine leadership)等的话题。

每位参会者将获赠一本The Athena Doctrine。活动产生的收益,将捐给联合国Girl Up(全球女童发展)基金会。



本书作者John Gerzema和Michael D’ Antonio(曾获普利策奖)耗时两年,收集了来自18个国家和地区的64000份调查问卷,现场访谈了来自13个国家的政界领袖、商业精英、NGO从业者、教育家及创业者等80余人,深入了解那些极具创新力的人士如何打破传统的思维框架,影响新型的领导方式,并解决当前的挑战。此书的概要可参见此处.

“《The Athena Doctrine》是本充满力量的书:研究内容翔实可靠,故事叙述引人入胜,传达当下最需要也最重要的信息!”

——汤姆·彼得斯(Tom Peters),《基业长青》作者

关于John Gerzema

-     现任Y&R(扬罗必凯集团)及WPP集团旗下BAV Consulting执行主席和首席战略官

-  他的书名列《纽约时报》,《华尔街日报》,《今日美国》,《快公司》,《华盛顿邮报》及《彭博商业周刊》等最佳畅销书排行榜

- 他撰写的管理类文章被《战略与商业》列为“十年最佳”;他为《公司》(Inc.) 杂志撰写的“趋势观察家 (Trend Watcher)专栏读者甚众

-      数十万人看过他在TED上的演讲:危机后的消费者(The Post Crisis Consumer。观看视频请点击此处.






Where incredible women unleash their potential

扫描右侧二维码关注Inner Circles公众号, 了解更多关于Inner Circles团队、IMPACT蜕变之旅, 领导力+工作坊等相关内容

在Inner Circles,我们致力于实现女性的成长与蜕变。Inner Circles专注于为优秀女性创造安全的社群空间:在这里,我们一起思考生命之重,敞开心扉分享自己的梦想与恐惧,给予彼此支持和关怀,认识自己,发现自己,共同克服女性所面临的各种挑战。


Learn more about us including our faculty, the Inner Circles transformational IMPACT journey, our Leadership Plus Workshop Plus Series, by following our Inner Circles official account

At Inner Circles, we run transformational learning journeys for women. We’re famous for creating safe spaces for incredible women to reflect on what’s important and to open up to share honestly our dreams and fears and to get the support we need to overcome our challenges and unlock the leader within us.

We are home to a vibrant, active community of impressive alumnae committed to leading full lives rich with impact and to supporting their own growth as well as the growth of others. Women are awesome. We unleash women’s full potential so that, in an increasingly complex world, women can have big impact and make it a better place for everyone.


