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2016 TEDxShanghaiWomen

价格: ¥300

2016年10月28日 星期五 13:00 至 19:30
Shanghai Center, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Xikang Lu 上海商城,南京西路1376号,近西康路
主办方: TEDxShanghaiWomen 更多活动

价格: ¥300

2016 TEDxShanghaiWomen

2016年10月28日 星期五 13:00 至 19:30 Shanghai Center, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Xikang Lu 上海商城,南京西路1376号,近西康路

价格: ¥300

时间 地点

2016年10月28日 星期五 13:00 至 19:30

Shanghai Center, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Xikang Lu 上海商城,南京西路1376号,近西康路 Shanghai Center, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Xikang Lu 上海商城,南京西路1376号,近西康路


主办方 联系主办方



In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDxPuxi is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. TEDxPuxi spun off from the team that built TEDxShanghaiWomen, which has been running for 5 years and had a sold-out live audience of over 900 people in November 2016. The TEDxPuxi team is a group of extraordinary women who are devoted to continuing the legacy of TEDxShanghaiWomen in service of transformation for their community.

TEDx浦西作为独立运营项目并且脱胎于成熟的TEDxShanghaiWomen,其成立本着分享杰出思想的理念,致力于为本地社群创造纯正并且丰富的TED活动体验。 TEDxShanghaiWomen 在团队的成功运营下已走过了5年,并在2016年年度大会活动中收获了超过900人次的现场观众。 TEDx浦西团队由一群出色的女性组成,她们将持续传承TEDxShanghaiWomen的精神,持续不懈地为本地社群服务。




浏览: 8,144

This October 28, TEDxShanghaiWomen will be back at Shanghai Centre for an community event based around the global TED topic of Time.


"It’s About Time" is TEDxShanghaiWomen’s contribution to this global conversation. Over the course of the half-day event, we will host a line-up of inspiring speakers to talk about time by sharing their stories with close to 700 women and men. 
“时间诉说”,是TEDxShanghaiWomen对“时间”这一全球性话题所进行再次的深入探讨。在当天下午的活动中,我们将邀请数位鼓舞人心的演讲嘉宾,与现场近700位观众们近距离交流,分享他们各自的精彩故事,共同诠释和赋予 “时间”一词新的意义。

In addition, we will live-stream a series of extraordinary speeches from the California event. We anticipate a strong response from both our unique line-up of speakers as well as our diverse and enthusiastic audience. We will hear stories that educate, inspire, persuade, entertain and truly embrace ideas worth sharing. 

Event Details 活动详情

Time 时间: Friday, Oct. 28 10月28日星期五
Address 地址: Shanghai Center, 1376 Nanjing Xi Lu, near Xikang Lu 南京西路1376号上海商城,近西康路

Agenda 活动详情
1:00 – 2:30 PM Registration and light refreshments 签到并享用茶点
2:30 – 4:15 PM Session One - Streaming from the US 第一部分:美国TED会场
4:15 – 4:45 PM Coffee Networking Break 茶歇
4:45 – 6:30 PM Session Two - Live speakers 第二部分:嘉宾演讲
6:30 – 7:30 PM Cocktail Reception 酒会

Live Speakers 演讲嘉宾介绍

Eleanor Moseman 埃莉诺•莫斯曼

“Choose to Live Fearless” 
Eleanor Moseman is a photographer and solo adventurer who shares stories of ancient cultures living in remote regions of Asia. Raised from humble beginnings in Appalachia, Moseman is also a humanitarian, writer, and activist who works with minorities, women among religious cultures, the working-class, and those enslaved into poverty. When not taking on these roles, she is photographing architecture and interior spaces throughout China or playing the ukulele or theremin.


May Wang

"Saving Lives: Artificial Intelligence in Breast Cancer Early Detection" 
May Wang is a Consultant at SITRI on advanced material/technology for Internet of Things. She earned her BS/MS degrees in Chemical Engineer from Tianjin University and University of Cincinnati respectively, and holds >35 US patents covering semiconductor and MEMS processing  technology. Alongside these accomplishments, she is a curious explorer in the world of silicon, mother of 3 children, and wants to learn how to sail at some point in her life.

May是SITRI 物联网先进材料技术方面的专家,分别在天津大学和辛辛那提大学获得了生物工程的本科与硕士学位,并且在半导体与微电子机械技术领域持有超过35项美国专利。除此之外,她还是一名在硅元素世界里充满好奇的探索者,3个孩子的母亲,正在计划未来有一天能够学会帆船。

Pocket Sun 孙伊晴

“How to deviate from the norm (at a young age)” 
Pocket Sun co-founded SoGal Ventures at 23, when she discovered that funding was often the largest hurdle for female founders. It has since grown into a global community of over 4,000 diverse entrepreneurs and investors. One of Forbes Asia 2016’s 30 Under 30 Asia in Finance & VC, she was also recognized as LinkedIn 2015 Top Voices in VC & Entrepreneurship. Currently based in Singapore, she speaks at technology and venture conferences across the world, and invests in both the US and Asia.


Rina Joosten-Rabou

“It's time. How robots help us find the career we want.” 
Rina is Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer of technology venture Seedlink Tech in China. She is also a member of a number of boards and is a regular speaker and writer for both Chinese and European media on entrepreneurship, innovation, human capital and China.

Rina是科技创业公司Seedlink Tech中国区的联合创始人与首席商务官。同时,她也是一名演讲家与作家,定期在中国和欧洲的媒体上发表有关创业、创新、人力资源和中国市场方面的观点。

Valerie Brown 布蔚薇

“Trust the Procrastinator”
Valerie Brown, currently the Director of the United States Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Trade Office, Shanghai, promoting U.S. food and agricultural products in Eastern China. She is the founder of the Women Of (American) Wine (WOW) group in China, the author of a motivational book entitled “Go Team You,” and host of “Cooking with Mei Mei.” She is the proud parent of 5 children and is attempting to eat her way around the world.

布蔚薇目前是美国领事馆农业部负责人,在华东地区负责美国食品与农产品的推广。她创办了美国女性品酒社群(WOW),创作出版了励志书《Go Team You》,并担任《和Mei Mei一起下厨》的主笔。同时,布蔚薇还是5个孩子的母亲,希望能够尝遍全球各地的美食。

Gwen Cardno 

“How About Now” 
Gwen Cardno is a seasoned diplomat who has served overseas in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, China and the UK and in the United States as part of the staff for Secretaries of State Powell and Rice and at the White House.  She is currently serving as the Deputy Consul General at the United States Consulate in Shanghai.  Gwen is married with two young daughters.


Stay tuned to our official WeChat account for more information about event updates and speaker information. 






In the spirit of ideas worth spreading, TEDxPuxi is a program of local, self-organized events that bring people together to share a TED-like experience. TEDxPuxi spun off from the team that built TEDxShanghaiWomen, which has been running for 5 years and had a sold-out live audience of over 900 people in November 2016. The TEDxPuxi team is a group of extraordinary women who are devoted to continuing the legacy of TEDxShanghaiWomen in service of transformation for their community.

TEDx浦西作为独立运营项目并且脱胎于成熟的TEDxShanghaiWomen,其成立本着分享杰出思想的理念,致力于为本地社群创造纯正并且丰富的TED活动体验。 TEDxShanghaiWomen 在团队的成功运营下已走过了5年,并在2016年年度大会活动中收获了超过900人次的现场观众。 TEDx浦西团队由一群出色的女性组成,她们将持续传承TEDxShanghaiWomen的精神,持续不懈地为本地社群服务。


