Silicon Dragon Beijing 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016 17:00 to 21:00 DayDayUp, Sanlitun Soho (Building C, 22nd floor, Chaoyang District)
Price: ¥230 - 320
Thursday, April 28, 2016 17:00 to 21:00
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硅谷龙 Silicon Dragon
硅谷龙 Silicon Dragon
Silicon Dragon publishes startup and venture news, hosts forums in the world's innovation hubs, and provides industry insights on tech trends. The group reaches a network of 15,000 entrepreneurs, venture investors, deal makers and startup stakeholders globally. Silicon Dragon was formed in 2010 by journalist, author and Forbes contributor Rebecca Fannin.
Views: 2,996
China’s Superstar Founders & Investors: A Tipping Point
Hans Tung, Managing Partner, GGV Capital
Anna Fang, Partner & CEO, ZhenFundTECH VENTURE CHAT
Jeff Xiong, Founding Managing Partner, 7 Seas Ventures / former CTO, Tencent
(open to all Silicon Dragon attendees)
Thanks to Silicon Dragon sponsors
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Silicon Dragon publishes startup and venture news, hosts forums in the world's innovation hubs, and provides industry insights on tech trends. The group reaches a network of 15,000 entrepreneurs, venture investors, deal makers and startup stakeholders globally. Silicon Dragon was formed in 2010 by journalist, author and Forbes contributor Rebecca Fannin.