罗斯福家族人 : 「智慧 •实践•资本」12.4分享晚宴 及 12.5领袖工作坊 Sharing & Dinner 12.4 and Full Day Leadership Workshop 12.5 by Mr. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch
2015年12月4日 星期五 至 12月5日 星期六 上海罗斯福公馆 The House of Roosevelt 上海市黄浦区中山东一路27号 No. 27 Zhong Shan Dong Yi Road Shanghai 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店 Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the bund 中国上海市黄浦区中山东一路2号 No.2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Road, Huang Pu District
价格: ¥1,300 - 10,000
2015年12月4日 星期五 至 12月5日 星期六
APAC Family Business Club
APAC Young Elites Association
浏览: 6,054
亚太家族企业俱乐部 ❈ 亚太菁英会 主要是联系亚太地区青年领袖 深度学习及跨国交流的平台。 为促进亚太地区各界杰出华裔青年的交流,让杰出青年能够从卓越领袖和前辈身上吸取经验和智能,两会会致力定期举办国际论坛,邀请会员参加游学班,从而碰撞新思维及造就跨境合作。 我们希望菁英们能相互以睿智头脑交朋友。
十二月荣幸迎来 特德· 罗斯福马洛赫 先生 Mr. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch 到访上海。 马洛赫先生是国际学者,卓越的罗斯福美国总统家族的一份子。 他同时也在拥有领先地位的策略管理公司罗斯福集团担任主席。 他曾在耶鲁大学担任研究教授,现于牛津大学的商学院担任教授。 此外,他在国际经济论坛及联合国也身居要职。 因此希望借此机会让更多各地杰出领袖得以共聚一堂,探讨学习。
谨带来 两场活动, 十二月四日(周五)在上海罗斯福公馆举办 「智慧 •实践•资本」分享晚宴, 届时除了家族企业新一代,也邀请了世界顶级大学牛津及剑桥同学会,清华MBA学生家族企业俱乐部和沪港青年会成员笠临。第二天十二月五日(周六)是一个菁英领袖工作坊,话题包括如何朔造未来世界级年青领导者。
The Asia Pacific Family Business Club, in association with the Asia Pacific Young Elites Association are honoured to present in Shanghai, Mr. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch. Mr. Malloch is a member of the prominent Roosevelt Family and Chairman of The Roosevelt Group and Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Global Fiduciary Governance LLC, both strategy and thought leadership firms. In addition, Mr. Malloch has been a Senior Fellow of The Aspen Institute, was President of the CNN World Economic Development Congress and has served on the executive board of the World Economic Forum. He was a Research Professor for the Spiritual Capital Initiative at Yale University, and now a Fellow at the SAID Business School of the University of Oxford.
Mr. Malloch's dinner sharing will focus on "Practical Wisdom and Capital" whilst the Full Day Programme will delve deeper into grooming global leadership and impacting the world.
We are altogether delighted to have world class great minds from the Shanghai Oxford and Cambridge Society , Tsinghua MBA Student Family Business Club and the Hong Kong-Shanghai Youth Association as our publicity supporting organisation. We hope to draw talented achievers in Shanghai in this one space and brainstorm with each other.
See you very soon indeed !