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5/03/2017 Cancer: We all have it? What don't we know?
2017年5月3日 星期三 18:30 至 21:00
Cultural and Education Section, British Consulate-General, 17F Garden Square, 968 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200041 China
主办方: Shanghai Oxbridge Society 更多活动

价格: 免费

5/03/2017 Cancer: We all have it? What don't we know?

价格: 免费

5/03/2017 Cancer: We all have it? What don't we know?
2017年5月3日 星期三 18:30 至 21:00
Cultural and Education Section, British Consulate-General, 17F Garden Square, 968 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200041 China
主办方: Shanghai Oxbridge Society 更多活动

价格: 免费



5/03/2017 Cancer: We all have it? What don't we know?

2017年5月3日 星期三 18:30 至 21:00 Cultural and Education Section, British Consulate-General, 17F Garden Square, 968 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200041 China

价格: 免费

时间 地点

2017年5月3日 星期三 18:30 至 21:00

Cultural and Education Section, British Consulate-General, 17F Garden Square, 968 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200041 China Cultural and Education Section, British Consulate-General, 17F Garden Square, 968 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200041 China


主办方 联系主办方

Shanghai Oxbridge Society

Shanghai Oxbridge Society






浏览: 1,919

Dear alumni,

In continuation of our Continue Education series, we have invited Professor David Huang of Duke University to present to us his latest research on cancer. While all of us have heard of the condition, there are still much that we are not aware of, especially around diagnosis and prevention. Having lost my own grandmother to lung cancer, this topic hits home dearly as I am sure it also will for anyone that has had an encounter with cancer. 

The presentation will take place at the British Council and will lasts one hour. After which there will also be an hour of networking. I have opened this event to other U.K. based universities as well given such topic is relevant for all. 

Professor David Huang specializes in medical physics and has practiced all over the world. He boasts an impressive CV dating back to 1986. He is an expert in advance cancer therapy and was the keynote speaker for the 14th World Cancer and Anti-Cancer Therapy Convention in Dubai. His short-hand CV is attached.

Date: May 3rd 2017 (5/3/2017)

Time: 6:30pm registration starts

Location: British Council, 17F 
Garden Square, 968 West Beijing Road, Shanghai 200041 China

Price: Free

Format: Hosted by Oxbridge, open to all UK alumni






