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Corporate PM AI Training - How to use AI in Project Management (Cohort)

Price: ¥2,400 - 2,900

2024年5月24日 星期五 13:30 至 18:30
Business Casual
729 Tongbei Road, Gaohe Yunfeng Building, Yangpu District, Shanghai
Organizer: HACKLTECH - Digital Expert for AI More Events

Price: ¥2,400 - 2,900

Corporate PM AI Training - How to use AI in Project Management (Cohort)

2024年5月24日 星期五 13:30 至 18:30 729 Tongbei Road, Gaohe Yunfeng Building, Yangpu District, Shanghai

Price: ¥2,400 - 2,900

When & Where

2024年5月24日 星期五 13:30 至 18:30

729 Tongbei Road, Gaohe Yunfeng Building, Yangpu District, Shanghai 729 Tongbei Road, Gaohe Yunfeng Building, Yangpu District, Shanghai
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HACKLTECH - Digital Expert for AI

HACKLTECH - Digital Expert for AI


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Corporate PM AI Training - How to use AI in Project Management (Cohort)


本课程旨在帮助项目经理、团队成员以及对项目管理感兴趣的个人深入理解并掌握在 AI 背景下项目管理的新方法和新逻辑,通过系统的训练,使学员能够有效编制项目计划,高效管理干系人,赋能调研过程,助力执行过程,加速上线准备,




  • 实践与理论并重:课程内容结合最新的 AI 技术背景,将理论与实践相结合,提供大量案例分析和实战演练
  • 个性化教学:根据学员背景和需求,提供个性化的学习计划和辅导,确保每位学员都能获得最适合自己的学习体验
  • 前沿技术应用:课程涵盖 AI 时代下的新工具和方法,如甘特图、流程图软件的AI 版本,以及项目管理软件的高级功能等
  • 专家团队授课:由项目管理和 AI 技术领域的资深专家共同授课,分享实操经验



  1. 掌握在 AI 时代下项目管理的新方法和逻辑
  2. 提升项目计划编制的效率和质量
  3. 实现高效的干系人管理
  4. 精准进行风险识别和应对
  5. 加速项目上线准备并提高系统的使用效果
  6. 完善项目收尾工作,为项目交付和知识传承打下坚实基础



Corporate PM AI Training - How to use AI in Project Management (Cohort)


This course aims to help project managers, team members and individuals interested in project management deeply understand and master the new methods and logic of project management in the context of AI. Through systematic training, students can effectively prepare project plans and manage efficiently. Stakeholders, empower the research process, assist the execution process, accelerate preparations for launch, and ultimately improve the system usage effect and improve the finishing work.



  • Combine practice and theory: The course content is combined with the latest AI technology background, combines theory with practice, and provides a large number of case analysis and practical exercises.
  • Personalized teaching: Provide personalized learning plans and tutoring based on participants background and needs to ensure that each student can get the learning experience that best suits them.
  • Cutting-edge technology applications: The course covers new tools and methods in the AI era, such as Gantt charts, AI versions of flowchart software, and advanced functions of project management software, etc.
  • Professional Trainer: Senior experts in the fields of project management and AI technology jointly teach and share



  1. Master the new methods and logic of project management in the AI era
  2. Improve the efficiency and quality of project planning
  3. Achieve efficient stakeholder management
  4. Accurately identify and respond to risks
  5. Accelerate project launch preparation and improve system usag
  6. Improve project closing work and lay a solid foundation for project delivery and
  7. knowledge inheritance

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为什么选择我们的 AI 商业策略培训?


随着人工智能技术的不断成熟,AI 的应用已经深入各个行业。然而,由于 AI 技术的快速更新迭代,绝大多数企业很难抽出时间全面评估不同 AI 工具的实际应用价值。企业面临日新月异的 AI 环境改变,如何高效应对已成为许多企业面临的关键挑战。这正是 HACKLTECH 的 AI 培训课程的优势所在。


Why should you start with Corporate AI Inhouse Training for your future Business Strategy


Through rich case sharing and interactive exercises, we help our clients quickly master the application patterns of AI in various business. We will provide the best AI strategies to enhance your sales, marketing quality, and daily operations, ensuring you stay ahead of competitors and achieve future market growth. Our training team has rich industry background and understands the real needs of enterprises.


We deeply understand the heavy pressures of CEO's management responsibilities. HACKLTECH takes the growth of enterprises as our responsibility, and sincerely provides efficient AI solutions for every client tohelp enterprises comprehensively improve quality and efficiency.


HACKLTECH welcomes you to our unique AI training courses, designed for the sustainable success of your company.


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