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2014年6月7日蘑菇音乐节 MUSHROOMFESTIVAL 2014

价格: ¥100

2014年6月7日 星期六 21:00 至 23:00
北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号 愚公移山
主办方: 愚公移山 更多活动

价格: ¥100

2014年6月7日蘑菇音乐节 MUSHROOMFESTIVAL 2014

2014年6月7日 星期六 21:00 至 23:00 北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号 愚公移山

价格: ¥100

时间 地点

2014年6月7日 星期六 21:00 至 23:00

北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号 愚公移山 北京市东城区张自忠路3-2号 愚公移山


主办方 联系主办方






浏览: 1,759

一场独立而丰盛的蘑菇宴 The Power Of Indie

SUBS [北京 Beijing] / MR. GRACELESS [北京 Beijing] / ALPINE DECLINE [美国 US] / GLOW CURVE [北京 Beijing] / V-DAY [南京 Nanjing] / FUZZ [西安 Xi’an]


SUBS,乐队的名字有两个中文说法。一个简单的叫:杀不死。另一个来自Super Universe Baby Scream,也就是:超级宇宙婴儿嚎叫。SUBS,立场鲜明,风格特立。在中国,很多爱摇人称其为最好的乐队,在全世界,他们的每次国际巡演都带去横扫一切的震撼!SUBS不投靠虚假商业宣传和唱片公司包装,弃绝签约,DIY且纯真,摇滚的精神精髓和现场精髓是他们唯一的标签。直接,有力,躁,冲。有点怪。骨子里彻头彻尾的PUNK,但融合了EMOGARAGENEW WAVEPOST ROCK多种音乐元素,很难用现成的音乐门类去界定它,也很难预计它接下来会发出什么怪声,SUBS是一支真正开创了自我风格的摇滚乐队。



Mr. Graceless,不优雅先生,成立于2008年秋,乐队主要受六十年代传统摇滚乐及八九十年代至今的独立摇滚乐影响,音乐风格在坚持“好听”的基础上趋于多元化。2010年底乐队独立发行了DIY小样唱片《DEMO.1》并于2012年初在兵马司旗下发行了首张全长专辑《The Tree Ever Green(常青树)》。首张专辑《The Tree Ever Green》 收录了乐队早期的部分作品,包括7首英文歌曲,2首中文歌曲和2首纯器乐歌曲。这张关于对少年时代的回忆和告别的青葱之声的唱片在2012年受到了独立摇滚界的广泛关注,出现在各大摇滚媒体和乐评人的年度唱片行列之中,并获得了基于用户真实数据的豆瓣音乐人阿比鹿奖的年度摇滚专辑奖。



随着摇曳不定的8毫米影片的光线,Alpine Decline2010年出现在东洛杉矶,转动他们的机器,在四分之一英寸磁带中营造出属于自己的线条。在一年之中这对吉他与鼓的二人组合录制了三张全长专辑然后迅速地消失,生机勃勃地移居中国并隐藏在北京东部的边缘。一年后Alpine Decline重新露面,带来的是来自大都市郊区的两张新专辑。2013年的《长刀之夜》,以及他们最新的专辑《Go Big Shadow City》,我们注意到乐队从他们之前唱片中的高海拔视野中开始下降,带着醉意和麻木的头脑,和我们一起穿过混乱与时代的疾病,深入到古老小巷和裸露的摩天大楼的废墟之中。



Glow Curve是一个电子电器术语词汇,意为发光曲线,乐队受早期后摇滚、前卫摇滚和电子乐的诸多启发,以复杂的逻辑和充沛的情感,具有诗意和哲学思考的歌词与建筑结构般演奏的融合,延续了前卫摇滚乐之脉络,又散发出水墨画般的东方特质。2012年签约摩登天空,20139月全新唱片《DEDICATE TO MIND 迷航》正式发行。






FUZZ,来自西安的独立/后朋克乐队。2013年,乐队在"摩登天空"旗下成功发行了首张全长专辑《谁会做奔跑的马》,20143月乐队将展开为期一个月的"爱恨情仇"主题巡演。用乐队自己的话说,这张唱片对他们来说是一次颠覆,而P.K.14主唱杨海崧操刀制作,也为这张专辑注入了更纯正的后朋克色彩。来到现场,你会发现从前那个醉醺醺唱着电子车库摇滚的The Fuzz早已不见,如果你没有经历过这之间的过渡,突然听到肯定会问“这是法兹?”。在电子乐大行其道的今天,他们果断逆反潮流,把风格转向了80年代风行英国的后朋克上,复古的音色,让人不禁联想到那个时代的传奇,比如The CureJoy Division



9 // 120元(现场)/ 100元(预售) 


 SUBS: a double play of the name of the band: Invincible (杀不死 in Chinese), or Super Universe Baby Scream. SUBS is a band of sharp attitude and distinguished style. In China, many rock n' roll lovers refer to SUBS as the best band; in the international scene, every single gig of theirs rocks. SUBS despises commercialization and record companies, refuses signing contracts. Pure, rock n' roll spirit is their only label. Direct, powerful, relentless, ruthless, novel. Punk from head to toe, strangely and brilliantly fused with Emo, Garage, New Wave, Post Rock etc.. As a truly original band, SUBS cannot be defined, and cannot be predicted.



Mr. Graceless was formed in 2008, and it is chiefly influenced by rock n' roll musics from the 60s onward. Mr. Graceless insists on principally producing "easy listening" songs, and tends toward a playful diversity of compositions. By the end of 2010 Mr. Graceless released independently DEMO.1, and released debut album The Tree Ever Green under Maybe Mars by the end of 2012. The Tree Ever Green includes early works of the band, seven English songs, two Chinese songs and two instrumentals. This album about nostalgia, melancholy and a farewell to the teenage time was warmly welcomed by the independent rock n' roll scene in 2012, was included in important lists, and eventually won the annual rock n' roll album of Abbey Road Award of Douban.



Alpine Decline appeared in 2010 in East LA spinning up their machines & spinning out a web made of quarter inch tape. In less than a year they recorded three full length albums & then promptly vanished, spirited to China. With two brand new albums they re-appeared: Night of the Long Knives in 2013 and their latest Go Big Shadow City. It is noticed that the band comes closer to us from their previous artistic dwellings. With minds that are numb and drunk, Alpine Decline walks through chaos and the sickness of the time, into ancient alleys and naked ruins.



Glow Curve, influenced by early post-rock, avant-garde rock n' roll and electric music, combines complicated logics, high passions, poetic and philosophical lyrics with architectural compositions. It renews avant-garde rock, and has an unique Oriental glow about it. It is signed to Modern Sky in 2012, and released Dedicate to Mind in September 2013.



V-DAY is a veteran independent brit-pop band from Nanjing formed in 2005. In 2014 V-Day was signed to RockLand Beijing. Its music is influenced by numerous British bands, and has won a special position among rock n' roll lovers in east China with their graceful manners and versatile compositions. Over the years, V-Day has been invited to important festivals such as Yangtze River International Music Festival, Shanghai Strawberry Music Festival, Nanjing Jiangnan Production Music Festival, Scraper Music Festival etc.



FUZZ is an independent post-punk band from Xi'an. In 2013, Fuzz released debut album Who Makes Running Horse under Modern Sky, and carried out a national tour Love Hate in 2014. The old, drunken electric garage Fuzz is long gone - The Fuzz today is the British 80s post-punk, with retro sounds reminding one of legendary The Cure and Joy Division.



Pm 9 // Rmb 120 (door) / 100 (presale)




