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Jumpstart your Business: How to Launch your Next Project

价格: ¥950 - 3,800

2016年7月12日 星期二 09:00 至 7月15日 星期五 12:00
主办方: Gregory PRUDHOMMEAUX 更多活动

价格: ¥950 - 3,800

Jumpstart your Business: How to Launch your Next Project

2016年7月12日 星期二 09:00 至 7月15日 星期五 12:00 活动地点将会在报名成功后通知

价格: ¥950 - 3,800

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2016年7月12日 星期二 09:00 至 7月15日 星期五 12:00

活动地点将会在报名成功后通知 活动地点将会在报名成功后通知


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NextStep is catering professional workshops to help you accelerate your career and business. More on www.nextstep-workshops.com

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Jumpstart your Business:

How to Launch your Next Project

We often hear about entrepreneurs who made it big, of overnight successes and multi-million dollar deals and wonder how they did it. The real secret, according to most of them lies in the details of painstaking planning, research, the guts to face any challenge and the grit to accept failure and trying again until you get it right.

Join Greg Prudhommeaux, serial entrepreneur and NextStep founder as he discusses the how-to’s of getting your brilliant ideas off the ground and transforming it into your next successful project. For four days, these three hour workshops (9AM-12PM) will teach you practical tips that will help you work smart and make the most of your time, while helping you come up with strategies to keep your costs at bay. 

What to expect during those 4 sessions ?

Day 1 (July 12, 2016, from 9 am to 12 pm) – Eyes on the Ball

Take a journey to self-discovery and understand how your idea fits the current market. Understand why are you doing this and what solutions will it be providing your niche. Learn how to pitch your idea, identify pain points, know your competition and redirect your focus on finding solutions to your concerns.

Day 2 (July 13, 2016, from 9 am to 13 pm) - It's all About the Profit

Create your business plan. Learn all about pricing, overall costs, managing investments and how to get your Minimum Viable Product (MVP) out.

Day 3 (July 14, 2016, from 9 am to 12 pm) - Let’s get it started!

Make the most out of technology to help build your community online and offline. Get to know how to create a website that works in China at a lesser cost, how to manage your social media profiles and tips on how to sell your products and services.

Day 4 (July 15, 2016, from 9 am to 12 pm) - Working Smart

Focus on your strengths, maximize your time and minimize your expenses. Learn about the 80/20 principle and get most things done. Manage your project with ease through the use of automation, mobile apps and the help of freelancers.

Who should attend?

Aspiring entrepreneurs, everybody who have said "I should to a business of this" recently, everybody that have a business idea but need a little help to get the ball rolling, and anyone wanting to know how to plan, start and manage their business.  


Identify the pain points of your business idea and help redirect your focus to finding solutions to them. You will learn how to create, execute and manage your business plan with the help of technology through automation and finding the right team members using alternative sources like freelancing. Learn basic business concepts like determining costs, investments and profit, how to create your presence online and have your community’s support.

This event is brought to you by: 

Sign up until July 10th and take advantage of our Early Bird Rate! 

Get up to 20% off when you register with a friend!

Only limited slots available, so register now! 


About Greg

Greg Prudhommeaux came to China filled with curiosity and the desire to learn more about the country, its culture and its people. After moving to China in 2005 and setting up a partnership with a local consultation firm, he quickly realized the importance of Guanxi which is a system of social networks and influential relationships that facilitate business and other dealings in China. Having very minimal connections, he reached out to his friends and found out that they were also experiencing the same challenges in setting up their businesses. So in 2007, in collaboration with Joe Constanty, Greg set up the workings for NextStep. It was a platform where local and foreign businessmen, investors, and entrepreneurs can introduce themselves and connect with like-minded individuals. NextStep was a revolutionary concept, one of the first of its kind in 2007. In three years, they were able to connect people, and help establish a community of professionals in Shanghai through over 300 organized events.

After the success of NextStep, Greg joined ALTIOS International in 2010, a leading French firm in Outbound and Inbound projects that helped over 100 companies per year with their expansion in China. While working with different companies with different needs, Greg understood how important it is for individuals to pursue continuous learning, to help them better handle their affairs. His curiosity about business and its dealing got the best of him, since he didn’t go to any business school. This inspired him to relaunch NextStep, where he could search for interesting topics catered to professionals, find experts in the specified topics, and learn together with those who share the same curiosity.

Connect with Greg on LinkedIn: https://cn.linkedin.com/in/gregoryprudhommeaux

Details of the event: 

Date: July 12-15, 2016

From 9 AM to 12 PM

Location: Oasis Business Center, Taicang Lu / Xintiandi Area

Price: 2800 RMB (Early Bird)  / 3800 RMB (Normal price) 

Bring a Friend and you will both enjoy a 400 RMB discount on your ticket. Contact : WeChat ID : Greg_Prudhommeaux to book 2 person

Email : info@nextstep-workshops.com

Visit us on the Web : www.nextstep-workshops.com

Follow us on WeChat here :






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NextStep is catering professional workshops to help you accelerate your career and business. More on www.nextstep-workshops.com

Follow us on WeChat here :


