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YCW Shanghai - The Future of Fintech in China

Price: Free

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 19:30 to 21:00
Cafe Sambal Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu 嘉善路259弄37号A栋, 近建国西路 RMB 50 (cover 1 drink)
Organizer: Young China Watchers Shanghai More Events

Price: Free

YCW Shanghai - The Future of Fintech in China

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 19:30 to 21:00 Cafe Sambal Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu 嘉善路259弄37号A栋, 近建国西路 RMB 50 (cover 1 drink)

Price: Free

When & Where

Tuesday, November 7, 2017 19:30 to 21:00

Cafe Sambal Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu 嘉善路259弄37号A栋, 近建国西路 RMB 50 (cover 1 drink) Cafe Sambal Jiashan Market, Block A, No 37, 259 Jiashan Lu, near Jianguo Xi Lu 嘉善路259弄37号A栋, 近建国西路 RMB 50 (cover 1 drink)
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Young China Watchers Shanghai

Young China Watchers Shanghai


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Tighter regulations and oversight are forcing consolidation in the fintech industry, but at the same time, we are seeing increased partnerships between China’s fintechs and banks as Ganzhou became the first city to create a fintech regulatory sandbox. New technology like AI, machine learning and blockchain promise to redefine fintech globally. But which way is fintech in China headed? Will increased regulation stifle innovation? What role will fintech sandboxes have in China? And does Bitcoin have a future in China? 

YCW Shanghai welcomes Zennon Kapron, founder and director of Kapronasia, to address all these questions and more in an engaging 45 minute talk followed by an audience Q&A. 

Zennon Kapron


Zennon is the founder and Director of Kapronasia, one of Asia’s leading providers of research and consulting services focusing on the financial industry and financial technology. Zennon has been involved in the financial technology industry for over 20 years and has been published and mentioned in numerous online and offline publications including the Wall Street Journal, the FT, New York Times, the Economist, Reuters, Bloomberg, Forbes, and the South China Morning Post. He is a regular participant in industry events both in Asia and globally covering all topics financial technology and digital currency and has testified in front of the U.S. Congress on issues of China fintech.

Zennon is also the author of ‘Chomping at the Bitcoin: The History and Future of Bitcoin in China’ published by Penguin. Before Kapronasia, Zennon was the Global Banking Industry Manager for Intel based out of Shanghai, China and, prior to Intel, was the CIO for Citigroup Portugal. He holds a Bachelor’s of Science in Computer Science from Syracuse University and an MBA from INSEAD.

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