2017年9月15日 星期五 08:00 至 9月17日 星期日 18:00 Duke Kunshan University Jiangsu Province, China
价格: ¥500 - 1,000
2017年9月15日 星期五 08:00 至 9月17日 星期日 18:00
Duke Kunshan University & Purple Mountain Observatory & Meteoritical Society
Duke Kunshan University & Purple Mountain Observatory & Meteoritical Society
Duke Kunshan University (DKU) is a Sino-American partnership of Duke University and Wuhan University to create a world-class liberal arts and research university offering a range of academic programs for students from China and throughout the world. A non-profit, joint-venture institution, DKU was granted accreditation approval by China’s Ministry of Education in September 2013 and welcomed its inaugural class of students in August 2014.
For more information, please go to Duke Kunshan University
浏览: 5,718
陨石展览会是免费的。 所有参展商必须注册。
( 中国境内的注册,住宿和旅游可能会被放弃和/或报销给媒体和学生。)
谢谢。 我们期待着在DKU见到你。
The Meteorite Exhibits & Displays are free to the public. All exhibitors must register.
The Registration fee is 1000RMB ($150 US) and is currently limited to 150 persons.
(Registration, accommodation and travel within China may be waived and/or
reimbursed for media and students.)
We welcome your donations in increments of 500RMB.
Thank you. We look forward to seeing you at DKU.
Duke Kunshan University (DKU) is a Sino-American partnership of Duke University and Wuhan University to create a world-class liberal arts and research university offering a range of academic programs for students from China and throughout the world. A non-profit, joint-venture institution, DKU was granted accreditation approval by China’s Ministry of Education in September 2013 and welcomed its inaugural class of students in August 2014.
For more information, please go to Duke Kunshan University