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2014东动音乐节+产业论坛,将于2014年11月26 - 29日如期回归,在整整一年的酝酿之后,今年我们将奉献给北京观众们更多来自全球的高水平现场演出。
巴塞罗那的合成器摇滚(Synth Rock)、留尼汪岛的本土音乐马洛亚(Maloya)、动听的丹麦复古流行、来自长沙的年轻新声以及各种风格的摇滚、电子现场将轮番在愚公移山、DDC、Dada和Migas上演。
限量4日通票仅售400元 愚公移山/DADA / DDC 所有演出通行无阻
东动音乐节 - 愚公舞台
- 11月26日,东动正式开幕,我们将为大家呈现一个贯穿3大洲的世界音乐之夜 -法国旅华融合音乐人Djang San张思安+乐队将为用融合了中国古典乐器的法国香颂为整场演出揭幕。之后来自非洲南部法属留尼汪岛的“马洛雅(当地原生态音乐)教父“Tiloun也将带来独特的三拍子打击乐和迷人的合唱。最后,中国西北民谣领军人张玮玮和郭龙作为压轴乐队将把大家从远方带回北京。
- 11月27日的主题是新锐、摇滚、噪音、合成器,两支分别来自长沙和北京的两支中国摇滚潜力新声Colourhunter 、Gate to Otherside将携手法国电声后朋新宠CHEVEU,献上东动最狂躁的一晚。
- 11月28日,北京观众们久违了的AV大久保将带着新歌和新阵容登上东动舞台,和他们同台的两支乐队,一支是能颠覆大家对韩国音乐看法的IDIOTAPE - 3个人、7台合成器、1套鼓 - 震撼的跳舞鼓点和有力的电声朋克Riff;另一支则是再度来华,在新歌中融合了Woodkid般宏大旋律和中国元素编曲的法国合成器摇滚Colt Silvers, 如果你喜欢Foals和Alt-J请不要错过他们。
- 11月29日,东动的压轴大戏将由3个女人唱主角 - 丹麦独立唱作女声CALLmeKAT将带着她性感的”猫女“声线首都来华, 上海地下音乐女王ChaCha将和荷兰制作人搭档J Soul一起献上AM444在与-M-合作后的首次北京现场,而成名于英国的北京Trip-Hop才女Fifi Rong也将顶着献唱并联合制作了Triphop大腕Tricky新专辑的光环为大家带来不一样的独立音乐。
l Nov.26th 11月26日
Djang San + band (FR-CN)/ 张思安+乐队(法-中)
Tiloun (RE/留尼汪岛)
Zhang Weiwei&Guolong / 张玮玮和郭龙 (CN/中)
l Nov.27th 11月27日
Cheveu (FR/法)
Gate to Otherside/意外之门 (CN/中)
l Nov.28th 11月28日
AV OKUBO/AV大久保 (CN/中国)
Colt Silvers (FR/法)
Idiotape (KR/韩国)
l Nov.29th 11月29日
Fifi Rong (CN/中国)
AM444 (CN-NL/中国-荷兰)
Pm 8
愚公移山(26、28、29日):每场预售130 RMB/现场180 RMB (27日: 80 RMB/130 RMB)
4天东动通票(愚公移山、DDC、Dada):400 RMB
Dada 27 日: 60 RMB / 28 和29 日:80 RMB
DDC(27、28、29 日):每场预售60 RMB/现场80 RMB
Migas(29 日):60 RMB
For this second year, DongDong brings up a diverse program full of fresh, upcoming, as well as more confirmed artists from China and around the globe.
This year we invite you to wander between YugongYishan, DDC, Dada and Migas to catch synth rock from Barcelona, Maloya from Reunion Island, delicious vintage pop from Denmark, but also the latest sensations from Changsha and a whole lot of greasy Rock’n’roll.
More info: www.dongdong-event.com/
DongDong Festival -YUGONG Stage
From Nov 26th to 29th, DongDong will take over the stage of Yugong Yishan and present 4 nights of various genres.
- On Nov 26th, we will make you travel to faraway lands. China-based French fusion musician Djang San + band will open the night with his mix of Chinese instruments and chanson, followed by a rare apparition of Zhang Weiwei and Guolong who will play their subtle folk tinted with nomadic influences and rhythms from Western China. And to finish up with even more exotic vibe, Tiloun from Reunion Island will not miss to put everybody in a trance with hypnotic Maloya music, a combination of ternary rhythms and enchanting chorus.
Nov 27th, will be about fresh blood and rock and roll. Emerging Changsha band Colourhunter who just spent some time recording with Yang Haisong will be presenting their layered post rock for the first time in Beijing while Beijing new power trio, Gate to Otherside will take us on their trippy psych trip – and to end up in beauty French ambassadors of shit-gazing Cheveu will show us some of their indefinable electro garage punk rock. Wild night!
Nov 28th, we have the pleasure to host AV Okubo all the way from Wuhan with new songs and new line-up. They didn’t come to Beijing in 7 months, so be ready for a juvenile mash up of experimental rock, disco punk and massive beats.
French synth rock band Colt Silvers, will be playing also for their second time in China, if you’re into Foals and Alt-J, you’re going to love them.
And to finish on the dance floor and get definitely hammered, plug your ear on South Korean band IDIOTAPE: 3 musicians, 7 synthesizers + 1drum, slamming dance beats powered by electrified punk riffs.
On Nov 29th, women are on top – Shanghai based songstress ChaCha accompanied by Dutch producer Jay Soul will be showing some of the funky yet deep electronics and warm vocals in mandarin which makes the signature of their duo AM444; Denmark indie pop star CALLmeKAT will bring her old Casio keyboards and her beautiful voice for the first time in China and Fifi Rong, the UK based Beijing songwriter who made a name for herself with featuring with artists such as Tricky will deliver some of her toxic trip hop .
l Nov.26th 11月26日
Djang San + band (FR-CN)/ 张思安+乐队(法-中)
Tiloun (RE/留尼汪岛)
Zhang Weiwei&Guolong /张玮玮和郭龙(CN/中)
l Nov.27th 11月27日
Cheveu (FR/法)
Gate to Otherside/意外之门 (CN/中)
l Nov.28th 11月28日
Colt Silvers (FR/法)
Idiotape (KR/韩国)
l Nov.29th 11月29日
Fifi Rong (CN/中国)
AM444 (CN-NL/中国-荷兰)
Doors Open:
Pm 8
4 days Dongcheng Pass (Yugong Yishan, Dada, DDC): 400 RMB
Yugong Yishan (26th, 28th, 29th): 130 RMB presale / 180 RMB at the door each night
Except: Nov 27th: 80 RMB / 130 RMB
Dada: 27th 60 RMB / 28th and 29th: 80 RMB
DDC (27, 28, 29th): 60 RMB presale / 80 RMB at the door each night
Migas:(29th): DongDong closure party 60 RMB