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The 2016 Chinese New Year Formal
2016年2月20日 星期六 18:30 至 21:30
Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse (No.68 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing) 北京香港马会会所(北京市东城区金宝街68号)
主办方: The Oxford & Cambridge Club Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥300 - 399

The 2016 Chinese New Year Formal

价格: ¥300 - 399

The 2016 Chinese New Year Formal
2016年2月20日 星期六 18:30 至 21:30
Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse (No.68 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing) 北京香港马会会所(北京市东城区金宝街68号)
主办方: The Oxford & Cambridge Club Beijing 更多活动

价格: ¥300 - 399



The 2016 Chinese New Year Formal

2016年2月20日 星期六 18:30 至 21:30 Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse (No.68 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing) 北京香港马会会所(北京市东城区金宝街68号)

价格: ¥300 - 399

时间 地点

2016年2月20日 星期六 18:30 至 21:30

Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse (No.68 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing) 北京香港马会会所(北京市东城区金宝街68号) Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse (No.68 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing) 北京香港马会会所(北京市东城区金宝街68号)


主办方 联系主办方

The Oxford & Cambridge Club Beijing

The Oxford & Cambridge Club Beijing




浏览: 2,202


The OCCB Chinese New Year Formal


大家还记得当年在学校参加Chinese New Year Formal时的情景吗?今年,OCCB将在北京重现当年的光景!快来加入我们一起庆祝中国的传统新年和元宵节,一起猜灯谜,在感受中国传统文化的同时认识新朋友吧!今年的OCCB新春晚宴将于220日晚于北京著名的香港马会会所举办。

Do you miss the Chinese New Year Formals you attended at Cambridge or Oxford? This year we bring it back to Beijing! For OCCB members, celebrating the festival together would be fun, allowing us to enjoy Chinese culture and socialise. On 20th February, OCCB will hold our Chinese New Year Formal Dinner with riddle games at the prestigious Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse.



Venue: Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse (No.68 Jinbao Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing)


The Hong Kong Jockey Club has a rich history spanning 127 years and in 2008, the first Membership Clubhouse outside of Hong Kong opened its doors in China’s capital city, Beijing. Since then, the Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse has been welcoming Members from Hong Kong and all over Mainland China.



The magnificent Beijing Clubhouse is situated in the prestigious Wangfujing area in the heart of Beijing city. Fully-equipped with modern facilities, the 38,000 sq m Clubhouse is built to the highest international hospitality standards to satisfy the discerning needs of our esteemed Members.

马会远景 The view of Beijing Hong Kong Jockey Club Clubhouse


以牛剑传统正式晚宴呈现 Oxbridge Formal Style

内景 Inner View

马会入口 The Entrance

庭院夜景 The Garden


Time: 18:30 ~ 21:30, 20th Feb 2016 



Dress Code: Gentlemen: Formal; Ladies: Ball Dress (Chinese Traditional Preferred).



Please note that OCCB has a strict no-refunds policy.

票价包含时长3个小时的酒水套餐(包含红白葡萄酒、啤酒和软饮)。本次晚宴全部餐费由校友Harry Li 以个人名义特别赞助。

Ticket price includes a 3-hour free drink package including wine, beer and soft drink. All food in the dinner is at the courtesy of our generous alumni sponsor Mr Harry Li.

票价: 牛剑校友 300元/人(非牛剑校友 399元/人)。报名截止日为:2月16日。

Price: 300 RMB for Oxbridge Alumni and 399 RMB for guests. Ticket sales will close on 16th Feb 2016.


As the date is very close to the Chinese traditional Lantern Festival, we will put together a special riddle session with respect to the Chinese tradition. Please be prepared for the riddles as there are special prizes for winners!





18.30----19.30    签到&餐前酒会Registration & Pre-drink                               

19.30----21.00    开场演讲&正餐Opening Speech & Formal Dinner                           


21.00----21.30    灯谜 Riddles                                    




Please read!


1.  因场地所限,本次晚宴仅限制报名50。报名的校友需要在友付报名页面上填写如下信息:学校、学院、学位、毕业年份、工作职位。每位校友仅限携带一名宾客出席。报名时请一同填写宾客姓名。宾客不允许自行报名(报名会有审核)。


The event has very limited 50 places available for Oxford and Cambridge alumni only. Every alumni who are willing to participate must submit information of their university, college, degree, graduation year and occupation when complete registration through yoopay. Each alumnus may bring up to one guest to the event. Please state their names as well on the page. Guest shall not sign up by themselves.


2.  本次晚宴是按位上的精致中餐,共约9道菜(以当日菜单为准)。如对餐饮有特殊需求,烦请在报名页面中写出。

There will be around 9 courses for the dinner, and the dinner will be Chinese food (Menu to be finalised). If you have any dietary requirements, please state on the Yoopay page.


3. 特别鸣谢校友Harry Li对本次活动的大力赞助。

Special thanks to our alumni Harry Li, for his philanthropic sponsorship to this event.





