| EN
BORIS (上海 // Shanghai)
2015年3月13日 星期五 20:30 至 23:00
浅水湾文化艺术中心二楼小剧场(Q-House),普陀区宜昌路179号,近江宁路 // QSW Cultural Center, Q House. No. 179 Yichang Rd., nr. Jiangning Rd.
主办方: Split Works 更多活动

价格: ¥150

BORIS (上海 // Shanghai)

价格: ¥150

BORIS (上海 // Shanghai)
2015年3月13日 星期五 20:30 至 23:00
浅水湾文化艺术中心二楼小剧场(Q-House),普陀区宜昌路179号,近江宁路 // QSW Cultural Center, Q House. No. 179 Yichang Rd., nr. Jiangning Rd.
主办方: Split Works 更多活动

价格: ¥150

BORIS (上海 // Shanghai)

2015年3月13日 星期五 20:30 至 23:00 浅水湾文化艺术中心二楼小剧场(Q-House),普陀区宜昌路179号,近江宁路 // QSW Cultural Center, Q House. No. 179 Yichang Rd., nr. Jiangning Rd.

价格: ¥150

时间 地点

2015年3月13日 星期五 20:30 至 23:00

浅水湾文化艺术中心二楼小剧场(Q-House),普陀区宜昌路179号,近江宁路 // QSW Cultural Center, Q House. No. 179 Yichang Rd., nr. Jiangning Rd. 浅水湾文化艺术中心二楼小剧场(Q-House),普陀区宜昌路179号,近江宁路 // QSW Cultural Center, Q House. No. 179 Yichang Rd., nr. Jiangning Rd.


主办方 联系主办方

Split Works

Split Works

Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh SeesMac DemarcoShabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。

About Split Works:

Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.

Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.




浏览: 9,109

***Scroll Down For English***

《觉》音乐+艺术节 呈现:日本迷幻重型先锋Boris中国巡演

“这支日本三人乐队在重型音乐界中占有一席之地:每每在他们巨响音乐的冲击下,身体仿佛在发生奇妙的化学变化。” ——Pitchfork



Boris的团名来自Sludge MetalGrunge巨头Melvins的曲名,于1996年组建,活跃至今。他们曾与日本噪音巨匠灰野敬二、MerzbowMasonna同台演出,并推出现场录音合辑。06年与美国Drone Metal代表Sun O)))乐队的联名专辑《Altar》,更是被迷幻知音们奉为经典。

早期的Boris以团名的大小写来区分音乐方格:大写BORIS偏重激噪的、重型的、呐喊的的Drone Metal/Stoner Rock风格,其中《Heavy Rock》和《Pink》两张专辑为杰出的代表作;而小写boris则注重极简的、沉重缓慢的、极具实验美学的Experimental/Ambient风格,其中《Mabuta No Ura》和《Feedbacker》充分展现了乐队成员的作曲能力,营造出来的黑暗漂浮氛围令人窒息。但由于近年来的作品涉及多种风格,如此二元的简单区分已无法诠释他们的音乐。

2010年由中岛哲也指导的影片《告白》中,Boris低沉迷幻的歌曲几乎贯穿整部电影,展现了人性和灰暗深沈的气氛。原声带除了Boris,还选用了RadioheadThe XX的曲目。而再度出乎意料的是,2011年一口气发行了三张专辑《Heavy Rocks》、《Attention Please》和《New Album》的Boris,甚至吸纳了J-POP的流行旋律,让乐迷看到了他们充满热力的另外一面。2014年的新专《Noise》被乐队认为是最具代表性的作品,在这张专辑里,将Sludge-rock、急湍坚硬的朋克、迷人的Shoegaze、洪流厄运、迷幻巨浪等各种风格一网打尽。没错!他们早就告诉我们:BORIS are HEAVY ROCKS 



日期:2015313日 星期五









《觉》音乐+艺术节 官方网站:www.juefestival.com



觉 / JUE – 去感知 (接受5种感官的洗礼)

2009年诞生的《觉》音乐+艺术节,始终致力于帮助增强创意社团之间的交流。每年三月中旬的上海和北京,主办方Split Works“开功”将自己丰富的音乐资源与朋友们的艺术资源整合起来,呈现出一场多场馆多类型的音乐艺术盛筵。想亲身体验中国最有趣的创意景致?请来《觉》感受一整个星期吧!

“《觉》潜入城市的街头巷尾,发起了关于创意的火炬接力。全球最新锐的音乐人和艺术家,与扎根在本地的创意工作者走到一起,用创造力接通城市的脉搏,让整个城市,在有《觉》的日子里,实实在在地鲜活起来。” ——Jetty | 新浪微博音乐高级策划经理



JUE | Music + Art




“The Japanese trio have earned a seat at the pantheon of heaviness: the alchemy by which the act of listening to loud rock music is transformed into an encounter with the sublime.” – Pitchfork

The eclectic and prolific Japanese rock band Boris is coming to you, courtesy of JUE | Music + Art 2015. Composed of drummer/vocalist Atsuo, guitarist/vocalist Wata, and bassist/guitarist/vocalist Takeshi, Boris is best known for its monolithic sludge tracks, but incorporates a vast panorama of genres—from drone metal to pop—into an imposing, smoldering whole, ready to inundate you in an landslide of noise.

Taking their name from a song by The Melvins, Boris has existed in its current incarnation since 1996. Boris has supported many American bands on their tours of Japan, including The Melvins, Cows, Karp, Thrones, Fu Manchu, Blue Bird, and Pelican. They have performed with Merzbow, Masonna, and Keiji Haino, and later released these shows as collaboration albums. Boris as a band has two personas, one being "BORIS" in caps and the other being "boris" in lower case. “BORIS” albums such as Heavy Rocks and Pink have a distinct loud sonic, drawing influences from many heavy rock bands from the 1970's onwards, whereas “boris” albums have a more experimental aesthetic. Mabuta No Ura and Feedbacker show the members’ ability to write music that is distinctly their own, creating ambient soundscapes and often breaking convention with single songs that last over 40 minutes. Over the course of Boris’ trio of albums in 2011 (Heavy Rocks, Attention Please and New Album) the band sought to expand its musical vision ever further. The results helped redefine the band’s already iconoclastic sound.

The band frequently toured and collaborated with guitarist Michio Kurihara. Having been able to explore many new ideas as a quartet in recent years, the band was concerned about logistics. After a very successful series of residency shows and tour of the U.S., Boris returned to the simpler solid trio, without sacrificing artistic growth. In 2014, the band came out with Noise, the album Boris considers its most defining effort, which masterfully intermingles sludge-rock, blistering crust punk, shimmering shoegaze, epic thunderous doom, psychedelic melodies and just about everything else they’ve ever done. Now - having rebuilt the classic trio’s “equilateral triangle” - they’re heavier, louder, and more confident than ever before.

Show Details


Date: March 13, Friday

Door Time:20:30

Show Time: 21:00

Door: 180RMB

Presale: 150RMB

Venue: QSW Q-House

Address: 179 Yichang Lu, near Jiangning Lu, Putuo district. (普陀区宜昌路179号, 近江宁路)

* Pre-sales end on 12 noon, Mar. 13th, 2015

About JUE | Music + Art:

觉 / JUE – to sense (as in: an assault on all 5 senses)

JUE | Music + Art was founded in 2009 to bring the creative communities of Shanghai & Beijing closer. Every year since then, promoters Split Works have pooled their resources with those of their favorite friends from across the artistic spectrum to present a multi-venue, multi-disciplinary romp across the middle of March. If you want a snapshot of where China is creatively, you could do worse than spending a week at JUE | Music + Art. 

“JUE sneaks into the city streets and lights the creative torch ablaze. The freshest international artist and locally rooted creative join forces to switch on the creative pulse of the cities. When JUE is happening, the whole city seems alive” - Jetty @ Sina Weibo Music

We look forward to welcoming you…


JUE | Music + Art official website:www.juefestival.com

Boris Official Website: http://www.borisheavyrocks.com/


Split Works 演出预售票将通过唯一在线售票合作伙伴友付出售,友付作为国内领先的线上支付平台,提供安全和简单易用的双语票务支付服务。在除友付以外的线上平台购买的门票,我们将不负任何责任。





(友付支持银联、网上银行、Paypal, Visa, 万事达卡以及海外银行转帐)




Yoopay Ticketing Instructions

Yoopay is one of China’s leading event registration and payment platforms. Yoopay supports both local and foreign currency transactions, and issues electronic tickets.

This is how to purchase Split Works events tickets via Yoopay:

STEP 1. Select the default language on the Yoopay widget (English or 中文). Very important!

STEP 2. Select the number.

STEP 3. Hit “Register” Don’t worry about the word register.

STEP 4. Provide personal details requested and fill out ALL fields (otherwise you might not get your tickets!)

STEP 5. Please select your payment method.
(Yoopay supports Unionpay, Alipay, Paypal, Visa, MasterCard and overseas bank transfer)

STEP 6. You will be directed to a confirmation page, receive an email and a text message with your ticket information. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO BRING THIS TO THE EVENT, OTHERWISE THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY.

(We do not guarantee data connections at the venue AND we are not responsible for lost or forgotten proof of purchase)

If after reading these instructions you still have questions, please email us at tickets[at]spli-t[dot]com. We will respond to inquiries within 2 business days.





Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh SeesMac DemarcoShabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。

About Split Works:

Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.

Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.


