比尔•卡拉汉 Bill Callahan (北京 // Beijing)
2014年11月21日 星期五 21:00 至 23:30 愚公移山, 张自忠路3-2号,段祺瑞执政府旧址大门西侧 // Yugong Yishan, 3-2 Zhangzizhong Lu, Dongcheng District
价格: ¥100
2014年11月21日 星期五 21:00 至 23:30
Split Works
Split Works
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。
About Split Works:
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.
Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.
浏览: 9,805
**Scroll Down For English***
作为美国最传奇的歌手之一,Bill Callahan一直以来被誉为是这一时代的Leonard Cohen。—— The Telegraph
这一次,我们迫不及待地将Bill Callahan美妙的音乐分享给大家。这位以醇厚男中音迷倒众人的前Smog乐队主唱将会在北京、广州、武汉、宁波举行四城巡演,最后参加上海的当代变奏系列活动。Bill Callahan是一位多产的的美国创作型歌手,擅长以简约而深刻的旋律承载诗意清雅的歌词,与听众产生丰富的情感共鸣,我们亦能从他的作品中看到Leonard Cohen和Tom Waits的影子。Callahan这次的中国之行将偕同吉他手Matt Kinsey一起登台演出。
在美国的Lo-Fi/Indie圈,Smog无疑是个传奇的名字,乐队主脑Bill Callahan惯用一台家用四轨录音机录制的作品曾感动和启发了无数乐迷和乐手,而他之后与著名美国独立厂牌Drag City长久稳定的合作关系也成了独立界的一段佳话。自1988年出版首张卡带作品以来,Smog乐队共发表十多张专辑,作为低保真(Lo-Fi)音乐的代表,被载入独立音乐史册,低调神秘,特立独行。
在以Smog的名义做了20年音乐之后,Bill Callahan于2005年决定启用自己的本名发表作品。Callahan自己的音乐,和Smog时期多少有些不同。当年对四轨机的迷恋和固执,到现在被相对更好的录音所替代;从当年坚持用一种乐器演奏一支曲子,到现在略显丰富的配器;更重要的,是比起那些年的迷幻少年心气,如今忧郁敏感的低沉吟唱更加令人沉醉。不过,即便是这样,Bill Callahan的作品里依然延续着晚期Smog的作品里那些福音,灵魂以及流行音乐色彩。在大部分作品里,Callahan的个人音乐以原声音乐为主,配上坦诚深情的演唱,有时甚至加上优雅的弦乐伴奏。但他也时不时会给乐迷带来一些惊喜,比如在2011年的专辑《 Apocalypse》里,他就加入许多带有浓烈美国乡村和布鲁斯韵味的歌曲,而这不喜欢按理出牌的做法,正是使得Callahan可以从众多的创作歌手中脱颖而出,令人一听难忘的关键所在。
脱离Smog乐队之后的Bill Callahan会给我们带来什么不一样的惊喜呢?这也是最令人期待的。让我们演出现场见!
日期:11月21日 星期五
票价:130元(现场)/ 100(预售)
Split Works官方网站:http://www.spli-t.com
Bill Callahan 的Drag City主页:www.dragcity.com/artists/bill-callahan
关于Split Works
Split Works是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直和诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works已为Sonic Youth、Diplo、Owl City、Jose Gonzalez、Ghostface Killah、Andrew Bird等众多艺术家举办过中国及亚洲地区的演出,并成功举办了2007年 “十跃”音乐节以及2011年在北京上海跨城上演的黑兔音乐节。从2009年起,Split Works每年主办《觉》音乐+艺术节,今年六岁的《觉》是一个为期三周的,将北京和上海的创意艺术家和爱好者聚集在一起的开源城市音乐艺术节。
“One of America's most enigmatic singer-songwriters. Bill Callahan has frequently been hailed as the Leonard Cohen of his generation.” – The Telegraph
This is one we’ve been working on for a looooong time. At Split Works HQ, we cannot wait to share the beautiful music of Bill Callahan - once known as Smog - during a China tour that will span the cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Wuhan, and Ningbo. This prolific American singer-songwriter is known for setting poetic lyrics to a backdrop of simple yet profound melodies, sparking magical emotions in his listeners. Sometimes described as the “new Leonard Cohen” and often described as a “musician’s musician”, Bill will be accompanied by fellow guitarist Matt Kinsey onstage.
Bill Callahan’s singing is characterized by his striking baritone voice. Melodically and lyrically he tends to eschew the verse-chorus approach favored by many contemporary songwriters, preferring instead a more free-form approach that relies less on melodic and lyrical repetition. His generally dispassionate delivery of lyrics and dark irony often evoke complex emotional and lyrical twists and turns.
In the late 1980s, Callahan broke
into the music scene with a lo-fi style of underground rock, putting out homemade albums
recorded on four track tape recorders. He was a highly experimental artist,
using substandard instruments and recording equipment and much of his early
output was instrumental - a stark contrast to the lyrical focus of his later
work. After signing to the Drag City label, he started to use recording studios
and a greater variety of instruments for his records.
From 1993 to 2000, he recorded two albums with
the influential producer Jim O’Rourke and Tortoise’s John McEntire, and collaborated with Neil
Hagerty. After this, Callahan returned to a
slightly simpler recording style, while retaining the more consistent
songwriting skills he had developed over the years.
In 2007, Bill Callahan parted with the “Smog” moniker and released the album Woke On a Whaleheart under his own name. Since then, he has released four more albums – the last of which, Have Fun With God, came out in January 2014.
Split Works welcomes you to experience one of this autumn’s most anticipated shows of the season!
Show Information
Date: November 21, 2014 Friday
Venue: Yugong Yishan
Address: 3-2 Zhangzizhong Lu, Dongcheng District (东城区张自忠路3-2号)
Support: Bian Yuan (边远)
Door:130RMB // Presale: 100RMB* Pre-sales end on 23:30, Nov. 20th, 2014
About Split Works:
Split Works is a Beijing and Shanghai based concert promotion agency. Since 2006, we’ve been putting on killer parties and shows throughout Asia, working with brilliant artists from across the globe. In 2009, we launched JUE | Music + Art and also produce branded campaigns through our sister company, communications agency Splatter. We love China, we love music, we love you.
Split Works official website:www.spli-t.com
Drag City official Bill Callahan webpage: www.dragcity.com/artists/bill-callahan
Split Works 演出预售票将通过在线售票合作伙伴友付出售,友付作为国内领先的线上支付平台,提供安全和简单易用的双语票务支付服务。在除友付以外的线上平台购买的门票,我们将不负任何责任。
(友付支持银联、网上银行、Paypal, Visa, 万事达卡以及海外银行转帐)
Yoopay is one of China’s leading event registration and payment platforms. Yoopay supports both local and foreign currency transactions, and issues electronic tickets.
This is how to purchase Split Works events tickets via Yoopay:
STEP 1. Select the default language on the Yoopay widget (English or 中文). Very important!
STEP 2. Select the number.
STEP 3. Hit “Register” Don’t worry about the word register.
STEP 4. Provide personal details requested and fill out ALL fields (otherwise you might not get your tickets!)
STEP 5. Please select your payment method.
(Yoopay supports Unionpay, Alipay, Paypal, Visa, MasterCard and overseas bank transfer)
STEP 6. You will be directed to a confirmation page, receive an email and a text message with your ticket information. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO BRING THIS TO THE EVENT, OTHERWISE THERE WILL BE NO ENTRY.
(We do not guarantee data connections at the venue AND we are not responsible for lost or forgotten proof of purchase)
If after reading these instructions you still have questions, please email us at tickets[at]spli-t[dot]com. We will respond to inquiries within 2 business days.
Split Works开功 是一家基于上海和北京的外资音乐演出公司,一直与诸多国际品牌进行合作,始终围绕音乐、品牌、创意和青年文化组织和推广各类活动。2006年成立至今,Split Works共推出了5个音乐节品牌、覆盖30座城市的400多场巡演,并一直坚信并实践着:每一次音乐都必须是独特的。从Godspeed You! Black Emperor 到Sonic Youth,从Thee Oh Sees到Mac Demarco和Shabazz Palaces,从“黑兔”到《觉》音乐+艺术节,从“无解周末”到回声公园音乐节。我们热爱音乐,我们热爱中国,我们爱你。
About Split Works:
Split Works has been rocking in the free (ish) world since 2006. Working with inspirational artists from across the globe, the good people at Split Works HQ have been a key contributor to the continued rise of China’s music scene.
Split Works has launched five music festivals and promoted over 400 tours to 30 Chinese cities, always striving to stay true to a familiar refrain: the music has to be special, every single time. From Godspeed You! Black Emperor to Sonic Youth, from Thee Oh Sees to Mac Demarco and Shabazz Palaces, from Black Rabbit to JUE and Wooozy to Echo Park and More Music. We love music, we love China and we love you.