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Spittoon Literary Tour Beijing - Weekend Pass
2017年9月23日 星期六 13:00 至 9月24日 星期日 20:30
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Note: You can also buy tickets in person at The Bookworm, or reserve by emailing order@beijingbookworm.com or calling (10) 6503 2050.
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

(2) 人已报名

  • Linda Tan

  • Milena

价格: ¥150

Spittoon Literary Tour Beijing - Weekend Pass

价格: ¥150

Spittoon Literary Tour Beijing - Weekend Pass
2017年9月23日 星期六 13:00 至 9月24日 星期日 20:30
The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Note: You can also buy tickets in person at The Bookworm, or reserve by emailing order@beijingbookworm.com or calling (10) 6503 2050.
主办方: The Beijing Bookworm 更多活动

(2) 人已报名

  • Linda Tan

  • Milena

价格: ¥150

Spittoon Literary Tour Beijing - Weekend Pass

2017年9月23日 星期六 13:00 至 9月24日 星期日 20:30 The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Note: You can also buy tickets in person at The Bookworm, or reserve by emailing order@beijingbookworm.com or calling (10) 6503 2050.

价格: ¥150

时间 地点

2017年9月23日 星期六 13:00 至 9月24日 星期日 20:30

The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Note: You can also buy tickets in person at The Bookworm, or reserve by emailing order@beijingbookworm.com or calling (10) 6503 2050. The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Note: You can also buy tickets in person at The Bookworm, or reserve by emailing order@beijingbookworm.com or calling (10) 6503 2050.


主办方 联系主办方

The Beijing Bookworm

The Beijing Bookworm






浏览: 1,152

The Weekend Pass includes

1 - tickets for all events

2 - flow drinks at the party

3 - Spittoon Issue 2 Magazine

It is with great excitement and anticipation that the Spittoon Collective presents: The Spittoon Literary Tour – A Cross-Cultural Collaboration of Literature, Music and Art. 

The last two years have seen a wild ride of growth for Spittoon events from Spittoon Poetry; Spittoon Fiction; Spit-Tunes (our music and poetry collaboration night) and the upcoming Spittoon Poetry Slam night, to the major success of the Spittoon Literary Magazine, which launched its second issue at the 798 Art District earlier in May. We would like to thank our followers for their genuine support. 

The ethos of this tour is colllaboration and the celebration of the diversity of cultures and nations that Spittoon exemplifies. It will consist of 2 days worth of readings, talks and panel discussions. Now it’s time to begin the Spittoon Literary Tour!




September 23rd, SATURDAY

Poetry in Beijing: 1pm 

Panel discussion 3pm 

Poetry in Translation – 5pm

Spit-Tunes – 7pm 

Party 9pm - late

September, 24th SUNDAY

Literary Showcase– 2pm 

Fiction in Beijing 4pm

Literary quiz night – 6pm

9月24日 星期六





Party:9pm - 比较晚

9月24日 星期日




POETRY & FICTION READINGS: Eight of the best English-Language poets and fiction writers that Beijing has to offer, each give a reading of their latest work along with a short Q&A.

BOOKWORM LITERARY SHOWCASE: A special event focusing on some compelling topics - details to be released soon.

SPIT-TUNES: Features excellent poets working with 4 separate genres of music. All those who participate have been selected by Spittoon, then by musicians who take inspration from them. After one month of collaboration, the result is a song, based on the musician’s and writer’s individual style. The genres for this event are: Sax and guitar duo– Trip-Hop – Indie Acoustic – Jazz.

LITERARY QUIZ: Will be a fun and brain-tickling literary quiz organized and run by ex-Bookworm aficionado Anthony Tao with lots of Boozy prizes.

POETRY IN TRANSLATION: Presents 4 excellent Chinese poets, featured in our literary magazine, who will read their poetry with the English translation provided.

FESTIVAL PARTY: What kind of literary and arts organization would we be if we didn’t throw a massive party! We’ll throw a party for everybody complete with live music, DJs and great drinks for everybody to enjoy!!! 




文学知识竞赛:有趣而开启脑洞的文学知识竞赛,由获得众多奖项的诗人、前老书虫骨灰级书虫Anthony Tao/陶一星主持。








  • Linda Tan
  • Milena



