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Oxford new students' pre-departure information session in Shanghai
2015年7月27日 星期一 18:30 至 20:00
McKinsey & Company, Inc., 17F Platinum, No. 233, Tai Cang Road, 200020 Shanghai 中国上海市太仓路233号新茂大厦17层 200020
主办方: Oxford China Office and the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Shanghai 更多活动

价格: 免费

Oxford new students' pre-departure information session in Shanghai

价格: 免费

Oxford new students' pre-departure information session in Shanghai
2015年7月27日 星期一 18:30 至 20:00
McKinsey & Company, Inc., 17F Platinum, No. 233, Tai Cang Road, 200020 Shanghai 中国上海市太仓路233号新茂大厦17层 200020
主办方: Oxford China Office and the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Shanghai 更多活动

价格: 免费



Oxford new students' pre-departure information session in Shanghai

2015年7月27日 星期一 18:30 至 20:00 McKinsey & Company, Inc., 17F Platinum, No. 233, Tai Cang Road, 200020 Shanghai 中国上海市太仓路233号新茂大厦17层 200020

价格: 免费

时间 地点

2015年7月27日 星期一 18:30 至 20:00

McKinsey & Company, Inc., 17F Platinum, No. 233, Tai Cang Road, 200020 Shanghai 中国上海市太仓路233号新茂大厦17层 200020 McKinsey & Company, Inc., 17F Platinum, No. 233, Tai Cang Road, 200020 Shanghai 中国上海市太仓路233号新茂大厦17层 200020


主办方 联系主办方

Oxford China Office and the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Shanghai

Oxford China Office and the Oxford and Cambridge Society of Shanghai




浏览: 1,480

Do you have a conditional or unconditional offer to pursue an undergraduate or postgraduate course at the University of Oxford this autumn? Come to this orientation event and find out all you need to know to prepare for life at the city of dreaming spires, from student visas to preparing for your first tutorial. There will also be an opportunity to mingle with Oxford alumni for an insider guide to life as an Oxonian. 

The event in Shanghai is kindly hosted by Gordon Orr (Brasenose 1981) and McKinsey & Company and is co-organised by the Oxford China Office and Oxford and Cambridge Society of Shanghai




