[Book Talk] Meet Edward Slingerland, Author of Trying Not to Try: Early China, Modern Science and the Power of Spontaneity
2018年1月10日 星期三 19:30 至 21:00 The Bookworm Courtyard #4, South Sanlitun Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Phone: 10 6503 2050 老书虫 北京市朝阳区南三里屯路4号院 电话:10 6503 2050 Note: You can also buy tickets in person at The Bookworm, or reserve by emailing order@beijingbookworm.com or calling (10) 6503 2050.
价格: ¥50
2018年1月10日 星期三 19:30 至 21:00
The Beijing Bookworm
The Beijing Bookworm
浏览: 2,878
We’re typically taught that the best way to reach our goals or to be satisfied is to try harder or strive more intensely, but pushing harder is often actually counterproductive. Some of the most desirable states in life—happiness, attractiveness, physical efficacy in the world—are best pursued indirectly. This was recognized by early Chinese thinkers, both Daoists and Confucians, who embraced an embodied model of the self and focused on the power of wu-wei or “effortless action.” How, though, can a person try not to try? This paradox, which lies at the heart of tensions surrounding creativity, virtue, and trust, will be explored through the lens of ancient Chinese thought and modern cognitive science.
( Photo by Paul Joseph)
Edward Slingerland (http://eslingerland.arts.ubc.ca/) is Distinguished University Scholar and Professor of Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia, where he also holds appointments in the Departments of Psychology and Philosophy. Educated at Princeton, Stanford and UC Berkeley, he is an expert on early Chinese thought, comparative religion and cognitive science of religion, cognitive linguistics, and humanities-science integration. Dr. Slingerland is the author of several academic monographs, translations and edited volumes from Oxford and Cambridge University Press and approximately fifty book chapters, reviews, and articles in top academic journals in a wide range of fields. His first popular book, Trying Not To Try: Ancient China, Modern Science and the Power of Spontaneity (Crown 2014), ties together insights from early Chinese thought and modern psychological research.